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Win A Sweeter Side Of Life DVD!

fabulousafter40_150x73The ladies at the Fabulous After 40 website are giving away a copy of the upcoming Hallmark Channel movie The Sweeter Side Of Life on DVD.

Poster 003This is not a normal commercial DVD but a “screener” disc to be delivered prior to the film airing on the 19th of January (two weeks from today).  The sort of thing the press might receive for review purposes.  If you win the “sweepstake” you could get to see the film before the première broadcast.  Exciting!

Plus, with the DVD will be a copy of the film’s co-writer/producer/director Michael Damian’s new single Rock My Heart, which will feature on the soundtrack of the film and probably the film’s soundtrack album.

All you need to do is visit the site, enter your name and email address, and click submit.  We should warn you that there does not appear to be any direct feedback that your submission has been accepted, it just sends you back to the site’s homepage.  You will receive a confirmation email though.  Entries must be in by 12 noon EST (Eastern Standard Time) on the 9th of January 2013.  That’s 5pm GMT on Tuesday.

Here’s a small timer showing the time left until the competition closes:


Note that the competition rules state that it is not open to anyone outside of North America.  Presumably this is due to an unwillingness to post internationally.  Perhaps some of our American and Canadian friends can volunteer to accept deliveries on behalf of those of us not in North America in the event of one of us foreigners winning.

Update (9 January 2013):  The competition is closed and the page is no longer available.


hallmark |ˈhôlˌmärk|

verb [ trans. ]

stamp with a hallmark.

  • designate as distinctive, esp. for excellence.



Xmas Advent Calendar 2012

It’s difficult to believe that it this has come around again so quickly.  It only seems like a few weeks ago that we opened the first “door” of the 2011 KM UK advent calendar.  It wasn’t of course :-)

Each year we have a theme for the images that are unveiled on a daily basis.  Last year it was based around Kathryn’s many hair styles from her work on both big and small screens.  So what will we be using for 2012?

Whether it was alongside the new HD Cold Case screencaps, a look back at a recent movie project or an exclusive peek at a brand new one, a particular type of image has cropped up on a regular basis across the large number of posts in the past twelve months.

Yes, the KM UK advent calendar for 2012 is all about “On Set”.  Assuming it doesn’t get forgotten, starting tomorrow (1st December 2012) a new photo will be revealed each day.  Where possible we’ve gone for images that relate, albeit very slightly in most cases, to the things this festive time should be about: family and fun.  Enjoy.

The advent calendar is now available in the Gallery.  A direct link has been added to the main menu on the right.

What Would You Say?

kathryn_champ_screen_004Inspired by last week’s posting of about an interview and chat with Kathryn, I was wondering what would you say?

As a quick reminder:  reporting for the Pass The Remote website back in 2007, LillyKat attended a special screening of Resurrecting The Champ.  After showing the film there was a Q&A session with several key people, including Kathryn, from the project.  LillyKat was able to ask Kathryn some questions about the film, the character she played and her return to the big screen.

After the after LillyKat was got a chance to talk one-on-one with Kathryn and ask her some more questions.  You can read the two-part article LillyKat wrote about the experience starting HERE.

If you were in the same two situations what would you ask Kathryn?  Is there a question you have about Resurrecting The Champ or Kathryn’s character Joyce?  Can you think of a way that you would explore those points further in a later one-on-one?  Perhaps this would give you a chance to talk more about Kathryn’s wider body of work.  Remember that this is 2007 so season 5 of Cold Case is just about to start airing, and Cougars, Inc. or Moneyball do not exist yet.

Please leave your ideas in the comments below, mentioning whether each question would fit in to the Q&A or the 1-on-1.  Let’s keep the understandable fan-boy/girl gushing to a minimum and treat it like you are a proper reporter preparing an article for a newspaper or website.

Who knows, maybe one day we’ll be able to put some of your questions to Kathryn herself.

Happy 4th Of July 2012

wallpaper_112_1280x720_lollyIn the UK we’ve had the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, between the rain showers some tennis is being played at Wimbledon, the British Formula 1 Grand Prix is this coming weekend, and the Olympics are just three weeks away.  However, we Brits thought we’d let the Merkins have this one day.  This year we’re calling it Wednesday, they call it Independence Day or the Fourth Of July.  Which is fortunate given that it falls on the 4th of this month :-)

Happy 4th of July to all our friends in America and one special lady in particular.

Thanks to Lolly for the wallpaper seen above, which is available in the Gallery.

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