
April 2025
« Jan    



Artistic Anniversary?

As I am sure many of you are aware Kathryn’s birthday is rapidly approaching.  Actually it is approaching at the same speed each does, but you know what I mean.

As is traditional the day is the 28th of January.  What’s also become a tradition, albeit a slight newer one, is me asking:  Anyone up for some birthday-themed fan art to mark the occasion?

You’ll have the dubious honour of having your work hosted in the KM UK Gallery and the best featured here on the main site.  Does it get any better than that?  :-)

Contact me via the usual means if you want to send me some pics.

Thank you.

Texty Fan Art Is Texty

wallpaper_263_1000x563_gina‘Is it morally okay to pray your crush’s relationship doesn’t work out?’

Well… quite…  A tricky one I’m sure you’ll agree.

As well as informing and entertaining, sometimes this site likes to make you think.  Preferably something other than ‘is he really trying to be informative and/or entertaining?’  :-)

Long time visitor, not first time contributor, Gina has kindly volunteered some fan art she made for her Tumblr site to follow a trend of adding text posts to screencaps from top TV shows.  Gina used screencaps from KM UK’s vast collection of Cold Case-themed images (see the Gallery) and so she forwarded copies of them to me to add to the site.  Now the collection is even more vast!  Thank you Gina.

Check out the five wallpapers in the Fan Art section of the Gallery.

Gina would more than welcome further additions by you, the Cold Case fans, to add her page here.  If you use images from KM UK then please let me know as it would be great see how they being re-purposed.

On a side note, we have a not insignificant first anniversary coming up.  If any one wants to help KM UK mark the occasion with some suitably themed fan art then I would be happy to show case them here.  Any other submissions are more than welcome as well at any time.  Contact me.

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Morris-oboshi Master

drawing_023_2550x3300_dan_moroboshiTo quote Monty Python: And now for something completely different.

Well, slightly different… ish.

I thought that today, what with it being a Friday, was a good day to post something a little more unusual.

What you see on the right is a sketch of Kathryn done in pastels by artist Dan Moroboshi.  I found it on the Flickr photo-sharing website and asked Dan if would allow me to share it with you all here on KM UK.  He generously agreed.  Thank you Dan.

You can find more of Dan’s work on his Flickr page here.

And you can find a large-sized copy of the sketch in the Drawings section of KM UK’s Fan Art in our Gallery here.

If you would like to see your own Kathryn-themed work posted on this site then please contact me, we’d love to see what you can do.

In case you didn’t get it the subject is supposed to be a play on the name of the (currently) popular kids toy Moshi Monsters.  Kids today don’t know how lucky they are…  In my day I had to work 25 hours a day and eat gravel… Gravel?  You were lucky.  We had to eat poison…  What?  You try coming up with witty and relevant subject lines!

Happy 4th Of July 2014

wallpaper_111_2484x2000_smallbarbieWho had the brilliant idea of having the 4th of July on a Friday this year? 😀

I would imagine that productivity has been at an all time low in the US with the week-long party held in the lead up to such a big day for the nation.

For those of you still sober and conscious, and to Kathryn and her family, Happy Fourth Of July.

I’ve used the picture above before and I make no apology for doing so again.  Thanks again to smallbarbie for giving us one of KM UK’s iconic images.  It and many more can be found in our Fan Art Gallery.

Happy Mother’s Day Kathryn – Update

banner_171_467x153_ginaFrom everyone here at KM UK

It is not often we get the chance to inaugurate a new annual event on this site.  Today we do.

Following what we’ll call “the incident” Kathryn became a mother to twin boys last year, making this her first Mother’s Day as a mother.  In America, and many other parts of the world, today (11th May 2014) is Mother’s Day.

KM UK stalwart Gina (aka Lolly) has very kindly put together some lovely graphical and musical accompaniments to help us mark the occasion.

On the visual front you can see a banner, avatar and wallpaper Gina has made around this post.  All three have joined the multitude of Fan Art in the Gallery.  As a treat for the ears she has also compiled a playlist of songs inspired by Kathryn’s new found parental status.  You can listen to the chosen songs HERE on the 8track website.  Thank you for doing this Gina.

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Update (12 May): Johnny Messner (Kathryn’s partner and father of her twin boys) sent the following Tweet to his followers yesterday:

Happy Mother’s Day everyone ! I watch Kathryn with our sons and I am in awe of what a amazing mother she is! Today is a beautiful day #love – Link

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