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The Sweeter Side Of Life Special Features Video – Update

special_features_000Somewhat ahead of the July release of the DVD (as first noted here on KM UK back in April) of The Sweeter Side Of Life a video some very DVD extra-like special features has been posted on YouTube.  The video uploader is a member of the production crew  responsible for the DVD extras.

The 8 minute long video contains brief interviews with co-writer/director/producer Michael Damian and his wife co-writer/producer Janeen Damian; and actors James Best, Jane March, Steve Varnom, Catherine Hammond and, of course, a certain Kathryn Morris.  It’s mainly the usual summation of the plot and how wonderful everyone involved is.  Interspersed with the interviews are clips from the film and behind the scenes footage from filming in New York and Bucharest.

Whether this is the DVD extras in their entirety or not we will just have to wait and see.

You can cannot watch the video on YouTube HERE.

A small set of Full HD (1080p) screencaps and a small copy of the video are now available in the Gallery.

Update:  For reasons unknown the YouTube video has been made private.

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Cold Case S02E02 – Factory Girls HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E02_lilly_042Back before the days of equal rights for women in the workplace many women took on very important jobs on farms and in factories.  It was part of the war effort in the 1940s.  Men of working age were sent off to fight, leaving the women to fill in.  Quite why things had to return to ‘normal’ afterwards is a mystery.

Factory Girls, episode two of Cold Case‘s second season, is about the death of one such lady in at munitions manufacturer in 1943.  Was the guilty party one of the other ladies in a jealous rage, an embittered man not fit to fight for his country, a rival arms maker trying to close the factory, or does Lilly uncover a massive “BigArmour”conspiracy aimed at harming America’s war effort?  It’s safe to say it is probably not the last one.

One of the guest stars in this episode is Jenna Fischer who went on to star in the US version of Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant’s TV series The Office.  Coincidently the show reaches the very end of a 9 series long run later this week.

249 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S02E01 – The Badlands HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E01_lilly_073What happened to spring?  England seems to have jumped straight from from a very long winter to summer.  Not that summer officially starts for another few weeks either.  It’s so confusing

Here on KM UK we’re going to make sure it is a long, hot summer with our Summer Of HD 2013.  Long because we are covering the whole of Cold Case season 2 (as chosen by our readers), and hot because… well that shouldn’t need explaining 😉

Let’s start at the beginning with the first episode, titled The Badlands.  A boring way to do it perhaps, but sometimes you’ve got to go with tradition.  Lilly re-investigates one of her own cold cases and for Jeffries it has a personal element as the triple murder happened in a diner in his old neck of the woods.

249 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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2006 Inspiration Awards Photos & Video

inspiration_awards_029Has it really been over a month since the last time we delved back into the archive for a Gallery update?  And have we really never posted anything from the Step Up Women’s Network Inspiration Awards in 2006?  Yes and, much to our surprise, no.  Let’s correct both those things right now.

To prove that some thought goes into these things and we don’t just pick a random image taken from anywhere, post it and ask if you like it (as if we would ever stoop to that!) this is almost an anniversary for this event.  Which in itself could be a running theme in the coming weeks.

It is difficult to believe that these photos were taken all the way back in 2006, but they were.  The 27th of April 2006 to be precise.  As you can see from the image above Kathryn spoke at the event as well as just honouring them with her presence.  That perfect amount of long blonde hair was also there that day.

In a small run of public appearances at the end of 2012, Kathryn was seen attending a couple of Step Up Network events.  You can jog your memory about that here and here.

The KM UK Gallery now has 29 new photos (of various sizes) from the red carpet, the awards ceremony itself and accompanying function.  Plus, we have a small video of Kathryn being interviewed at the event.

How many likes?  😉

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Summer Of HD 2013 – Season 2 It Is

Two weeks ago we asked you to vote on which Cold Case season should be used as the basis for the KM UK Summer Of HD for 2013.  New HD screencaps from the winning season will be posted over the summer.

The poll has now closed and your votes have been totted up.  Cold Case season 2 is the winner.  It was a close result with 57% for season 2 against 43% for season 3.

Posts covering every episode of that season will begin in a couple of weeks so look out for them.

Hopefully the new images will spark a few memories of your favourite episodes and maybe inspire some new fan art creations that you would allow us to share with everyone here on KM UK.

Thank you for taking part.

The actual results were:

Which season of Cold Case should be in the KM UK Summer of HD 2013?

  • Season 2 (57%, 8 Votes)
  • Season 3 (43%, 6 Votes)

Total Voters: 14

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