
March 2025
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1 Day In Paris (with Kathryn)


What is going on?!?!

Basically nothing for months and then the past week happened!

Quite often on YouTube I find videos that mention Kathryn.  Either it is a different K. Morris or some automated news item/collection of pictures put together to make a video.  Not what we’re after here.

This morning, this appears.  The YouTube account is brand new, just a few days old with only a handful of videos added so far.  KM UK was the first to view them.  Apart from the name ‘deep into food show’ I have no information about who this man is.  Any suggestions are welcome.  We don’t know when the video was shot either.

So, Kathryn us sharing some food at a street-side café in Paris and someone is filming it.  Not sure what else I can add to that.

Plus, Kathryn, if you are going to visit this side of ‘the pond’ at least pop over to England and say hi.  Next time, right?  Right…?

A small copy of the entire video is in the Gallery and some screencaps have been included to.  You can watch it on YouTube HERE.

What is going to happen tomorrow?

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Reverie S01E10 – Preview Video + Promo Photos

artwork_002Looks like we’re only going to be seeing Kathryn in six of the 10 episodes in Reverie‘s first season.  No news yet on whether there will be a second.

Reverie_s01e10_previewKathryn did not feature in this week’s episode, number 9 called ‘The Key’.  However, the post-show preview for the season finale gave us a glimmer of hope for the next.  And I do mean a glimmer.  It is a blink and you’ll miss it moment about 10 seconds into the half-minute long clip.  The video is now in the Gallery.  Any promotional photos will be added if/when they are released.

The press release for the upcoming episode mentions one of the team being kidnapped.  You can work out which person it is from the clip without too much difficulty.  Looks like Kathryn’s Monica Shaw is roped in to help out.

See the last episode next week.

Update:  Five, yes 5!, promo photos from Point Of Origin that include Kathryn have been released.  That does suggest she will be in the episode a reasonable amount. See all five, count ’em, in the Gallery now. Expect bigger and better versions soon.

Update (3 August):  As promised the promo photos have all been upgraded to versions that are significantly bigger.  Enjoy.

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Reverie S01E09 – Preview Video + Clip

artwork_002Unfortunately my prediction about the lack of Kathryn in episode 8 of Reverie, ‘Despedida’, came to pass.  Sorry about that, I’ll try and do better for you this time.

Reverie_s01e09_previewKathryn will definitely, almost certainly, possibly, maybe be in the next episode.  It is called ‘The Key’ and will be on US televisions next week.  It is also the penultimate episode.  Kathryn is not in the preview video though.  See it in the Gallery now.

Without spoiling it for anyone that hasn’t seen it, ‘Despedida’, made references to the military’s use of the Onira-Tech’s VR technology.  It was a good reference.  It was very much an angry one too.

Reverie_s01e09_clip_001That and the press release for ‘The Key’ stating the team has to work together gives me a bit of hope we’ll be getting some Monica Shaw of the DoD before the season ends.

Update (1st August):  A 3 minute-long clip from this episode has now been added to the Gallery.  It shows Sarah Shahi’s Mara explaining to the team what happened to her at the end of the previous episode.  Kathryn does not feature.

Reverie’s Time Has Come In The UK

artwork_006Just over a month ago KM UK brought you the news of Reverie coming to the UK.  It turned out to be something of an exclusive report.

We had the channel (SyFy) and the date (August 2nd) for the première of season one on this side of the pond.  Previously I’d written that this would be very soon after the show ended in the America.  That was before I’d realised the 4th of July holiday week would delay the finale by a week, which will cause a small overlap.

Now we have a time of day and an additional promo video to go with it, though KM UK is a little late in bring this to you as there have been more pressing matters.

trailer_008So, those in the UK who want to watch Reverie and have access to the SyFy channel set your alarms for 9pm, a week on Thursday.  Plus, be prepared for a late night because they are starting with a double bill.  That’s right, back-to-back Reverie episodes one and two.

I feel that the promo videos that SyFy has put together are definitely playing up an aspect of the show, perhaps because they are a more specialist channel where as NBC in the US is more mainstream.  The new one builds on the first one, with a bit less of the Better Off Ted-style fake corporate video and more of a darker elements of the stories.  The butterfly features a lot again.

To recap:  Reverie, UK SyFy channel, 9pm, Thursday 2nd of August, two episodes.

The new video is, of course, in the KM UK Gallery HERE.

Reverie S01E08 – Preview Video

artwork_002We got quite a lot of Kathryn in the last episode of Reverie.  Perhaps as punishment for that the powers that be are leaving us guessing as to how much we’ll see of her in the next.

Reverie_s01e07_previewThe promo video broadcast in the regular ‘next week on…’ post-episode, as the credits roll slot did not feature Monica Shaw of the DoD, increasingly that should be DoC – Department Of Charlie :-)  A copy of said trailer is now in the Gallery as you’ve come to expect.  Nor does Kathryn make it into any of the promo photos or teaser clips released either.  We may have to steel ourselves for another Monica-free zone like ‘Pas de Deux’.  More like Pas de Na-huh!

As covered in the press release, Reverie episode 8, ‘Despedida’, is due for broadcast this coming Wednesday, the 25th of July.

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