
March 2025
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KM UK Awards 2012

RichE MedalIt’s effected/affected everyone to some degree or other.  Sadly even the KM UK Awards are not immune to the global financial crisis.

Belts must be tightened.  No diamond-studded Ferrari’s for the bankers this year.  The little ‘RichE’ statuettes have been melted down to make gold watches for their bonuses.  Don’t worry, they’ll get their normal bonuses next year for (not) screwing things up again.  Instead we’ve had to resort using the silver medals that Team Great Britain (and Northern Ireland) won’t be winning at this year’s London Olympics.  We’ve even had to sell the red carpet (which would have been white anyway due to current the whether in England), so no parading up and down in inappropriately skimpy clothing for the time of year ladies.  And, the budget will no longer cover the legions of scriptwriters, so don’t expect the usual comedy gold either.  Sorry.

All the press attention might be going on the upcoming Oscars and this weekend’s BAFTAs but even in their reduced form these are the awards everyone really wants.  Ladies and gentlemen, the Kathryn Morris UK Awards 2012.

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Xmas Advent Calendar 2011

I think everyone that has Xmas decorations has at least one that’s old and tatty.  You’ve had it for years and you should probably throw it away and buy a new one.  But it is practically part of the family.  It’s tradition so you have to use it, every year…

The KM UK advent calendar returns for 2011.  This year’s theme is “The Many Hair Styles Of… Kathryn Morris”.  The image behind each “door” is taken from a film or TV series and showcases a different hair style that Kathryn has sported.  There are some classics.

Starting tomorrow a new picture will be revealed each day (if I remember to do it).  Feel free to post comments and rate each individual hair style as they are revealed, perhaps come up with nicknames for them.

You can find the advent calendar HERE, and I have added a link in the menu on the right.

The Advent Calendar is now closed.

Happy 4th Of July

wallpaper_111_2484x2000_smallbarbieSome times dreams do come true  😛

Yet again I find myself humbled by the generosity of KM UK readers.  The time and effort you put in to help me and my little website is amazing.  Kathryn is very lucky to have such wonderful fans.

Thank you to IcyWinter (it was her idea), Smallbarbie (the amazing image above) and Lolly (…hello) for the great new Wallpapers and Banners at such short notice.

Oh yes, and Happy 4th of July to our American cousins, especially Kathryn :-)

wallpaper_110_800x600_icywinter wallpaper_112_1280x720_lolly banner_076_500x200_icywinter

Texts From Cold Case Site

A bit of fun for a Friday.

The Tumblr website Texts From Castle takes bizarre mobilephone text messages from the Texts From Last Night and applies them as funny captions to images from the fantastic TV show Castle.

Inspired by this Lolly (aka Gina), funny girl and KM UK regular, has set up a Tumblr site of her own called Texts From Cold Case.  Of course now the text messages are applied as captions to pictures from Cold Case.

I’m sure that if you feel inspired to make a contribution of your own Lolly would be happy to accept submissions.  Contact her via Tumblr.  If you are looking for art work to use then I think you probably already know where to go to find the biggest and best collection of Cold Case images there is… Wait!  Where you going?  I meant here in the KM UK Gallery :-)

A link to the Texts From Cold Case site has been added to the KM Websites list on the right-hand side of this site.

Exclusive! Cougars, Inc. 3D – April Fool

The Cougars are Comin’ At Ya!

Today is the day that Cougars, Inc. is officially released to the world, or at least the North American parts of it, via on-demand services after its première last night.  On the 10th of May the same region will be able to get our hands on the DVD and Blu-ray versions (21st April in Germany).  But you may want to hold off on that hard copy purchase for now…

box_art_3dKM UK can exclusively reveal that two weeks after the discs are available a very special Blu-ray edition will be announced:  Cougars, Inc. 3D.  All the fun of the original but with added depth!

Filming was not done using 3D cameras so the effect has had to be added in post-production using a technique known as advanced proportional rectified interlace level field optical over layering.  This is a complicated procedure that extracts depth information from 2D images and re-applies it in certain ways to create the stereoscopic effect.  The time it has taken to perfect this technique is one of the reasons the movie was not released as widely expected in December 2010.

Huge thanks to Nisan Aptal for tipping me off about this.

New 3D-effect box art had been created for Cougars, Inc. 3D and KM UK has been able to obtain a leaked copy of it, as you can see on the right.  A larger version is now in the Gallery.

Yes, this was a fake story for April Fool.

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