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Happy 4th Of July 2017

wallpaper_111_2484x2000_smallbarbieHappy 4th of July to Kathryn, her family and all of KM UK’s friends in the US.

I think I missed this last year.  Celebrating what is good in America is probably more important than ever,  though I shouldn’t need an excuse to use friend of the site smallbarbie‘s image above.  It’s become one of our iconic pics.

Lots more fan are can be found in the KM UK Fan Art Gallery. New contributions are always welcome, please contact me if you to add something Kathryn-related.

You Get Me Full HD Screencaps

You_Get_Me_1080p_012You get me every time!

Turns out the rumours were not entirely true.  Fortunately for we Kathryn-fans the one about her being in You Get Me was a good one.

About 40 minutes into the teen drama it is revealed that the mother, Mrs Hewitt to you, of one of the main characters was the one and only Kathryn.  In she walked to the bedroom of her daughter (Halston Sage as Alison) and found her with the psycho of the piece (Bella Thorne as Holly).  They chat briefly and Mrs H leaves them to it.

Other than a few wide shots of the house the Hewitts live in showing them moving around through the largely glass outer walls that’s pretty much it for Kathryn’s role.

On the plus side she looks lovely (see above) and we get some nice smiles (see above).  The smile and slight bowing of her head as she leaves the girls alone reminded me of the blushing Lilly Rush when ADA Kite managed to embarrass her with a display of affection.  She’s still got it!  Awwww  :-)

The not-so true rumour involved NCIS star Jennifer Esposito.  She definitely was not in the movie.  The character she was linked to, Corinne, was the mother Holly.  The role was instead taken by Brigid Brannagh (Army Wives), who was clearly a better match to Bella’s looks with their Irish heritages.

You can now find a small collection of full HD (1080p) screencaps of Kathryn in You Get Me in the KM UK Gallery HERE.  I’ve thrown in another variant on the poster as well.

You_Get_Me_1080p_008 You_Get_Me_1080p_015 You_Get_Me_1080p_021

You Get Me Première Today

you_get_me_poster_003A quick reminder that the not-at-all-like Fatal Attraction teen drama You Get Me is due have its première tonight (19th June) in Los Angeles.

The film is being shown as part of the LA Film Festival, which started last Wednesday with a showing of the new Colin Trevorrow (Jurassic World writer/director) movie The Book Of Henry.  Naomi Watts (Tank Girl) and Jack Tremblay (Room) star as mother and son in that one.

Since then there has been a busy schedule of features and documentaries, both old and new.  The event continues until Thursday night when, after an afternoon and evening of award winner showings, the festival closes with a screening of Ingrid Goes West, a social media-based comedy drama starring Aubrey Plaza (Parks And Recreation) and Elizabeth Olsen (Old Boy).

The Bella Thorne, Halston Sage, Taylor John Smith, Anna Akana, Nash Grier, Jennifer Esposito, Kathryn Morris, Netflix-owned movie You Get Me will be shown tonight at the ArcLight cinema in Santa Monica at 9:25pm.  Full details can be found at the LA Film Festival website HERE.

Another variant on the film poster, as shown above, has been added to the Gallery.

On Friday (23rd June) the film will receive its slightly delayed release on the streaming service.

You Get Me Trailer

title_001Ahead of its première at the upcoming LA Film Festival, Awesomeness Films has released a trailer for the teen drama You Get Me.

That first showing of the movie is due to happen on the 16th of June, a week from today, as I reported a couple of weeks ago.  After that the film will take up residence on the Netflix streaming service, which bought the rights a few months ago.

trailer_001Slightly worryingly, recently made available press material has not included any references to Kathryn in the named cast.  She, however, has remained listed on the film’s IMDb page through various updates and additions.  Mixed signals.

So, do we get a glimpse of Kathryn in this short trailer video?  No, we don’t.  Not surprisingly the two minute long video focuses on the main teenage cast and giving away the main plot line.  That’s what trailers are for these days.

For completeness I have added the video to the KM UK Gallery HERE.

Hopefully there will be other trailers released at a later date giving a fuller picture.

Reverie Trailer

artwork_002We have video.  Moving pictures made up of a series of still frames played in rapid sequence to give the illusion of movement!

trailer_001A promotional trailer for Reverie has escaped into the wild.  The two minute long piece gives, as expected, a pretty good over view of the set up, plot, and style of the show.

In another good news/bad news situation Kathryn does not appear, at all.

Find the video in the KM UK Gallery.

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