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Mother’s Day Fan Art?

It’s just occurred to me that in a couple of weeks time (Sunday, May 11th) it will be Mother’s Day in the United States Of America.

Those of us in the UK don’t make our mothers wait so long, we get it done in March :-)

As you may have noticed this website is dedicated to a certain special lady (I realise it is only subtly referred to :-) ).  This year she gets to celebrate Mother’s Day for the first time as a mother herself.  No doubt she’ll be receiving two cards with suspiciously grown-up, yet child-like, handwriting from two boys that, let’s be honest, probably haven’t quite mastered the finer points of calligraphy.

With just two weeks to go do you think you (yes, you) could come up with some suitably themed fan art to publish here on the day?

It’s been a while since we did fan art here and it would be a wonderful way to revisit it and celebrate a new occasion at the same time.  The KM UK Gallery, which includes an extensive fan art section, contains thousands of images you could use as a basis.

You can contact me via the normal methods or upload your works of art using the form below.

Thank you in advance.

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wallpaper_249_500x500_kareen_tFrom everyone here at KM UK

Today (28th January) we celebrate Kathryn’s birthday.

A gentleman would never refer to a lady’s age.  She is a very lovely 45 this year 😉

To help mark the occasion some of you have very kindly created some wonderful fan art in what I called “Let’s Do Some Fan Art For Kathryn’s Birthday”, or LDSFAFKB thing :-)

Thank you to Dianekmfan, Kareen T (the creator of the one above) and amei for contributing birthday-themed banners, drawings (including an animated one by Kareen T), and wallpapers.  A few examples are highlighted below.  The complete set can be found in the Fan Art section of the KM UK Gallery.  New fan art is always welcome.  Please contact me if you want to have some of your work posted on KM UK.

Please feel free to leave birthday messages for Kathryn in the comments below.

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KM Birthday Fan Art?

wallpaper_234_1626x703_dianekmfanIn just over 3 weeks from today it will be a certain special someone’s birthday.  I think you know who I am talking about :-)

We haven’t had a fan art update in nearly a year now so how about we revive it for the special occasion?  We’ll call it the “Let’s Do Some Fan Art For Kathryn’s Birthday” thing.  Hopefully after such a long time you have lots of pent-up KM fan art ideas.

The first rule of the LDSFAFKB thing is you must talk about LDSFAFKB.

The second rule of the LDSFAFKB thing is you must talk about LDSFAFKB.  Spread the word to all your artistic friends.

On the special day (28th Jan) all the items will be added to the KM UK Gallery.  Some examples will be used in the birthday post, with one lucky person getting their image used as the banner image for the item.  Think of that as the prize, because that’s all you’re getting :-)  Above you can see the chosen item from last year by Dianekmfan.

Other than that the normal fan art ideas apply.  It can be anything you want to make.  It could be a banner, desktop wallpaper, avatar, a general picture, or a even a video.  To get your works to me either email them directly, use the Contact form to let me know and I’ll get back to you ASAP, or use the upload form below.  Any time between now and then will be fine.  Other than the obvious there is no real deadline on this.

The Fan Art section of the KM UK Gallery is chocked full of previous fan art created specially for and donated to this site by visitors.  There are over 700 items in there already.  The Gallery is also crammed to the rafters with images (over 60,000 at last count!) you can use as the basis for your masterpieces.

Thank you in advance for your contributions.

Fan Art Update – February 2013

banner_167_403x166_dianekmfanWe combined the last fan art update with Kathryn’s birthday celebrations, pushing it late in the month of January.  February is a short month but we will just squeeze in some more of your art works before its end.

As we held these over from January because they were not birthday-themed the creators should be happy to see them finally getting posted.  Not surprisingly given the release of The Sweeter Side Of Life last month, and the better than-anywhere-else screencaps from it posted here on KM UK, all the new images are themed around the film.

Dianekmfan leads the way with 14 new Banners with Kathy joining in with 2 new collage Wallpapers.  Thank you to them both.  This latest 16 images brings KM UK’s Fan Art Gallery collection to over 700 items (including avatars, banners, buttons, drawings, videos and wallpapers) and that is all thanks to our dedicated and talented visitors. Check out the Gallery to see them.

If you have made some Kathryn-related Fan Art and want to share it with other fans here on KM UK please contact us.

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Be My Valentine


To Kathryn,
with immeasurable endearment

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