
March 2025
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KM Is Ready For Halloween, Are You?

stars_dress_up_for_halloween_011Is there no end to the material from this event? have put together a video of kids and celebs talking about what they are doing for Halloween.  Kathryn was amongst the grown-ups interviewed on the red carpet of the recent Environmental Media Association Awards their take on it.

In the Gallery is a video clip of the few seconds Kathryn features in the piece and a handful of Full HD (1080p) screencaps from it.  Here’s what Kathryn says:

“If I go to any crazy parties it’s going to be on my friend’s cul-de-sac with his three kids because I love seeing his three kids get dressed up.  It’s all about the kids… and the candy!”

Thanks to Karen for finding it for us all to see.

Speaking of Halloween: if you have any Kathryn-related, Halloween-themed Fan Art please contact me so I can add it to the Gallery.

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Global Warming Reaches New High – Update x13

arrivals_004Kathryn attended, and presented an award at, The Environment Media Association Awards again last night (16 October 2010).

This is the 20th running of the event and Kathryn’s 3rd appearance.  I can safely say that she has never looked better at this event.  The two previous times were, in my opinion, rare fashion misses for Ms. Morris.  Not this year.  She looked amazing in a small blue dress.

Is that the hint of a tan?  The remnants of the one tan she was sporting in the recent Moneyball filming photos perhaps?

With the chill in the increasingly autumnal British air and environmental issues causing events like this, suddenly global warming doesn’t seem such a bad idea :-)

Various images and videos have been added to the Arrivals, On Stage, Backstage and Video sub-albums of the 20th Annual Environment Media Association Awards entry in the Gallery.

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Jack Goes Boating With Kat, Again – Update

jack_goes_boating_premiere_011I could have just added these as an update to the earlier post but I felt that they deserved to get their time at the top of the page.

4 really big images of Kathryn at this event have been added to the Gallery. The first is an update to the last one previously posted (number 10), a definite favourite around these parts.  The other 3 (11-13) are new.  She was lovely before.  She’s even lovelier now 😉

Appropriately massive thanks to Z.

Just for the hell of it I’ve also done some screencaps of the interview video.  Sadly, even with the best quality source available the caps are not great quality.

Update: A 2nd video of Kathryn being interview at this event has been added to the Gallery.  Kathryn talks further about working with Brad.  The large watermark across the middle, and the poor image quality of even the best version available, mean I won’t bother with screencaps.  Thanks to Karen for the heads-up.

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AXN Cold Case S4 Interview

wowow_cast_interview_kmOnce again I find myself humbled by the generosity of visitors to my little site.  Whether it be information, news, pictures, videos or just a quick comment, this site would be so much less without your contributions.

A wonderful example of this is Nobu, on other side of the world from me, very kindly sending me a copy of this video being broadcast in Japan at the moment.  The video is a brief interview with Kathryn to promote the broadcasting of CC season 4 due to start next week on the AXN cable channel in Japan.  Nobu informs me that the WOWOW satellite channel in Japan is currently showing season 6.

The video is very much the Kathryn we know and adore, very funny and cute, talking about Lilly and her (lack of) love life.

In the Gallery you will now find slightly shrunk in size but full-length version of the interview and a set of full-sized screencaps.

One thing that is not clear is when the interview took actually place.  Nobu thinks the interview is likely to have been recorded in 2008 when WOWOW broadcast season 4, which makes sense.  If you have any thoughts or information on that please do let us know in the comments.

Uncountable thank yous to Nobu.

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1 Dress For Sale: Slightly Worn – Update x2

buzz_girls_timeless_style_fashion_show_001Remember the green dress Kathryn wore at the The Buzz Girls Timeless Style Fashion Show event?  Of course you do.  Well, now you can buy it.  We are talking about the actual dress that Kathryn wore on the catwalk, as seen in photos previously posted here in the Gallery

The Trésor de Vintage emerald green, 1950s party dress is up for auction with 50% of the proceeds going to The Joyful Heart Foundation.  You can find the sale here on eBay.  Place your bids now!

Whilst on this subject I’ve added a set of screencaps and a small “Maximum Morris” video from a TV Guide video of the event to the Gallery. Thanks to mhhope for posting the video.

Update: The original auction closed and it has been re-listed starting at the lower price of $200 (US), here.

Update 2: The second auction closed last week and the dress has been re-listed yet again at the same $200 price.  See here.

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