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Reverie S01E03 – Press Release – Updated x2

artwork_002Reverie season 1, episode 3: “No More Mr Nice Guy”

Official Press Release:

06/13/2018 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Wednesday) : A family man robs banks in his Reverie and Mara (Sarah Shahi) must uncover the deeper reasons why. Mara’s derealizations put her life in danger. Dennis Haysbert, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Kathryn Morris and Jessica Lu also star.

Update (7th June):  For completeness I’ve added a short clip for this episode which was broadcast after episode two in the usual ‘next week on…’ slot.  The video is only 3o seconds long and has the credits running over it but it gives you some idea of content of this one.  No Kathryn.

Update 2 (8th June):  A couple more video clips from ‘No More Mr Nice Guy’ have been added.  The first focuses on Mara (Sarah) and her ‘derealizations’ (hallucinations outside the VR environment) and the second on Paul’s (Sendhil) childhood issues.

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Reverie S01E02 – Press Release And Promo? – Updated x3

artwork_002When is a preview video not a preview video?

Reverie_s01e02_previewStraight after the first episode of Reverie aired last week a short promo video was shown.  It is common practice for a teaser for the next episode to be shown at that time to make the audience go “ooh, that looks good, I must watch that.”

That’s what would normally happen, and for that very reason many have taken the video to be just that.  You’d think the words “This Season” near the start and the multitude of guest stars would be clues enough.  There almost certainly is a clip or two from ‘Bond. Jane Bond‘ in there, but it is not a trailer about the episode.

On the other hand the official press release for episode two is about it, whereas as the similar release for the pilot was more generic and didn’t mention the case of the week.

06/06/2018 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Wednesday) : When a client becomes addicted to a “Jane Bond” adventure, Mara (Sarah Shahi) must help her assemble the missing pieces in her life to save her. At the same time, Mara deals with the unanticipated side effects of Reverie. Dennis Haysbert, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Kathryn Morris and Jessica Lu also star.

Reverie_s01e02_clip_001Looks like we will get to see our first use of Onira-Tech’s VR technology for people to live out a fantasy life, in this case a James Bond-style action-filled adventure, instead of reliving a part of their real life.

There were promo images released for ‘Bond. Jane Bond‘ but none included Kathryn.  Hopefully that is a not an omen for the amount of Monica Shaw appears.

We have a longer version of the this latest promo video now in the KM UK the Gallery.Reverie_s01e02_clip_002

Update (5th June):  A clip from the show has been released showing Mara Kint (Sarah Shahi) entering the Reverie of the lady that is living out the Jane Bond-style fantasy. Hilarity ensues.  No Kathryn.  Check it out in the usual place.

Reverie_s01e02_clip_003Update 2 (5th June):  Another short video clip from this episode has been released.  This one sees Mara having the latest case, our ‘Jane Bond’, explained to her and she is introduced to her new office.  Still no Kathryn.  You know where to find the video.

Update 3 (6th June):  Guess what?  Yes, we have yet another short video clip from this episode.  Guess what?  Yes, Sarah Shahi stars.  Guess what?  Yes, Kathryn features strongly in this one.  Yay!  Mara sort of meets Monica for the first time.  Charlie brushes off her question about the mysterious lady and does much the same with Monica regarding Mara.

Shhh… Kathryn Is… Talking

promo_kathryn_morris_047Suddenly the word ‘reverie’ is all to apt.  We should all bask in the wonderfulness that is Kathryn smiling on camera.

Ladies and Gentlemen Kathryn is back.  Another set of Reverie-related videos have been released.  This time they are a key part of the Electronic Press Kit (EPK): the cast interviews.

trailer_007The TV networks put together videos made up of cast members answering various questions about the show, their character, and that character’s role in the show.  When you watch the video you’ll see it is quite crudely edited, with the sound dropping out on occasions.  Normally you’d just see one or two segments extracted from the cast interviews and broadcast as part of a promotional piece, and not the whole 4 minutes like this.

But watch it you must.  Kathryn talks about what drew her to the show and her Monica Shaw character, and the wider relevance of the show.  She also gives a few hints as to Monica’s motives for getting involved.

You just know that I’ve made some great screencaps of the video, and you won’t be disappointed.  The image above is particularly fine example.  Seem the all in their HD (720p) glory in the KM UK Gallery along with the video.

Kathryn Is… The Puppet Master

trailer_007_006When I say ‘Kathryn’ I of course mean Monica Shaw in the new TV show Reverie.  It is only a one week away now.

Another promo video has been released.  This one actually includes Kathryn!  Yay!

The caption calls Monica ‘The Puppet Master’ and we get see to her and Dennis Haysbert’s Charlie Ventana talking in a restaurant, as we’ve seen in photos released previously.  Monica works for the Department Of Defense and from the briefest of brief video clips is living up to that moniker (see what I did there? 😉 ).  She certainly pulls my heart strings 😉

trailer_007Charlie, an ex-cop brought in to deal with matters surrounding this magical VR company’s technology is ‘The Enforcer’.  Sarah Shahi’s Mara Kint, the ex-hostage negotiator sent in the ‘dreams’ to help those trapped, is ‘The Healer’.  Jessica Lu’s tech genius VR creator Alexis is ‘The Boss’. Which just leaves Sendhil Ramamurthy as Paul the dream designer or ‘The Gatekeeper’.

Check out this latest video, number 7 titled ‘Meet The Team’, in the KM UK Gallery.  I’ve even thrown in a few HD (720p) screencaps of Kathryn from it.  Lucky you!

Yet Still Another Reverie Promo Video: Sneak Peek v2

trailer_006With just over a week to go until Reverie‘s much anticipated (in these parts anyhow) premiere we have another promotional video.

It is a second ‘sneak peek’ of the series, rather than the first episode.  Much of the content is clips from the show you’ve seen before but this one does include short snippets from interviews with a few of the main cast.  This time it is just Sarah Shahi, Dennis Haysbert and Sendhil Ramamurthy giving us the soundbites.  Still no sign of Kathryn.

However, I can make up for a that with some updated promo photos.  Whereas some sites will just give you the first thing they find (often from this site) KM UK always strives to bring you the biggest and best quality images, even if that involves going back and updating things.

The first image below is a tighter shot of one of the season promos we saw recently.  It is bigger and better quality, and not just a crop of what we had before.  The other three are new super-sized, updated versions of the episode 1 promos.  What a great way to start the week!

This latest video and updated images are now in the KM UK the Gallery.

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