‘Is it morally okay to pray your crush’s relationship doesn’t work out?’
Well… quite… A tricky one I’m sure you’ll agree.
As well as informing and entertaining, sometimes this site likes to make you think. Preferably something other than ‘is he really trying to be informative and/or entertaining?’ 
Long time visitor, not first time contributor, Gina has kindly volunteered some fan art she made for her Tumblr site to follow a trend of adding text posts to screencaps from top TV shows. Gina used screencaps from KM UK’s vast collection of Cold Case-themed images (see the Gallery) and so she forwarded copies of them to me to add to the site. Now the collection is even more vast! Thank you Gina.
Check out the five wallpapers in the Fan Art section of the Gallery.
Gina would more than welcome further additions by you, the Cold Case fans, to add her page here. If you use images from KM UK then please let me know as it would be great see how they being re-purposed.
On a side note, we have a not insignificant first anniversary coming up. If any one wants to help KM UK mark the occasion with some suitably themed fan art then I would be happy to show case them here. Any other submissions are more than welcome as well at any time. Contact me.

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