
February 2025
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Cougars, Inc. Première Video – Update

022A MrJBone99 (I dunno) has posted a video comprising of footage taken at the Cougars, Inc. première, the after party and various people discussing what a cougar is on YouTube.  Kathryn appears several times, including in snippets from the previously posted Mingle Media interview video.

The new video has been added to the Gallery.  As it is small sized, quite low quality and covered in credit text I haven’t done screencaps.  And the red carpet and after party event photos we have cover it anyway.

Thank you to MrJBone99.

Update: A 2nd version of the video has been posted on YouTube by CougarTutor (who I believe is actually one of the movie’s exec producers).  A copy can be found in the Gallery.  This version is lacking the alcoholic beverage branding but includes other captions that suggest it is being as a promotional tool in of itself with its “your logo here” type messages.  So, it is part promo for the tour and part promo for the company that put the promo together.  I think! :-)

Cougars, Inc. Promo Images

onset_20100213_012Promo image time!  It’s a bit of a mixed bag but well worth a look.

Starting off with a medium sized but fairly low quality screenshot-type image of the ladies at the party (below, left).  It’s much like ones we’ve seen before but the focus is wrong.  Next up (below, middle) we have an upgrade to the on set image of Kathryn and Denise sat on the sofa.  We get an even better view of those great legs!  Penultimately (below, right) we have a new medium sized on set image of Kathryn and Kyle.

And last, but definitely not least, we have the pièce de résistance: the image you see above.  It’s huge!

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A Few More KM Photos From Cougars, Inc.

screenshot_004A couple of new pictures that include Kathryn have been posted by Asher Levin on the Cougars, Inc. Facebook page in the past few of days.  They’ve been added to the Gallery.  Thanks again to Asher Levin for posting them.  He also posted an image from the promo photoshoot (middle below) but we already have that in a much larger size.

Plus we have another on set image courtesy of Smallbarbie, so thanks to her for passing it along.

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Kathryn @ Cougars, Inc. Première – Part 3 – Update

035This event just keeps on giving.  We return once more to the Cougars, Inc. première that happened on March 31st.

Photographer Bob Delgadillo (previously referred to on this site by his handle Gee Dub), who was at the première of Cougars, Inc. after a tip off from yours truly, has made some pictures he took of the red carpet happenings freely available on his Dimex website.  In the sizeable downloadable archive are 5 large sized photos that include Kathryn.  I’ve now added them to the Gallery.  I suspect there are more to come.

Thanks to Bob.

Previous postings about the event can be found here and here.

Update: 3 more photos courtesy of Bob have been added.

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Cougars, Inc. Photoshoot Images

promo_003Finally some more photos from the Cougars, Inc. promo photoshoot have surfaced.

Kathryn, Denise Richards, Rebecca Mader, Catalina Rodriguez and Kyle Gallner all participated in the photoshoot done by Steven Taylor back in November last year.  We were lucky enough to get a few shots from the set at the time and we got to see behind the scenes video footage from the shoot a few months ago.

A few other shots have appeared over time but this is a more complete set and much larger and higher quality than we’ve seen before.  There must be more (we saw a very interesting pose with Kathryn and Kyle in the video) so hopefully we’ll get to see them soon.

The new 5 HQ shots are now the Gallery.

Thanks to Karen for the heads-up.

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