This so-called holiday season is proving to be anything but for us here at KM UK 😕 Busy, busy, busy.
Last week it was the first look at a promotional photo from The Sweeter Side Of Life along with the announcement of the première date.
This week it’s the first trailer.
Spoiler Alert. It’s a given that a trailer for a film will divulge certain details, but in this case a warning is definitely warranted. If you wish to keep a little mystery in your relationship with this movie you should probably not watch the video. It is, metaphorically at least, putting-out on the first date. Until the full film is released we won’t know for sure but the whole plot appears to have been encapsulated in just under 3 minutes of footage. Don’t come crying to us if you regret watching it. We’d expect the trailer that appears on TV prior to the broadcast to be less… comprehensive.
Anyway, The Sweeter Side Of Life looks like far more of a comedy than KM UK thought it would and could be far more entertaining than we feared. Kathryn gets to do a bit of slapstick comedy and is covering a lot of other character traits. We’re not sure we’ve ever seen so many hairstyles on one person in such a short space of time. Plus, the blue dress from the promo photo makes an appearance 😀 How many looks? 
Roll on January 19th.
The video is now available in the Gallery along with some screencaps from it. Enjoy. Let us know what you think. Does it make you want to see the film or not?
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