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Fan Art Update – August 2012 Part 1

banner_127_443x149_dianekmfanIn the style of Cold Case we’re having one our occasional single artist fan art updates.  In fact it is going to be a two parter as well.

This month we are showcasing the work of relative newcomer to us here on KM UK who goes by the name of dianekmfan.

Familiar to some of you as an administrator of the French Cold Case Hypnoweb site, dianekmfan has been kind enough to allow us to share a large number of her banners and wallpapers with you.  Such was the number that not all have been posted in this update.  The rest will be posted next week in part 2.  As they say: To be continued…

Many thanks to dianekmfan for her generosity and her hard work for fellow Kathryn and Cold Case fans.

If you have made some Kathryn-related Fan Art and would be willing to let it be shown here on KM UK please contact me.

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Happy 4th Of July 2012

wallpaper_112_1280x720_lollyIn the UK we’ve had the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, between the rain showers some tennis is being played at Wimbledon, the British Formula 1 Grand Prix is this coming weekend, and the Olympics are just three weeks away.  However, we Brits thought we’d let the Merkins have this one day.  This year we’re calling it Wednesday, they call it Independence Day or the Fourth Of July.  Which is fortunate given that it falls on the 4th of this month :-)

Happy 4th of July to all our friends in America and one special lady in particular.

Thanks to Lolly for the wallpaper seen above, which is available in the Gallery.

Fan Art Update – June 2012

wallpaper_192_595x397_lollyIt has been a while since we did one of these fan art updates, it was for Kathryn’s birthday in fact.

Hopefully this post, with new images kindly donated to KM UK by fans like yourself, will inspire you to make some fan art.  The KM UK Gallery is full of great images, including the recent new HD Cold Case season 1 screencaps, Cougars, Inc. behind-the-scenes photos and images from Confections Of A Discarded Woman, should provide some inspiration as well as source material.

Lolly and new girl Stella have between themselves provided us with a set of wallpapers, whilst Kathy has done a drawing for us.  Many thanks to them for all their efforts.

It would be good to be able to post these updates more regularly again, but that depends on you.  Yes, you.  If you have made some Kathryn-related Fan Art and would be willing to let it be shown here on KM UK please contact me.

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Birthday Fan Art – January 2012 – Update x2

wallpaper_176_1024x1024_lollyHappy Kathryn Birthday Eve

As I’m sure you all know tomorrow is Kathryn’s birthday, but today we get to declare the Fan Art Video section of the KM UK Gallery open.  Sound of ribbon being cut.  Polite applause.  Cheese and wine consumed.  :-)

New girl Katie‘s promo video, which we posted about earlier this week, is our first exhibit.  Thanks to Katie for getting us off to a great start.

Lolly and Katie have provided wallpapers, some with a birthday theme to help mark Kathryn’s big day.  Birthday fan art from previous years is still in the Gallery, of course.

If you create Kathryn-related fan art (wallpapers, banners, avatars, buttons, drawings or videos) and would like to showcase it here on KM UK please contact me.

Update:  Thank you to amei for sending a lovely additional image (left thumbnail below).

Update 2:  And another thank you to Kareen T for creating a great collection of 7 new wallpapers (see the middle thumbnail below for one of them).

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Only A Week To Go

There is only one week to go until a special day for a certain special someone.  I think you know what I’m talking about :-)

I’m hoping to celebrate the occasion with some appropriately themed fan art.

Fellow obsessive and YouTube user Katie (kayandvivi) has been getting into the spirit already with a countdown of videos on her new Kathryn Morris FTW YouTube channel.  We have not yet opened the fan art video wing of the KM UK Gallery.  Perhaps we will be cutting the ribbon in a few days time.

If you would like to contribute any fan art please use the contact form to let me know, or email me directly if you have the details.

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