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Cold Case S04E23 – The Good Death Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S04E23_lilly_001Bit of an odd one.  The squad investigate the death of a terminally ill patient.  Should be easy.  Hint: he’s ‘terminally’ ill 😕

At home Lilly’s mother-of-all-problems continue.

Alongside our normal screencaps we also have a couple of on set photos.  Madison Meyer filmed scenes as a young Lilly Rush but they were cut from the episode.  It’s become a theme around here lately.

185 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps and 2 on set photos can now be found in the Gallery.

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Fan Art Update – September 2011

wallpaper_158_1024x768_kareen_t13 is a lucky number for us as we come full circle with our second September of fan art.

It’s been a busy month for IcyWinter and Kareen T as shown by the latest batch of images the pair have made.  Between them they’ve put together nearly 40 new items (Avatars, Banners, and Wallpapers) for us all to enjoy.

The creativity and generosity of our contributors never ceases to amaze me.  Thank you guys/gals.

Don’t forget to comment and rate images in the Gallery.  I’m sure our contributing artists would love to get some feedback. If you choose to use any of the images, perhaps one of the avatars for a forum, please remember credit the artist in question. If you have made some Kathryn-related Fan Art and would be willing to let it be shown here on KM UK please contact me.

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Cold Case S04E22 – Cargo Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S04E22_lilly_031Lilly’s finding barely-alive ones and having to act like a parent in Cargo.  That’s with her own mother and the victims of a human trafficking operation.

The squad are after the mysterious “Nachalnik”, the ringleader of the slave-trade, and searching for a missing girl.  Ellen Rush has not strayed far and was found easily by Lilly.  Unfortunately she found her mother collapsed on the floor of her apartment and needs hospitalising.

156 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps, a promo video and an on set photo can now be found in the Gallery.

The on set photo of Kathryn with a young actress was a fortuitously recent acquisition.  The girl makes a very brief appearance towards the end of the episode as Lilly & Kat search a house.  So far we’ve have been unable to find her name.  If you know please contact us so we can give her the proper credit.  Thank to IcyWinter for her help.

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Cold Case S04E21 – Torn Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S04E21_lilly_192The squad tackle their oldest ever case with the 1919 death of a young woman who became involved in the fight for women’s rights.

Meanwhile, Lilly has to deal with her mother asserting her rights to drink as much as she wants.

192 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps and a promo video can now be found in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S04E20 – Stand Up And Holler Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S04E20_lilly_034There are no updates for episode 19, Offender, so we are, appropriately, jumping on to Stand Up And Holler.

What better excuse did they need to send Lilly undercover for once than a murder amongst cheerleaders?  Cheerleaders!!!  It was not to be, though :-(  Which leaves me to imagine what that would have looked like…. 😮

138 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps can now be found in the Gallery.

And a Happy Labor Day to our American friends.

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