
March 2025
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banner_181_880x1074_dianekmfanKathryn in a heart very much echoes the fact she is in ours.

Kathryn, all your fans would like to to wish you a Happy Birthday.

Thanks once again to super-fan Diane for creating this image especially for this site.

The image above can be found KM UK fan art gallery which has well over 700 works of art provided you the fans. There are banners, avatars, drawings, wallpaper and a video. If you would like to add this archive please contact me.

16th Annual Ante Up For Autism

ante_up_for_autism_2022_012.jpgKathryn and family attended the latest Ante Up For Autism event last September (2022).

It is primarily a charity auction in aid of TACA (The Autism Community in Action) with prizes and awards given.  Apparently over $1m was raised so congratulations to all involved.

As well as more than 20 photos of Kathryn at the event (all HERE in the KM UK Gallery of course) we also have a link to a video by Autism Live where Kathryn and her sons are interviewed on the red carpet.  We’ve linked directly to the part where Kathryn enters HERE.

Thanks to Karen for passing along some details.

Update:  The gentlemen in the photo above, and also several of the photos in the linked gallery, is Johnathon Schaech.  He’s an actor and a long standing supporter of autism action.  He was in Cold Case episode Libertyville (season 6, episode 19) where he played the murder victim.  Johnathon’s wife, Julie Solomon, worked in the business that is show for a number of years, primarily as a location coordinator, but seems to be an ‘influencer’ now.  They have two children.

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Hayseed’s No Dumbo…

misc_001.jpg…but it is going there.

In what can only be described as distant forward planning, the movie Hayseed has been added to the official selection for the 2023 Dumbo Film Festival.  They have been able to give us a better view of Kathryn in her role as Joyce Metts in the film as you can see above.

poster_006.jpgNow, “wait a minute”, you might say, “it’s only two weeks until 2023 starts so how is that ‘distant forward planning’.”  Yes, but the Dumbo Film Festival happens in October.

I should also add that the Dumbo Film Festival does not solely comprise of repeated showings of the Disney classic about a baby elephant.  They are showing Hayseed after all.  No, this Dumbo is the neighbourhood of Brooklyn, New York.  Apparently it is called Dumbo because it is Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass.

The Dumbo Film Festival takes place from the 19th to the 22nd of October 2023.  Hayseed is one of 25 films, a mix of short and feature length, announced as selected for the event.  Hopefully we’ll be able to provide more details on screening times and locations later.

For more details on the event, see their website HERE.

Advertising Week New York 2022

A couple of days ago we posted an update regarding Kathryn’s attendance of Advertising Week in New York in 2021.

As part of KM UK’s on-going catch-up we see Kathryn re-visiting the event this year.  Again, Kathryn was promoting her The Savants Initiative and it looks like she did another interview.  We don’t have footage of that yet, but it took them a year to post the one from 2021, so it may emerge at some point in the future.

Alongside the interview, Kathryn was at an event called ‘AWConnects Happy Hour with Spectrum Reach’.  Presumably this was some kind of networking event.

It is from this section that we have a few small photos, now in the Gallery.

As usual, we hope we can return to this event with further updates.

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Advertising Week New York 2021 – Update

Back in October 2021 we covered that Kathryn had attended Advertising Week in New York.

Kathryn was there to promote her The Savants initiative and took part in The Creative Showcase Stage, conducting an interview with Tom Ajello.

This is just a quick post with additional photos from the event (photoshoot, interview, publicity shot) and a link to a video of the interview which only recently found its way to YouTube.

The images are in the Gallery and you can watch the 25 minute long chat HERE.

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