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Paper Dragons

box_art_001This past week has seen the worldwide release of the latest in the Bourne series of movies.  It has taken the box office lead from the hugely successful The Dark Knight Rises.

Jeremy Renner (28 Days Later and Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol) plays the lead character in The Bourne Legacy.  He is not, however, Jason Bourne.  Rather than cover the loss of Matt Damon by just having a different actor play Bourne they’ve created a new character, Aaron Cross, and devised a scenario whereby Cross is dealing with the legacy (I see what they did there) of events from the previous film.  It’s still very much a Bourne film in style though.

Renner is already a successful actor having worked in many big films but has yet to receive the widespread recognition that a role like leading a Bourne movie will bring him.  The kind of press attention that a summer blockbuster gets will inevitably include a re-evaluation of Jeremy’s career to date.  They will pour over his body of work to determine what kind of actor he his, whether Bourne suits him, and if he will become a new sought-after ‘A-lister’.

One film that is very unlikely to get a mention in those retrospectives is: Paper Dragons.

But what, I hear you ask, do this have to do with Kathryn?

Continue reading »

Kathryn @ EMAs – October 2007

6571It’s just typical of these Hollywood types!

They hold a big event to try and convince the hoi polloi (that’d be us) to do our bit for the environment.  And what happens?  Some of them decide to cause a bit of localised warming and some rising of… ‘c’ levels.  As I said: typical!  😉

70Back in 2007 Kathryn attended the 17th Annual Environmental Media Association Awards in California.  She made an eye catching entrance on the back of a scooter with her then-boyfriend David Barrett.  This was the first of three such appearances at the EMA to date that we know of.

73Two years later the 2nd was less successful, sartorially speaking.  As for the 2010… well, let’s just say the mercury was boiling that day! 😮

This set continues our recent theme of Kathryn’s 2007 public appearances, with the extra element of this being an awards event.

We now have an additional 23 photos of Kathryn on the red carpet.  Plus, just for a change, we have 3 videos from it too.  All are now in the Gallery.

Kathryn @ 59th Annual Primetime Emmys 2007 – The Rest Of The Night

press_room_12Careful Kathryn there’s some Pino on your arm.

We will continue our 2007 updates with a second post covering the Primetime Emmy Awards of that year in a moment, but first we need to add something that got missed off from the previous update.

press_room_17I’d forgotten that I had a video of Kathryn being interviewed on the red carpet stashed away waiting for an appropriate time to post it.  Last week would have been that time.  Doh!  It’s the usual sort of chit-chat about the dress etc. but does include Kathryn’s thoughts on the then upcoming season 5 of Cold Case.  The video now is in the Gallery.

And back to our regularly scheduled update…

Last time out it was Kathryn on the red carpet.  Now we move on to the show itself, into the backstage area, the post-show press room and an after party.  Photos aplenty.  And a video!

press_room_17Ms Morris and Mr Pino presented two awards together and we have video to prove it.  Once off stage they were photographed together in the press room.  We already had quite a few photos of the pair of them larking about for the snappers but we’ve super-sized four of them and added a further 24 for your viewing pleasure!

But that’s not it.  We also have an additional shot of Kathryn and Danny backstage and one of Kathryn attending the Governor’s Ball after party.

For the some of the larger sized images we have to say a big thank you to our friends at Danny Pino Online.

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KM UK Promo Video FTW

A bit of blatant self-publicity disguised as bigging-up a fellow fan :-)

Prolific YouTube user Katie (previously mentioned here) has managed to tear herself away from making videos counting down to Kathryn’s birthday to put together a video specially for KM UK.  The 90 second piece outlines the many great aspects of KM UK that you’ve come to know and love.

Called Kathryn Website! you can find Katie’s video on her Kathryn Morris FTW YouTube channel.  A copy will be added to the as-yet unopened Fan Art Videos section of the KM UK Gallery in an upcoming Fan Art update.

Thanks to Katie for creating the video for us.

Moneyball Deleted Scene Preview

screenshot_001Xmas has come early this year :-)  So much for having a quiet few days 😕

I’ve managed to get hold of a short preview of a deleted scene from the forthcoming Moneyball DVD, due out in early January.  In the scene Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) and his wife Tara (Kathryn) share a meal in a restaurant.  Billy is talking about work and Tara is being supportive.  It’s sweet.  Looks like being Mrs Brad Pitt agrees with Kathryn 😛

At this stage I don’t know if there will be other scenes starring Kathryn on the DVD or Blu-ray.  Hopefully they will be more and they will be in HD.  We’ll have more news on that at a later date.  For now you’ll just have to manage with the small video and screencaps you can now find in the Gallery.

As posted about previously Moneyball is due for release on DVD and Blu-ray in America on the 10th of January.

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