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The Perfect Guy UK Box Office

poster_005As of yesterday (22nd November) The Perfect Guy had racked up just a whisker short of $57m in total takings world wide.  Only about 4% of that was from non-US countries.

The thriller film was number one in its opening weekend, which started on Friday the 11th of September.

Last Friday (20th November) The Perfect Guy opened in the UK.  Unlike the first weekend in US it was up against some very strong competition.  The latest James Bond movie, Spectre, is still going strong after four weeks and the final instalment in The Hunger Games quadrilogy, Mockingjay Part 2, premièred.  That’s some tough competition.

Couple that with a no doubt different demographic, less publicity, and stars not so recognisable to a UK audience and it is understandable why The Perfect Guy took around £100,000 (approx $150,000).  Perhaps it’ll be a slow burn.

The Perfect English Gentleman Is Nearly Here

poster_005It was released in the US back in September.

The past few weeks have seen it première in various countries across Europe.

Finally, and we do appear to be amongst the last, the good burghers of the United Kingdom and Ireland get a look in.

Thriller The Perfect Guy is set to be released in cinemas across the two islands this coming Friday (20th Nov).

The most recent global box office figures since the initial launch in America show the film has taken nearly $60m so far.  Half of that was in the first week.  On a budget said to be around $12m that’s a very respectable result.  Fives times the production cost should certainly put the project in to a nice profit.  Congrats to all involved.

To mark the release of the Sanaa Lathan (Boss), Michael Ealy (The Good Wife, on the left in the poster above), Morris Chestnut (Rosewood, right), and Kathryn Morris-starring film the Guardian newspaper here in Britain has today posted a little quiz about similar thrillers.  As most of these type of ‘ex-partner goes psycho’ films is the other way around gender-wise they are testing to see how quickly you can spot a ‘bunny boiler’.  Take the quiz here.  How many can you get?

The Perfect Guy To Make Home Visit

blu-ray_box_001Who doesn’t want to meet the perfect guy before the New Year?

Well, me for a start  :-)

But for those that are they can look forward to spending an evening or two with him in the comfort of their own home.

The thriller The Perfect Guy is due for a DVD and Blu-ray release on December 29th of this year (that’s 2015) in America.

Amazon’s US website has the discs available for pre-order now.  See the details HERE.

The price is currently just under $20 for the standard definition version and near to $30 if you want your thrills in full HD.

The film revolves around Sanaa Lathan’s Leah.  She ends a relation and soon afterwards meets the titular ‘perfect guy’.  But is he too good to be true?  Presumably, or the plot would be lacking a certain something  :-)

Kathryn has a few small scenes in her role as a friend of Leah.  As we’ve noted before there is one set in a restaurant as the ladies get to meet the new man.

More B.O. For The Perfect Guy

poster_005Perhaps he’s not so perfect after all :-)

After its second weekend of release in the US of A, movie thriller The Perfect Guy stayed in the top four of the box office.

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials, sequel to last summer’s hit, and Johnny Depp starer Black Mass took the 1st and 2nd spots respectively.  Last week’s runner up to The Perfect Guy, M. Night Shyamalan’s new film The Visit fared slightly better during the week to nudge ahead of it into 3rd place.

Also, apparently The Perfect Guy also opened in a few international territories, mostly in the middle and far east, which added an extra few hundred thousand dollars to the kitty.

trailer_001_1080p_007All-in-all so far the film has taken over $40m, more than three times the production budget of $12m.  A tidy little earner for the studio.  That’s before the release in most of the rest of the world, including the large European market.

To celebrate the continued success of the film I’ve added a small set of full HD (1080p) screencaps of Kathryn in the original trailer.  They are now in the Gallery.

The Perfect Guy Draws A Crowd – Update

poster_005The US market box office figures for the weekend just gone have been coming today.

The Perfect Guy was number 1 with takings just above the other big new release, M. Night Shyamalan’s The Visit.

Said to have cost around $12m to produce, The Perfect Guy took $26.7m in it’s opening weekend.

Generally speaking a film needs to make around three times their budget to be in profit.  The cinemas, distributors, promoters, etc. all get their cut.  So, the movie is well on it’s way to being a success for Sony’s Screen Gem division that’s produced it.  One of its biggest in fact, already in the company’s top 10 openings apparently.  Another few weekends and then the releases around the globe should push it considerably further.  Then there’s the DVD release to come.

Congratulations to all involved on the success.

The critics have been less kind to The Perfect Guy but they seem to have little influence on the public in general.  Further evidence of that is The Visit was also given a mixed reception.

Update (16th Sept):  A small detail I missed when I posted the above item was the fact that The Perfect Guy was not preview screened or screened for critics prior to the Friday release.  Most films are ‘preview screened’ on days before the official launch date, usually a Friday.  Often this is just the Thursday but increasingly it can start earlier in the week or even back to the previous weekend.  For reasons best known to the film industry all these extra days are included in the normal three-day opening weekend.  This is done to boost the takings to increase the chances of it being number 1.  It’s all marketing.  So, it is to The Perfect Guy‘s credit that it achieved the top spot despite only have ticket sales from three days.  The lack of screenings for critics before release does tend to suggest the feeling was that the film would not be well received, and the wish to keep the opinions away from the public before they make their decision on what to see at the cinema that weekend.

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