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Xmas Advent Calendar 2018

advent_calendar_430x90It is that time again.  Where has the year gone?

KM UK marks the upcoming ‘holiday’ season with a sort of Advent Calendar, counting down to Xmas day with a series of Kathryn-related images.

Each year we choose a subject to tie all the photographs together.  One of the major annual tasks is to come up with that theme.  Fear not dear readers, we’ve got a good one and it fits very well with a major part of the season:  Gift Giving.

Starting on Saturday (1st Dec) KM UK will open up a ‘window’ of it’s Advent Calendar each day (hopefully) to reveal a picture of Kathryn giving you a gift idea through December until Xmas day.

The Advent Calendar album in the KM UK Gallery is now available (see the handy link on the right).  Come back daily to see the latest image.

Disclaimer:  Kathryn is not really giving gift buying advice and her holding a product should not be taken as an endorsement by Kathryn or this website.

Happy 4th Of July 2018

wallpaper_111_2484x2000_smallbarbieHappy 4th of July to Kathryn, her family and all of KM UK’s friends in the US.

They’ll be lots of celebrations going on across the United States Of America today.  To use a quote from The Simpsons:  “Celebrate the independence of your nation by blowing up a small part of it.”

Of course there will be some that right now would prefer things hadn’t gone the way they did 242 years ago.  Though, looking at the leadership this side of the pond might give you pause on that one.  Little bit of politics there.  My name’s RichE.  Goodnight.

Here on KM UK we always celebrate this occasion with the image above.  smallbarbie (thank you) created it especially for this site to include in our Fan Art Gallery.  If you want to contribution an image please contact me.

KM UK Awards 2018

The KM UK Awards like to stay up to date with current trends, reflecting what is going on around us all.  Some would call it it band-wagon jumping for comic effect, opportunist, or just lazy writing.  And those people could be best described as… correct.  It’s just a bit of fun after all.

There have been several high profile political movements this past year, denoted increasingly more regularly these days with a hash tag.  #MeToo for instance was used in reference to women speaking out against abuse and discrimination they’ve suffered for far too long.

Here at KM UK we will certainly not be trivialising such important issues.  Instead we will be going old school and referencing a television phenomenon from the recent-ish past, that is still very much in the news today:  You’re Fired!  (Ironically said by a boss to a candidate going through a prolonged televised job interview and therefore was not in a position to be fired.)  It feels like everyday at the moment someone in a high profile role is getting fired.  Either they’ve done something wrong and getting rid of them is seen as serving a purpose.  Or, they’ve done the right thing and that reflects badly on someone higher up.  It also means we can used the same icon as last year :-)

Welcome to the 2018 KM UK Awards.

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Xmas Advent Calendar 2017

advent_calendar_430x90One of the more difficult issues this site has to deal with each year is deciding on a theme for the Advent Calendar.  It’s the double complication of coming up with the idea and then finding images from Kathryn’s body of work that fit.  No images, or not enough to fill the 25 ‘windows’, and it’s backs to the drawing board.

This year the theme part was relatively easy.  It has been staring me in the face for a few months and will continue to be with us into next year.  Plus, and this is key, it gives us some scope for nice images of Kathryn.

The theme for the KM UK Advent Calendar for the run-up to Xmas Day 2017 is reverie.  Obviously this relates to the new TV show due to start in March but we need to go to the meaning of the word.  The dictionary definition is this:

a state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts; a daydream.

So, we are looking for pictures of Kathryn from her roles in TV and movies where she is looking happy and deep in thought or distracted.  Not sure I’ve nailed it in each case, some may require some latitude to be given, but there are 25 images now waiting to revealed in the coming weeks, starting on the 1st of December.  Can you think what might be included?

The Advent Calendar album in the KM UK Gallery is now available (see the handy link on the right) and a new picture on the reverie theme will be unveiled daily.

Cold Case: Where Are They Now?

CC_Titles_16Regular readers might be questioning the need for a ‘where are they now?’ post as I already have the monthly Cold Case Cast Catch-up.  And you’d be right.  This is not about the cast.

There has been a lot of coverage recently of the San Diego Comic-Con event, even working its way over from more nerdy end of the blogosphere into the mainstream media.  No longer are the ‘Cons’ just about the niche entertainment genres.  As the Marvel and DC universes take over TV and movies and everyone plays computer games (yes you do!).

Seeing news about the various discussion panels, where cast members introduce new productions, got me thinking about the fact that Cold Case and its fans missed out on all that during its seven years.

So, if Cold Case did come back for an event series (as I made up in last year’s April Fool post) seven years on what would the characters be doing now?  How would they bring them together for another case?  What would that case be?

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