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Cold Case S02E23 – The Woods Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E23_lilly_223Summer is not officially over in the UK and the English summer has rallied somewhat as we entered October.  Still, after five months we have finally come to the end of KM UK’s Summer Of HD 2013.  We’re going out in style though.

Normally I’d give a short précis of the episode here but this is The Woods.  ‘Nuff said.

405 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps and 3 promo stills from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

Join us in 2014 for the next instalment.

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Cold Case S02E22 – Best Friends HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E22_lilly_105The case in Best Friends was one of the oldest that Cold Case covered in its 156 episodes.  It is also one of the fans favourites and is often cited for the emotional effect on the viewers.

An old pickup truck raised from the depths of a river brings a secret to the surface from its 73 year water grave.

A missing girl from 1932 makes this one of the very oldest cases the CC squad ever tackled

124 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S02E21 – Creatures Of The Night HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E21_lilly_017This episode kind of has it all.  The writer and producers must have had some fun with this one.

Creatures Of The Night, the latest entry in KM UK’s Summer Of HD 2013, was the first time that Cold Case had done an episode that was quite so themed.  The only thing missing was the characters singing all their dialogue Buffy-style!

The crime up for re-investigation was the murder of a cinema doorman in 1977.  On the night in question the movie being shown at the theatre was The Rocky Horror Picture Show, one of a small number of films known to get a lot of audience participation at any screening.

What really makes the whole thing a real fan-fest is the inclusion of Barry Bostwick (Spin City) as a jailed serial killer.  Barry was, of course, in the 1975 Rocky Horror film used as the backdrop for this episode.  He will be forever linked to Rocky Horror but Barry has had a very successful and varied career, including 6 seasons as the Mayor of New York in the very popular sitcom Spin City.

140 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S02E20 – Kensington HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E20_lilly_012James Hogan from Sherry Darlin’ (season 1, episode 9) requests an audience with her Lillyness.  She grants his wish.  Well, she visits him in jail for Kensington, the latest edition of KM UK’s Summer Of HD for 2013.

Hogan’s turned informer on a now released fellow inmate who confessed in a group therapy session to a crime in 2005.  As it happens the victim was Hogan’s uncle, who lived in the Kensington area of Philly like James, and the perp stole money from his dead body.  What was thought to be a murder as part of a basic robbery just became something else.

208 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps and a promo still (below right) from the episode are now in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S02E19 – Strange Fruit HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E19_lilly_11518 down and only 5 to go in the KM UK Summer Of HD 2013.

Will’s first cold case, and he wasn’t even a copper at the time.  Strange Fruit tells the story of a black teenager killed in 1963, around the time that Martin Luther King gave his “I have a dream” speech.  The 50th anniversary of that event was marked just a few weeks ago.

Jefferies (Thom Barry) was 12 when he found the body of Zeke Williams in an alleyway playground.  Zeke and his parents had recently moved to Philly for his father’s work as an aerospace engineer.  His senior position put him at odds with his white co-workers.  Zeke is growing up in a world where people like King are speaking out.  Things are changing.  Too quickly for some.  Too slowly for others.

152 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.  The image above will, of course, be seen on a Facebook page near you soon :-)

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