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Kathryn On Set Of Confections – 3rd Photo

on_set_20120609_001Confections Of A Discarded Woman director/writer/producer Michael Damian used Twitter to post a photo of (from right to left) himself, his co-writer/co-producer wife Janeen, “Chef Bern” and Kathryn at the weekend.

The photo is now in the Gallery.

Many thanks to Michael for allowing us to share this with everyone.

Kathryn On Set Of Confections – Another Photo

transparent_8x8.pngDue to an apparent misunderstanding I have been asked to remove this photo.

KM UK has no wish to cause problems for anyone so we have willingly complied with this request.

Apologies to all concerned for any inconvenience caused.

KM UK wishes the cast and crew all the best with the continued production of Confections Of A Discarded Woman

Kathryn On Set Of Confections… 1st Photo

on_set_20120605_001We have our first sighting of Kathryn on the set of the film Confections Of A Discarded Woman.

Kathryn is in Romania and filming started today (5 June 2012).  It looks like they are on location in a hotel on day one.

In the photo we can see Kathryn standing still whilst her photo is taken, probably for continuity purposes.  This is the look that pampered housewife Desiree Harper will have in the film.

The photo has been added to the KM UK Gallery.

Credit as appropriate.

Kathryn In Confections… On IMDb

confections_of_a_discarded_womanThis should not be taken as an official official confirmation but in the past few hours the IMDb page for Confections Of A Discarded Woman has been updated to include Kathryn Morris in the lead role of Desiree Harper.

Anyone can submit updates to IMDb so it could very well be one of you that entered the information and the staff of IMDb having seen the recent news reports has gone with it.  Was it you?

You can find the Confections… IMDb page HERE.

Confections Of A Discarded Woman Info – Update x2

confections_of_a_discarded_womanA quick bit of Googling has turned up some information about the film Confections Of A Discarded Women which Kathryn has apparently been signed to star in.

  • Kathryn’s character might be called Desiree Harper – how appropriate 😉
  • James Best, best known as Sheriff Rosco P Coltrane on The Dukes Of Hazzard is said to co-star.
  • Filming is due to be from the 4th to the 24th of June this year, that’s next Monday.
  • The shoot is taking place at Castel Film Studios and on location in Bucharest, Romania.
  • Director Michael Damian co-wrote the script with his wife Janeen.  Michael is best known for an acting stint on soap opera The Young And The Restless but has also turned his hand to song writing, with some of his work appearing on the soundtrack of Flicka 2.
  • Confections… is being made for the US TV Hallmark Channel.
  • The première date is set for 2013.

Sources: Castel Film Studios website and IMDb.

We are still waiting for official confirmation of Kathryn’s participation in the film.  We’ll let you know as soon as we have it.

Update (1 June 2012):  Sadly it looks we all missed out on the opportunity to appear in a film that will probably star our Kathryn.  Damn!  I’ll explain.  The Charitybuzz website had an auction in aid of The Nancy Davis Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis.  This was done online over a few days in mid-May.  One of the items up for bidding was a speaking role in Confections…  The winner would be required to spend a couple of days in Romania, being a charity thing you’d have to pay your own expenses.  You can find all the details over on the Charitybuzz website.

Also, in the past 24 hours the IMDb page for Confections… has been updated to include Irish actor Stephen Hogan in what I assume is role of the the lead character’s husband.

Update 2 (2 June 2012):  Jane March (The Lover, Color Of Night), Alister Mackenzie and Catherine Hammond have been added to the cast list on IMDb.  I presume that Jane March’s Lana is the acupuncturist that Desiree’s husband leaves her for.

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