
March 2025
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EMAs 2010 Update 2

arrivals_085I could have sworn I’d posted an update on this event relatively recently.  Turns out it was back in October 2011.

Looking back at that post I was tempted just to copy it in its entirety, tweak the dates a little, and pass it off as new.  The content is still applicable today: we still miss Kathryn, the Environment Media Association Awards happened again in mid-October, and Kathryn did not attend to our knowledge.

As the weather continues its plunge towards winter I thought it was a good time to bring a little heat to KM UK.  Few things embody heat that Kathryn at the EMAs in 2010.  Phew! Wot a scorcher!

KM UK’s Gallery already has very comprehensive coverage of Kathryn’s arrival, on stage presenting, and backstage posing at the event.  Videos included.  Today we make it even more comprehensive-er by adding 15 more arrival photos and two more videos!

The first video is another red carpet interview (our 4th) in which Kathryn espouses the virtues of more efficient home appliances and using solar power generators at work.  Of course in the winter she could just raise the temperature of a room by walking in to it 😛  If it is too hot for you, crank up the AC or open a window.

A more general series of shots presented by Toyota (you can just about make out their sponsorship logos in the photos if you can see past the beauty) of the event make up the second video.  Kathryn appears briefly.

So, that’s 15 more photos, 2 videos and HD (720p) screencaps from the first first now in the Gallery.  Enjoy.

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Xen Talks The Protocol At NY Comic Con

on_set_012The actress and acting coach Xen Sia attended the recent New York Comic Con event to promote a new comic book called Treadwater, aka TRDWTR.

Although Treadwater exists as a traditional comic book, and there is an animated series and much cross-media material (videos, websites etc.), they are using real-life actors to portray the characters in promotional material.  Xen is one of them.  There is also talk of Treadwater becoming a live action TV series.

As part of her endorsement work at the NY Comic Con Xen was interviewed by Michael Artsis for the BeTerrific!! (their exclamation marks) website.  During the chat she also talked about another new project: The Protocol.  Regular readers will know a pilot for this possible TV series was filmed in the summer of 2013, with Kathryn making an appearance whilst she was heavily pregnant with her twin boys.  The photo above was taken on the set during filming.  Xen makes reference to Kathryn’s character, who we know to be called Grace, also being pregnant.  I’m not sure that was quite the coincidence that Xen implies.

Just a few weeks ago I reported on The Protocol‘s increasing presence on IMDb, suggesting there is a move to make the show happen.  Whether it will or not is another matter.

Xen Sia at NY Comic ConThe Protocol is set in a not too distant future when the government mandates that all citizens take drugs, the titular ‘Protocol’, to control behaviour.  None compliance sees you banished to a dystopian realm.

During her discussion Xen makes much of praising Kathryn for her work so far in the likes of Cold Case as well as her nurturing attitude towards an upcoming actress.  Xen says the sort of things that we, as fans and followers of Kathryn, would completely expect her to say about Kathryn.  It’s all good.

A video of the interview can be seen on YouTube here.  A small copy has been added to the KM UK the Gallery.  Talk about The Protocol starts at around the 4 minute mark for those wishing to skip ahead.

The Coin On Set Interview With Kathryn – Update

exclusive_interview_screenshot_001This is a nice little surprise.

We’re in danger of becoming this site dedicated to the short film The Coin and a Fabien Martorell appreciation society, but that’s OK.

Today we have to thank Fabien for posting a video taken on the set of The Coin when it filmed back in the summer of 2012.

The video, hosted on Vimeo here, sees Kathryn explaining her reasons for taking on the role of the under stress mother.  Christopher Lloyd also makes a brief appearance.

It is so nice to see Kathryn on screen again like this, even if it is so brief.

Update: A copy of the video and screencaps from it have been added to the Gallery.  The video page includes a transcript of what Kathryn says to help any one wanting to translate it into their native language.

Hell Swarm

hell_swarm_31It’s a double bank holiday weekend so prepare for rain.

Going through my very long to-do list for KM UK I realised that I have never written here about Hell Swarm, despite screencaps from it being in the Gallery from day one.  It’s been a while since the last one so it is time for another of my “it’s been in the Gallery from the beginning but I’ve never written about it here” posts.

I sat down to write a lengthy review of it, and even re-watch the film if necessary, and then I realised that I’d written a review ages ago for the Look Again Cold Case fan site.  So, along with having the screencaps already, I don’t need to write anything new.  Result! :-)  It turned into a Good Friday after all :-)

You can read my particularly entertaining take on Hell Swarm HERE.

However, to prove I’ve done something new for this post I have sweetened the deal a little with a set of small video clips and a couple of miscellaneous images.

All the Hell Swarm goodness/badness can be found in the Gallery.

Oh yes, Happy Easter/Friday/Saturday.

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Kathryn @ Toyota Pro/Celeb Race Day – April 2007

toyota_race_day_26Oops!  I’m sure that’ll polish right out!  😯

That was from the practise day so no worries.

Three weeks after the training it was race day.  On this day (14th Apr) in 2007 (it was a Sunday that year) Kathryn took part in the Toyota Pro/Celebrity race in aid of the Racing For Kids charity that supports local children’s hospitals.  Last year we brought you a photo of Kathryn and George Lucas visiting one of those hospitals that receives funding a few days before the race.

As well are four more photos from the weekend we have two videos.  One is from the practise day.  The second a longish highlights show covering the race.  Kathryn features multiple times in both videos so try and watch them all the way through.  Find it all in the KM UK Gallery.

Thanks to Jan Wagner at the Automatters website for allowing KM UK to post their photos.

In the race Kathryn finished a creditable 13th out of the 17 taking part.  Not bad on her first ever race.  Dave Mirra (BMX racer) won outright despite coming up through the field from 30 seconds behind with the other Pros Bucky Lasek (X Games winner) and Scott Kelly (drag racer).  Tennis legend and returnee to the event, Martina Navratilova, was 2nd (1st celeb) and Joshua Morrow (The Young And The Restless) was third.  George Lucas continued to disappoint in spectacular fashion by crashing out and taking innocent victim Annamarie Dean (charity fund raiser) with him.  Kathryn and Emily Proctor (CSI: Miami) weren’t able to put the first part of their evil plan into play.  We don’t know if the managed the second part.  Watch the video to find out more.

The 2014 version of the event happened yesterday (13th April) and was won by returnee Brett Davern, who finished 2nd last year.  Brett will be known to Cold Case viewers as Lilly Rush’s half-brother Finn Cooper.  Currently Brett can be seen in the TV show Awkward. (with a full-stop).

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