
March 2025
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Hayseed Release Trailer And Release Dates

hayseed_trailer_2_018Distributor DYNMC Films have released an official trailer for the movie Hayseed ahead of a limited cinematic run and a date for the film to made available via streaming.  It’s all go-go-go on the Hayseed front.

After a sold out screening on in Brooklyn, New York, here are a set of dates and locations for the limited theatrical release of Hayseed:

7th Nov, Los Angeles, CA – Laemmle Royal
8th Nov, Los Angeles, CA – Laemmle NoHo 7
13th Nov, Detroit, MI – Emagine Royal Oak
14th Nov, Ann Arbor, MI – Emagine Saline
15th Nov, Lansing, MI – Celebration Cinema
16th Nov, Grand Rapids, MI – Wealthy Theatre
21st Nov, New York, NY – Village East by Angelika

That second one is in bold for a reason.  Kathryn and her co-star Marta Piekarz (Queer As Folk) are due to attend a Q&A at the Laemmle NoHo7 event on the 8th in Los Angeles.  Looks like it is a 7pm start time for the screening.

What’s more the film is due to get what is being called a ‘digital release’ on the 21st November.  Presumably this is on streaming platforms, though which is not clear yet.

You can watch the official Hayseed release trailer on YouTube HERE.

A handful of screencaps from the trailer have been added to the Gallery.  They are very similar to the previous trailer we covered but with better picture quality.  There is also a very high resolution still and new posters.

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17th Annual Ante Up For Autism

ante_up_for_autism_2023_001.jpgThe Ante Up For Autism annual event took place again in late September to raise money for TACA (The Autism Community in Action).

Kathryn attended the event with her two boys, both of whom have autism.  Nearly $1m was raised so far at this year’s charity auction.

Having been thrust into the world of autism by her family situation has become and advocate for the condition, having set up her own organisation, The Savants, and is an Ambassador for TACA.

A bunch of photos of Kathryn at the event can now be found in the KM UK Gallery HERE.

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Cool As Ice – New Limited Edition Blu-rays


Let’s kick it

In a few days time (11th August 2023) a new version of the 1991 ‘classic’ movie Cool As Ice will be released by the German label Turbine Medien.

Ice is back with a brand new invention

Well, not really.  The movie itself is the same.  This new Blu-ray release is all about the extra features.  There are actually various versions being made available, each in limited numbers, and there is one that combines them all.  Plus, one with all that and a baseball cap.

Check out the hook while my DVD revolves it

The extras include a commentaries, interviews, books, and a DVD version in original 4:3 SD format.

We make it hype and you want to step with this

The four main variants are each is limited to 500 instances.  The all-in-one + cap is only 32 in number.  An odd choice of number, maybe they couldn’t get any more caps.

If there was a problem, Yo, I’ll solve it

Much more information on this new Cool As Ice release can be seen on the distributor’s website HERE. and they’ve released a trailer on YouTube HERE.  There’s a brief glimpse of Kathryn from one of her two scenes at around the 20 second mark.  See the previous post HERE on KM UK for more details on the movie itself.

Yo man, let’s get out of here

Word to your mother

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Advertising Week New York Interview 2022

20221019_advertising_week_141Kathryn’s day in New York last October was slightly busier than we’ve so far been able to report.

As part of promoting her Savants initiative supporting and advocating for autism at the 2022 New York Advertising Week event, Kathryn was interviewed by Dhomonique Murphy for Amazon Ads.

At the same event the previous year Kathryn did an on stage interview.  This one was in a studio with no audience, which I think made it easier to give more detailed descriptions of her experiences.  For people that really care about Kathryn, in parts it can be a slightly difficult watch as you learn more about what she has been through, and continues to face, with her boys.  It sounds like they are developing well though.  Don’t worry, we also get to see that amazing Kathryn smile we all love so much.

You can watch the entire 15 minute video on YouTube HERE.

A few screencaps of Kathryn from the video have been added to the Gallery.

Huge thanks to TJ for sending the details of this video to KM UK so we can share it with you all.

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Hayseed Trailer For CCFF 2023

hayseed_trailer_1_018Following on from the previous post about the movie Hayseed being shown at the Capital City Film Festival in Michigan, the makers have said it will be a closing night event and they released a trailer for the film.

The CCFF 2023 is due to take place from early April, so only about 3 weeks away now.

The Hayseed CCFF 2023 trailer can be seen HERE.  Of course, Kathryn makes a few brief appearances.  You get a general tone of the movie from the trailer, as I guess you are supposed to do.  Looks like an interest film, with a few funny bits and some elements a bit towards the Fargo-style of things.  I look forward to seeing it one day.

A few screencaps of Kathryn from the trailer have been added to the Gallery.

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This earlier post on KM UK post HERE gives more details on Hayseed.

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