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Fan Art Update – Xmas 2011

banner_114_491x169_icywinterAppropriately our final KM UK Gallery Fan Art update of 2011 is dedicated to one of our most prolific creators: IcyWinter.

It’s been an incredible year of fan art donations.  Since the Fan Art wing opened in late 2010 we’ve amassed an amazing total of 560 items across Avatars, Banners, Buttons, Drawings and Wallpapers.

Many thanks to (in alphabetical order) Alpha, Amei, IcyWinter, Karen, Lolly, Lynne, Marianna, Richard, Smallbarbie, Tianna, TRB and Zoé for all their efforts over the course of this year.  We’ll be back with more Fan Art in the New Year, starting with Kathryn birthday at the end of the January.

If you have made some Kathryn-related Fan Art and would be willing to let it be shown here on KM UK please contact me.

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Xmas 2011 Fan Art?

Only a couple of weeks to go now until the big day and I’m aiming to post some Xmas & Kathryn-themed fan art in the week running up to it.

Hopefully the festive spirit has put you, or some talented friends, in an artistic mood and reaching for your mouse and copy of Photoshop.  The KM UK Gallery is full to bursting of great source material so you should be able to find something to fit an existing idea or to spark new ones.  Perhaps Kathryn’s recent appearance in her red pullover has lit a light-bulb above your head?

I would love to be able to showcase your work here, the more the merrier.  If you would like to contribute then please contact me, or email me directly if you have the details, and I will get back to you ASAP.

On a similar note we are only 6 weeks away from Kathryn’s birthday and it would be great to do some nice things to mark that wonderful occasion.

Fan Art Update – November 2011

wallpaper_172_1980x2640_lollyThe regular monthly fan art gallery update for November 2011 has been hijacked for Thanksgiving.

Lolly & IcyWinter kindly donated a set of Banners and Wallpapers for the KM UK Fan Art Gallery including several with a festive twist. Big thanks(giving) to them.

If you have made some Kathryn-related Fan Art and would be willing to let it be shown here on KM UK please contact me.  The next planned update will be just before Xmas.

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Halloween 2011 Fan Art Special

wallpaper_170_1920x1080_lollyBOO!  😯

Time for some extra spooky fan art images :-)

Lolly, IcyWinter and new name to us amei heeded the ghostly call and have created some fantastically imaginative Banners and Wallpapers to help us mark Halloween here at KM UK.  Many thanks to them for responding at such short notice.  You can find the fruits of their labours in the various sections of the Gallery.

In the coming months we have Thanksgiving in America, Xmas, New Year and Kathryn’s birthday, all of which might make great subjects for fan art.  Please contact me me if you would like to donate some works of art for a future update.

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Halloween 2011 Fan Art?

Next Monday (31st October) there will be a special posting of reader submitted, Halloween themed Fan Art.

If you would like to contribute any works of art you have created then please contact me.

You can do anything you like: avatars, banners, drawings, wallpapers or you could even have the first exhibit in the yet-to-be-opened video wing of the Fan Art Gallery.  The only other criteria is that Kathryn is involved in some way but you are free to include other Cold Case cast members.  How about adding a bit of Naughty Nick, Skeletal Scotty, Black Kat, Witchy Will or Jack-o’-lantern  John? :-)

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