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Summer Of HD 2014 – Week 16 Poll

Last week’s poll ended in another 2-way tie for the win.  For a while it was looking like all three were going to finish first/last.  To split the pair I’ve looked back the number of votes each received in their previous appearances in the weekly polls.  Based on those scores the winner is Debut.  New HD screencaps from that episode will be posted next week.

On to this week.  We’re down to the last two in this second run through of all the episodes from season 3 of Cold Case in the KM UK Summer Of HD for 2014.

So, which is it to be from One Night and The Hen House.  You can help decide.

Summer Of HD 2014 - Week 16

  • Ep 16 - One Night (100%, 3 Votes)
  • Ep 21 - The Hen House (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 3

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Cold Case S03E09 – A Perfect Day HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S03E09_lilly_008A Perfect Day is often cited as one of the fan’s favourite Cold Case episodes.  The US audience figures from the original broadcast back that up with the episode getting over 19 million viewers, the highest the series ever got.  That said, there seemed to be a rise in the figures at that time of year (late November) most years.  My guess would be in coincided with the Thanksgiving holidays, with lots of people at home with family.

A Perfect Day is a perfect storm for Lilly as it includes young sisters with a mother struggling in an abusive relationship.  With her own experience, and the likely reasons she became a police officer, Det Rush is always going to be touched by a story like this one.  Meredith Monroe (probably best known for playing the troubled Andie McPhee on Dawson’s Creek) is the mother in 1965.  It is one of her daughters whose body is found in the present day (2005).  It’s a heart wrencher.

On a positive note Detective Kat Miller (as played by Tracie Thoms) gets offered a permanent position with the squad by Lt. Stillman in this one, having helped out in the previous episode/case Honor.

This, the latest entry in the KM UK Summer Of HD 2014 brings 203 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps to the Gallery.

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Summer Of HD 2014 – Week 15 Poll

Only week 15 you say?  I know, it feels like more :-)

Perfect Day took an earlier lead from Superstar and The River, which it did not relinquish in last week’s poll.  That means that Perfect Day gets it’s perfect day next week.

Committed is committed to return, Début in not its first airing and Death Penalty: Final Appeal gets a reprieve to run again.  Pick your favourite.  Pick it now!

Summer Of HD 2014 - Week 15

  • Ep 5 - Committed (40%, 2 Votes)
  • Ep 13 - Debut (40%, 2 Votes)
  • Ep 20 - Death Penalty: Final Appeal (20%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 5

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Cold Case S03E02 – The Promise Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S03E02_lilly_038Lilly Goes To College…  Sadly it is not a 21/22 Jump Street-style caper or a… romp 😉

This one hardly counts as a cold case, the embers were practically still warm.  The 2004 case of a college freshman’s death in a fire at a fraternity house happened just a year before the re-investigation.  The CC squad take up the chase after the student’s father brings them evidence suggesting that his daughter died in far more suspicious and horrible circumstances.

It’s a bumper crop this week for our Summer Of HD with 141 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps, 4 on set photos and 6 promo photos from The Promise. They are all in the Gallery.

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Kathryn @ CBS Stars Party – July 2004

dodger_stadium_001The last public appearance post I did was an update from 2004.  The most recent (though it shouldn’t have been) entry in the KM UK Summer Of HD 2014 series was the Cold Case episode Colors, which was about a baseball player in the 1940s.  In the post I made joking reference to the CC squad playing baseball.

This update neatly ties those two key elements together, apart from the bit about the squad playing baseball.  I’m not going to claim it was planned that way, but it worked out well.

On the 18th of July of 2004 much of the key cast Cold Case cast were promoting the upcoming second season.  They stopped off in the Dodger Stadium (that’s baseball right?) for the CBS Stars Party.  It was hardly an arduous trek as the venue is in central Los Angeles, close to Hollywood.

The photos, such as the one above, of Kathryn, Danny Pino, Thom Barry and Jeremy Ratchford make for the simplest game of Where’s Wenda? ever.  I know that sounds wrong but look it up and you’ll find I’m right :-)

It’s a small but perfectly formed update of 6 little photos added to The Gallery.

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