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Happy 4th Of July 2017

wallpaper_111_2484x2000_smallbarbieHappy 4th of July to Kathryn, her family and all of KM UK’s friends in the US.

I think I missed this last year.  Celebrating what is good in America is probably more important than ever,  though I shouldn’t need an excuse to use friend of the site smallbarbie‘s image above.  It’s become one of our iconic pics.

Lots more fan are can be found in the KM UK Fan Art Gallery. New contributions are always welcome, please contact me if you to add something Kathryn-related.

KM UK Awards 2017


*cough*  Hello.

Had enough of all those fake awards?  The Oscars?  So fake.  The BAFTAs?  Made up by the media who are too scared to tell you the truth.

To counter all that we bring you the Alternative Awards, or Alt-Awards.  And these are in no way influenced by ‘foreign actors’.  Only good ol’ home grown actors here.  Any results that you see leaked are being done so by bad hombres.  Sad.

Great news is we have a new sponsor for the event.  It’s V0dka.  ‘Don’t be bad. Drink like Vlad-imir.’  The classic American drink enjoyed by millions of hard working folk just like you.  Never has the potato tasted so good.  Apart from as ‘Freedom Fries’.

Despite appearances we know that this year will have the biggest audience ever.  Billions will witness this event.  8 to 10 billion in fact.

Due to the unprecedented success of last year’s new be-quiffed mascot we’ve brought it back.  If you ignore all the millions of votes against it (mostly illegal no doubt) it was the most popular statue since the last really popular one.

Welcome to the 2017 KM UK Awards.

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Xmas Advent Calendar 2016

advent_calendar_430x90As we approach the end of the year it is common to look back on the past year.

This seems to be happening especially early this year.  Perhaps this is because it has been a tumultuous one for many people around the world.  There have been losses this year that could have significant on-going implications for all us, possibly for generations.  In the world of entertainment alone we’ve lost many revered people.  Two long considered living legends became eternal legends: David Bowie and Prince.

Cold Case did a lot of looking back.  Most episodes opened with a flashback scene from years gone-by, followed by frequent returns to that period as the story unfolded.  Kathryn, as Lilly Rush, ended many an episode staring into space as she saw/thought about the victim and how they would feel about their last chapter finally being written.  Some times we all just need to gaze at the horizon whilst we contemplate the bigger picture.

In this spirit the theme for the 2016 KM UK Advent Calendar is made up of shots from episodes of Cold Case where Lilly does that distant, mixed emotions (glad things are resolved but with some sadness) stare.  There are so many that I’ve focused on just seasons one to three.

Each day of December running up to and including Xmas day a new image will be revealed in the Advent Calendar album in the KM UK Gallery.  See if you can work out which of the nearly 70 episodes each image comes from.

A link has now been added to the right-hand menu to save you searching for this post as the month progresses.

KM UK Awards 2016

We were invited to other award shows but didn’t go this time!  They gave out stupid prizes, in lightweight categories!  We’ll hold our own event, again, and they’re not invited to it!

Let me tell you I know a thing or two about award ceremonies!  I’ve done billions of them!  They’re the best award ceremonies you’ve ever seen!  I’m not just saying that.  Everyone knows that!  Right?

And we won’t be handing out namby-pamby prizes to ‘winners’.  Oh no!

From now on the so-called ‘winners’ will have to make their own statues.  They can pull them out of the their own ears, their own… whatever.  What’s more, we’ll make them pay us to let them make them for themselves!

And if they don’t like that we’ll force them to do something worse than wakeboarding!  That’s a thing right?

We’ve got a new mascot for our event this year.  As you can see (above) ‘The RichE’ is a very attractive bear.  Yes, before you ask, all the fur is natural.  It just grows like that.

It’s time to make the KM UK Awards great again!

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Win A Signed Bone Tomahawk Poster – Dread Central

poster_002_1500x2215Following on from our post on Thursday about winning Bone Tomahawk on DVD/Blu-ray, how about a signed poster.

Horror news website Dread Central has such a work of art signed by various members of the success western.

Actors Kurt Russell (Death Proof), Patrick Wilson (Watchmen), Matthew Fox (Lost), and Richard Jenkins (Six Feet Under) have taken pen to paper along with writer/director Craig S Zahler, and producers Dallas Sonnier and Jack Heller.  Sadly Kathryn is notable by her absence from that list.

All it takes is a properly subject-lined email sent to the correct address with your details.  No question to answer, no “reason why I should win” sentence to write, or special slogan to create.  Just an email.  You have until the very start of the day on the 28th of December, taking into account the timezone.  Get it done before the 27th to be safe.

Unusually for this kind of thing it appears not to be limited to only those in North America.  At least if the asterixed line at the bottom of the page “Some International Shipping Available” is to be believed.

See the Dread Central page here.

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