
March 2025
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banner_177_800x376_dianekmfanHappy Birthday Kathryn!

From all your fans at KM UK

Every so often one of those special birthdays comes around.  One that is seen as more significant than others.  Today is one of those days.  It’s Kathryn’s birthday!  What did you think I was going to say?  I would never!

Having been in Reverie, we hope that Kathryn is in a reverie today of all days.

As has become tradition here on KM UK we like to mark such a special occasion with some fan-created artwork.  Uber-fan Diane (who recently celebrated her own birthday) has kindly supplied us with the image above.  She drew from promotional images of Kathryn’s appearance in the TV show Reverie to give us the banner seen above.

This new picture joins the many hundreds of wallpapers, banners, avatars etc. that can be found KM UK fan art gallery. All contributions, on any or no topic, are welcome.  Contact me if you’d like to see your works of art included.

Happy Thanksgiving 2018

wallpaper_172_1980x2640_lollyHappy Thanksgiving from KM UK to Kathryn, her boys, and all our friends in America

It’s easy to think of Thanksgiving as happening on the last Thursday in November in the United States Of America.  However, this is one of those few times when there are five Thursdays in the month.  Thanksgiving is actually on the fourth such day.

I hope all our American friends are able to spend time with family when the only thing getting heated is the turkey.

We must of course also remember all the people that aren’t able, for many different reasons, to be with at home with loved ones.  Spare a thought for them.

This post has been prettied up with one of the many pieces of fan art donated to this site by our viewers.  In this case it is one of Lolly‘s wallpapers.  The KM UK Gallery. is chock-a-block with hundreds of such submissions.

Happy 4th Of July 2018

wallpaper_111_2484x2000_smallbarbieHappy 4th of July to Kathryn, her family and all of KM UK’s friends in the US.

They’ll be lots of celebrations going on across the United States Of America today.  To use a quote from The Simpsons:  “Celebrate the independence of your nation by blowing up a small part of it.”

Of course there will be some that right now would prefer things hadn’t gone the way they did 242 years ago.  Though, looking at the leadership this side of the pond might give you pause on that one.  Little bit of politics there.  My name’s RichE.  Goodnight.

Here on KM UK we always celebrate this occasion with the image above.  smallbarbie (thank you) created it especially for this site to include in our Fan Art Gallery.  If you want to contribution an image please contact me.

Happy Mother’s Day – Updated

wallpaper_266_1600x1200_ginaFrom everyone here at KM UK

To our great shame it seems to have been a few years since we did this.

The complication of the varying time that Mother’s Day/Mothering Sunday happens in different countries and cultures around the world, and the limited relevance to this site, makes celebrating the occasion here difficult.  This is an England-based site and here we have the day in March.  In America it is today.

Site policy means we stay clear of Kathryn’s private life but we could not ignore her becoming a mother to twin boys in 2013.  This gave us a good excuse to start marking the US version of Mother’s Day.

So, having said all that Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers around the world.

To help decorate today’s post I’ve used an image created by friend of the site Gina You can find the picture, and many, many others in the Fan Art section of the Gallery.

johnny_twitter_018_20180513If you want to have any of your Kathryn-related works of art displayed on this site then please contact me.

Update:  Father to Kathryn’s twin boys Johnny Messner posted a message on social media with a picture, as seen here:

This says It all!!! The rest will be to her! Best momma ever ! Pulled trolls out of nowhere on their 4th Birthday within 20 minutes!!! Cyborg momma

Love you momma !!!!


banner_176_752x497_dianekmfanHappy Birthday Kathryn!

To you from everyone that visits KM UK

A gentleman doesn’t discuss a lady’s age but suffice to say Kathryn is… lovely as always.

To help us celebrate this special day we are lucky to have dedicated fans who are willing to create art works just for the site.  The banner above has been created by the also January-born Diane.  Nice use of the recent photo from the New York Comic Con there.

The image has been added to the KM UK fan art gallery. which has over 700 items across banners, wallpapers, avatars, drawings, videos, and buttons.  If you would like to have your work added please contact me.  They can be event specific (birthday, Xmas, thanksgiving etc.) or general.  There is a huge amount of material in the gallery to use in compositions.

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