
March 2025
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Cold Case S03E18 – Willkommen Photos Update

s03e18_still_001Willkommen to a new post on KM UK.  I what is increasingly inaccurately called ‘a slightly different one this week’ we have a new set of high quality, large sized promo photos, rather than new HD screencaps.  Today marks the 15th birthday of this 18th episode of Cold Case season 3 first aired in 2006.

Will is absent from these images so I guess he is not so… kommen.  I’ll get my coat.

Actors often talk of dying on stage and the superstitions around the theatre (not saying the name of the ‘Scottish play’ etc.).  This episode is not going to help with either anxiety, when the squad open a then 4-year old case about the death of an amateur actor.

As you can see around this article there are 4 new photos from this episode now in the Gallery.  Can I just add one last thing: Perfectly Marvelous.

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Cold Case S03E16 – One Night Photos Update

still_009A slightly different one this week.  For a start, no new HD screencaps.  For ‘One Night’ (episode 16 of Cold Case season 3) we brought you those a while back.  They’re still in the Gallery for your enjoyment.  Secondly, ‘One Night’ is one of those few episodes with a live victim.  An unidentified man presents himself to the police admitting to an earlier killing.  During interrogation our suspect begins to get into the heads of the detectives.  Creepy.

Last of the differences is that instead of new screencaps we have new and updated high quality promo/still photos.  Number 5 is bigger than before, the rest are new.  All are high resolution.  To mark the 15th anniversary of this episode airing for the first time on US TV those images can now be found in the the Gallery.

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Cold Case S03E15 – Sanctuary Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_s03e15_1080p_085This was quite a Scotty (Danny Pino) focused episode, as it related to a old undercover job he had in a previous role with the vice squad.  Doesn’t mean we can’t get our regular fix of Kathryn as Lilly though.

After the broken up schedule over Xmas, the new year, and the first few months of a that new year, Cold Case gets into a run of new episodes starting here.  ‘Here’ being the 12th of March 2006.  And here we are 15 years later looking back at Sanctuary from season 3 of the show.

There is now a comparatively modest 137 (Full HD, 1080p) new screencaps in the Gallery.

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Update (18th March 2021): In the haste to get this article posted originally, a couple of large sized promo photo updates were missed out. The Promos & Stills album in the Gallery now has an improved version of image number 2 and a new 3rd image.

Cold Case S03E14 – Dog Day Afternoons Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_s03e14_1080p_146After the usual early year hiatus Cold Case returned to season 3 in late February 2006, 15 years ago today (26th Feb), with ‘Dog Day Afternoon’. KM UK returns with its on-going series of image updates.  The story of this episode involves a group of masked (at least they are complying with current regulations!) bank robbers seemingly revisiting the scene of a previous crime.  The case of the death of a young bank teller in 2000 is re-opened by Lilly and the gang.

Speaking of Lilly, hardly a surprise as this site is practically all about her, she re-opens a case of her own.  More of a pandora’s box than an evidence box.  And it is clearly a crime of passion.  Ray the motorcycle man rides back into town.  But does he get back in to Lilly’s… good books?

Hoping to improve your dog day of an afternoon are 288 (Full HD, 1080p) new screencaps in the Gallery.

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Stand-ins – Credit Where Credit Is Due

Stand-ins_061Sometimes you don’t get the credit you deserve.  Sometimes someone takes credit for your work.  And then there’s the film business, where you get the credit but somehow it is still not you.

All of which fits in so very well with the topic of the film we are going to talk about here.

Stand-ins_002Stand-ins is a 1997 film starring Jordan Ladd (Death Proof), Daphne Zuniga (Spaceballs), and Katherine Heigl (Grey’s Anatomy).  It is very play-like with just a small number of characters mostly in a single setting.  Our leading ladies are in fact not leading ladies.  They are movie stand-ins, look-alikes that take the place of the real stars for parts that don’t clearly identify the person, such as an over the shoulder camera shot.  Think stunt performer but less dangerous.

The story is set in the 1930s in what is often called the Golden Age of Cinema.  It centres around a meeting of a group of these stand-ins at a birthday celebration for one of them.  Each of them had dreams of making it big in Hollywood but has found themselves in this anonymous profession standing-in for the likes of Greta Garbo, Rita Hayworth, Bette Davis, Jean Harlow, and Marlene Detrich.  The audiences sees them all the time but doesn’t know them at all.

Stand-ins_039Kathryn, mis-credited as Katherine Morris (perhaps they just copied Ms. Heigl’s spelling), is only in the very first couple of minutes of this one.  She doesn’t have any lines as such, just some grunting and crying.  Kathryn plays a ‘legitimate actress’, unlike our leads.  I’m not sure what the implications of stating the actor or the films they star in are ‘legit’.  The mind boggles.  A shown news article (typo-ridden headline and all) says that her character, Lillian ‘Peg’ Entwhistle, killed herself by jumping off the Hollywood sign.  I think Kathryn could legitimately claim a stunt acting credit as well for climbing a frame structure in uncomfortable and inappropriate shoes, and a skirt.

I feel like we’ve finally been able to give Kathryn the credit for this one, as it has passed largely unnoticed for so many years.

Stand-ins_004On KM UK we definitely do our best to give credit where it is due.  We very much stand on the shoulders of giants and benefit from other’s generosity.  In this case the credit goes to Mel Smith.  Recently, Mel very kindly reached out to me about Kathryn being in this film.  I was sceptical but checked it out and was happy to find out it was true.  Over the years I’d stumbled across places suggesting Kathryn was in this film but have been burnt too often.  The name was spelt differently and by the projects 1997 release, Kathryn’s career was reasonably well established, even allowing for a year or so ahead of then for the filming to have actually taken place.  Only one site I’ve found has linked the mis-credit to Kathryn.  I’ve submitted a correction to IMDb about this, though they have yet to correct the obvious error over Malibu Hot Summer (aka Sizzle Beach USA) so I’m not holding my breath on this one.

Stand-ins is available on various video platforms including Amazon Prime, and DVD in some territories.  The Amazon US page with a video of the opening sequence, and a link to Prime version, is HERE.

There are a small collection of screencaps and a short video clip from Stand-ins now in the Gallery.

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