‘Perfect Day’, episode 9 in series 3 of Cold Case, is one of the stand-out episodes. It was first broadcast on the 27th of November in 2005 to the highest audience in the show’s history at over 19 million people. A difficult to fathom 15 years ago. The combination of the twin girls and the shear cruelty involved makes it a very memorable episode.
However, rather than dwell on that, with a huge 235 (Full HD, 1080p) new fantastic screencaps in the Gallery we are going to extend our American holiday celebrations and give thanks for the beauty that is Kathryn. Sounds like a perfect day to me. No silly comments on the images. Just admiration. Enjoy.

Happy Thanksgiving from KM UK to Kathryn, her boys, and all our friends in America
2020 has been a difficult year for so many people and it isn’t quite over yet. There are reasons to be optimistic for the future and hopefully the worst of the current situation is behind us, with just a few months to go.
If there is anything we can all take away from the experience, it should be reasons to be thankful for what we have.
It may be less than the traditional Thanksgiving celebrations for our American friends but please do not risk your, or other’s, health and safety. Better to endure for a short period of time now for the greater good in the longer term.
Do spare a thought for those less fortunate than you.
This year we are using one of Lolly‘s wallpapers to decorate this post. It it one of hundreds of fan-created works of art in the KM UK Gallery.
It’s taken two and a third seasons but we finally get to Tracie Thoms’ first appearance in Cold Case as Detective Kat Miller. That happened 15 years ago today (20 November 2020). She gets enough attention on this site dedicated to Kathryn so we’ll leave it there. Suffice to say, it was an… honour to make her acquaintance. I’ll see myself out.
As for the case? I dunno. Some guy died in the pre-history times of 1973 
Items belonging to a long dead Vietnam war veteran turn up unexpectedly, triggering the re-opening of his cold case file (for legal reasons I have to point out that Cold Case Files is a very different television program not related to this Cold Case in any way).
As well as our usual large number, 173 (Full HD, 1080p) in this case, of new screencaps in the Gallery, there are also 3 new super-sized promo photos too.

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Oh, no you can’t because you died in 1999. The dot.com bubble was bound to burst and there bound to be casualties. The Philly homicide squad investigate one of them a mere 6 years after the crime was committed. The body was practically still warm.
We mark the occasion 15 years after the 7th episode of Cold Case season 3 first aired in the US of A.
The KM UK Gallery is now fit to bursting with 208 (Full HD, 1080p) new screencaps.

Lilly gets her own flashbacks as the team investigate one of her earliest cases. Can she help preventthe youngest of 5 brothers from suffering a similar fate?
On the 6th of November 2005 ‘Saving Patrick Bubley’, episode 6 from season 3 of Cold Case, was first aired. This post is brought to you as part of KM UK’s 15 years on series
There are now 374 (Full HD, 1080p) new screencaps for to save in the Gallery.

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Welcome Welcome to Kathryn Morris UK, a website dedicated to the actress Kathryn Morris. Here you will find news, images, videos and information presented from the perspective of an English fan. This site has become the chief source of information for Kathryn's fans and fansites alike around the world.
If you have anything Kathryn-related that you would like to share please use the Contact Form to let us know.
Shout Outs To… Those suffering in war-torn areas
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