
March 2025
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Win US Bone Tomahawk DVD And Other News

poster_002_1500x2215Star Wars!  Star Wars!  Star Wars!  Star Wars!  Star Wars!  Star Wars!  Star Wars!  Star Wars!  Star Wars!  Jar Jar Binks!  Star Wars!  Star Wars!  Star Wars!  Star Wars!  Xmas!  Star Wars!  Star Wars!  Star Wars!  Star Wars!  Star Wars!

It seems that every media outlet at the moment is finding ways to jump on the Star Wars bandwagon, slapping tenuous references to the movie juggernaut for the sake of a few extra clicks.

And why should KM UK be any different?  :-)

In less than two weeks the western horror film Bone Tomahawk will be released on DVD and Blu-ray in the United States Of That There America.

I’m sure it won’t be the first or the last but the Irish Film Critic website is running a contest to win a copy.  No skill necessary, apart from the skill to type your details into a form on a web page.  See HERE for full details.  It is only open to US and Canadian citizens over 18 years of age.  Sorry.

Elsewhere the film has been receiving many plaudits.

Audiences Everywhere calls it the Best Romantic Horror/Western of the year.  Not sure about ‘romantic’ part, but even cannibalistic troglodytes need love too.

Bone Tomahawk‘s Craig Zahler features in The Film Stage‘s list of 2015 Best Directorial Debuts alongside films like Ex Machina.

The Phoenix Critics Circle nominated the film in the best horror category, and Richard Jenkins was included in the Best Supporting Actor short list.

Jenkins also gets a Best Supporting Male nod in the Spirit Awards nominations announced a few weeks ago.  The winners will be declared at the ceremony in late February.

Congratulations to all involved.

Xmas Advent Calendar 2015

advent_calendar_430x90What to do as this year’s theme for the KM UK Advent Calendar?  What to do indeed…

Recently one of those ‘meme’ things took over a small corner of the Internet.  It happens all the time of course.

Double world drivers champion Fernando Alonso has had a less than successful 2015 in Formula 1.  He’s had a car that proved itself to be amongst the worse of the year and the current rules make it difficult to fix the issues during the season, so it was not going to get better.  The Brazilian Grand Prix, the penultimate race weekend of the season, saw Fernando’s car fail him yet again, this time during one of the crucial practise sessions.  The Spaniard decided to relax at the side of the circuit and catch some Sun.  A photograph of him laying back spawned the #WhereWouldAlonsoRatherBe hashtag.  He was ‘photoshopped’ into various situations by the Internet’s artistic denizens, all considered preferable to having to drive the recalcitrant McLaren-Honda.

One such image struck me.  It was a take on the ‘Where’s Waldo/Wally?’ (depending on your side of the Atlantic) books with Fernando hidden in a complex image.  Could you spot the Nomex-suited, bearded racing driver?

So, for our Advent Calendar this year KM UK is going with a ‘Where’s Kathryn?‘ theme.  The images are all from films Kathryn has starred in but hasn’t had the biggest role.  In some of the shots you’ll have to work a little bit to find her.  See how long it takes you.

Check out the Advent Calendar album in the KM UK Gallery each day for a newly revealed pic.  There is now a link in the right-hand menu to save you searching for this post as the month progresses.

Happy 4th Of July 2015

wallpaper_111_2484x2000_smallbarbieHappy 4th of July to Kathryn, her family and all of KM UK’s friends in the US.

Just as Americans can use the date as excuse for a party, I get to use the date as an excuse to use the picture you see above again.

Friend of the site smallbarbie created the image in our early days and it’s become an iconic image for us.  Along with many others it can be found in the Fan Art Gallery.  If you want to contribute a work of Kathryn-related fan art then please contact me.

KM UK Awards 2015

riche_teddy_bear_medal_oscar_128x128It’s that time again.

Time to hand out some prizes in the annual KM UK Awards.

For the last couple of years we eschewed the silverware in favour of the more wallet-friendly “I ♡ KM UK” teddy bear.  We’ve regained a little confidence economically but we’re not out of the woods (bear, woods, geddit?) yet so ‘austerity bear’ is back again.  And, we love him so much it would not be the same without him now.

An Oscars-style awards ceremony doesn’t seem the same unless a statuette is involved though so I dipped into petty cash to buy a few new ones.  There’s not enough for many full-sized versions so we bought miniatures instead.  And, we found down the back of the sofa a few spare silver medals we handed out in 2012.

Put them all together and you get the medal-wearing, statue-clutching bear you see above.  A ‘RichE’ wearing a ‘RichE’ and holding a ‘RichE’. Weird. Each winner will receive one.

Money is still tight though and these venues aren’t cheap to hire for the night so go easy on the free bar and buffet please.

That’s enough pre-event waffle from me.  Let’s go over to our commentators, hosts, award givers and receivers.

Continue reading »

Artistic Anniversary?

As I am sure many of you are aware Kathryn’s birthday is rapidly approaching.  Actually it is approaching at the same speed each does, but you know what I mean.

As is traditional the day is the 28th of January.  What’s also become a tradition, albeit a slight newer one, is me asking:  Anyone up for some birthday-themed fan art to mark the occasion?

You’ll have the dubious honour of having your work hosted in the KM UK Gallery and the best featured here on the main site.  Does it get any better than that?  :-)

Contact me via the usual means if you want to send me some pics.

Thank you.

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