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Even More The Coin On Set Photos

on_set_20120703_011The gentlemen on left in the photo above is Fabien Mortorell.  He’s the director, a co-writer and a co-producer of the short film The Coin.  The 9 minute long movie also stars Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future).

Obviously he is a man of great taste because he chose Kathryn to star in his film (or maybe she has some dirt on him 😮 ) but he is also a very helpful man.  “What makes you say that?”  I hear you ask.  I’ll tell you.

Back in December Fabien very kindly contacted KM UK directly to let us know about a new Facebook page he’s created for the film (we had actually found it already, shortly after it was created :-) ).  Not only that but Fabien and Kathryn have allowed KM UK to share with you the set of on set photos posted there.  There is now a link to the FB page in the menu on the right.

Twelve, count ’em, photos (and one previous one updated to a slightly larger version) of Kathryn and co. on the set of The Coin are now in the Gallery.

Many thanks to Fabien and Kathryn.

We hope to bring you more news on this project soon.

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Trailer For The Coin – Update


A trailer for the short film The Coin has been released.

It’s 90 seconds long.  Seeing as the short film is apparently only 9 minutes long having a trailer of that length is like seeing 15 minutes of a normal 90 minute film :-)

Kathryn features heavily from the start.  She’s not happy! :-(

A copy of the video (and some HD screencaps) has been added to the Gallery.

Update (23 December 2012): Full HD (1080p) screencaps added.

Update (24 December 2012):  The trailer is available on Vimeo, the video sharing website, HERE.

The Coin – A Synopsis


Someone at the website very kindly contacted KM UK via Twitter linking to an article they have posted about the short film The Coin.

The piece by Pamela Price gives us the first indication we’ve seen of the plot of the 9 minute long movie.  The LATF writer says that The Coin is a “must see” and the cinematography is “captivating”.  We certainly look forward to seeing it.

Kathryn’s role is initially described thus:

Kathryn Morris (Cold Case) portrays an indignant mother who radiates negativity onto her cherubic young son (Jack Ryan Shepherd).

Pamela goes on to give a synopsis of the plot that involves the boy being left outside a shop and meeting a homeless man played by Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future).  Mention is made of the upcoming film festival season with the likes of Sundance and the Palm Springs International Film Festival due soon.  Sundance has already announced their short film selection and The Coin was not on the list.  KM UK’s understands that it was not submitted.

You can read Pamela’s article in full on the website.

Thanks to the LATF Tweeter for the link.

More The Coin On Set Photos

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We’ve managed to find a couple more photos of Kathryn, Christopher Llloyd and the young Jack Ryan Shepherd on the set of Fabien Mortorell’s short film The Coin.  Clearly they very closely resemble the photos posted previously here and here but we knew you’d like to see them anyway.

They are both now available in the Gallery.

Exclusive The Coin Screenshot


Fabien Martorell, director and co-writer of the short film The Coin, has very kindly provided KM UK with an exclusive screenshot from the film.  You can see it above and in the Gallery.

As you can see it is the full version of the shot used as a section of the poster we brought to you last week.  The additional height to the image makes it clearer that Kathryn’s character Rachael is sat behind the wheel of a car, and is therefore probably looking in the rear-view mirror at something.  The film appears to have a distinct blue-green hue to it, giving it a slightly mysterious air.

Thanks to again Fabien for his generosity.

On a related note: the poster for the The Coin, posted in a previous article, was updated yesterday (18th September 2012) to a much larger version.

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