Somewhat ahead of the July release of the DVD (as first noted here on KM UK back in April) of The Sweeter Side Of Life a video some very DVD extra-like special features has been posted on YouTube. The video uploader is a member of the production crew responsible for the DVD extras.
The 8 minute long video contains brief interviews with co-writer/director/producer Michael Damian and his wife co-writer/producer Janeen Damian; and actors James Best, Jane March, Steve Varnom, Catherine Hammond and, of course, a certain Kathryn Morris. It’s mainly the usual summation of the plot and how wonderful everyone involved is. Interspersed with the interviews are clips from the film and behind the scenes footage from filming in New York and Bucharest.
Whether this is the DVD extras in their entirety or not we will just have to wait and see.
You can cannot watch the video on YouTube HERE.
A small set of Full HD (1080p) screencaps and a small copy of the video are now available in the Gallery.
Update: For reasons unknown the YouTube video has been made private.
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