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Hallmark Post The Sweeter Side Of Life BTS Video

special_features_000The special features video for The Sweeter Side Of Life that KM UK first reported on 3 weeks ago has turned up on the Hallmark Channel’s own website.

They’ve labelled it “Behind the scenes” and “On location with The Sweeter Side” but it is exactly the same video we first saw in mid-May.  We’d assumed it was the basis of the special features for the DVD release, and perhaps it still will be, but it was clearly done with the intention of posting it on the web first.

Anyway, if you haven’t been able to see it already after it was removed from YouTube you now have a good opportunity to do so.  You can find it, surprise surprise, in the “Video” section of the Hallmark Channel’s TSSOL sub-site.

The film continues to receive ocassional airings on the Hallmark Channel.  The next is due on the 21st of July, just days after the DVD release.

The Sweeter Side Of Life DVD Box Art

Nearly two months a go now KM UK broke the news of The Sweeter Side Of Life‘s DVD release in the US.  We followed that up with a link to Amazon’s listing of the disc, which should make it easier for anyone outside of America to order it if they wish.

dvd_cover_002In the past couple of weeks the director of the film, Michael Damian, started promoting the release on Twitter and the official Facebook page for the film.  We’ve no idea where he gets his info from 😉  The online shops he has linked to agree with the 16th July 2013 launch date we originally reported.

Here, in no particular order, are a few of the major online US retailers with The Sweeter Side Of Life available for pre-order on DVD:

Prices (at time of going to press) on those sites range from $10.81 to $13.44, excluding shipping and taxes.  No doubt it will be available from all good retailers, and some rubbish ones too :-)  Those outside the US can use a local Amazon account to order from the American region site.

We’ve been able to obtain a hi-res version of the “3D” box art image (right) you will see on some of those sites.  A copy has now been added to the Gallery.

If you are not in the US and see the film on sale in your region please let us know in a comment or via the Contact form.

The Sweeter Side Of Life Special Features Video – Update

special_features_000Somewhat ahead of the July release of the DVD (as first noted here on KM UK back in April) of The Sweeter Side Of Life a video some very DVD extra-like special features has been posted on YouTube.  The video uploader is a member of the production crew  responsible for the DVD extras.

The 8 minute long video contains brief interviews with co-writer/director/producer Michael Damian and his wife co-writer/producer Janeen Damian; and actors James Best, Jane March, Steve Varnom, Catherine Hammond and, of course, a certain Kathryn Morris.  It’s mainly the usual summation of the plot and how wonderful everyone involved is.  Interspersed with the interviews are clips from the film and behind the scenes footage from filming in New York and Bucharest.

Whether this is the DVD extras in their entirety or not we will just have to wait and see.

You can cannot watch the video on YouTube HERE.

A small set of Full HD (1080p) screencaps and a small copy of the video are now available in the Gallery.

Update:  For reasons unknown the YouTube video has been made private.

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Sweeter Side… DVD Pre-Order On Amazon US

dvd_cover_001The American branch of the Amazon website added a page for the US release of The Sweeter Side Of Life on DVD at the end of last week.  You can read it here.

This, as we brought you recently, came exactly a week after the DVD Empire website did the same thing.  Amazon appears to confirm the July 16th release date.

At the time of writing the Amazon page does not include a cover image (right) we saw on the DVD Empire site but there are significant similarities between the listings.  The base price is the same rather specific US$14.93, with DVD Empire offering a $4.12 discount.  Pricing is subject to change of course.

Each site quotes a synopsis of the film which is word-for-word identical including the odd final sentence of  “Faced with found?”  Either they’ve both been fed the same text by the distributor or Amazon has taken the info from its competitor site.

Still no signs of the hoped for Blu-ray version.

The Sweeter Side Of Life DVD Release Date?

dvd_cover_001It has been a bit of a wait but we are possibly seeing the first signs of the DVD release of Kathryn’s recent TV movie The Sweet Side Of Life.

The DVD Empire website now has a page for the film, you can see it HERE.

The page lists the release date for the USA, for that is where the DVD Empire site is based, as the 16th of July 2013.  Just over 3 months from now.  Only the DVD is listed, at the princely sum of $10.81, there is no signs of Blu-ray version at this time.  Hopefully that will change.

Accompanying the details is a cover art image, eyes right.  As you can see it uses one of the Hallmark promo photos of Kathryn mixed with a New York skyline background.  The image is now in the Gallery.

The Sweeter Side Of Life, starring Kathryn and James Best (The Dukes Of Hazzard) is an original Hallmark Channel movie first broadcast by the station back in mid-January in the US, and is being repeated occasionally.  Kathryn plays Desiree who is, as the official PR schtick puts it, “a privileged Manhattan housewife of a surgeon who gets a reality check when she’s dumped and sent back to New Jersey to work at her father’s beloved bakery.”

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