The praise for the short film The Coin continues to roll in from all corners of the world.
This time it is from director Fabien Martorell’s home country of France. “Journaliste cinéma” Catherine Habib posted a note on her Facebook page on Friday (22nd Nov) with some brief thoughts on the short film starring Christopher Lloyd (Stacked), Kathryn and Jack Ryan Shepherd.
In the film Kathryn is the stressed and angry mother of a young boy. Lloyd plays a vagrant sitting on the pavement (sidewalk to our American cousins) outside a shop the mother drags her son into.
Titled “3 good reasons to see THE COIN by Fabien MARTORELL” it is… well, you get the gist. Short and sweet. Kathryn is not named but she is almost certainly included in the reference to “two legends of Hollywood”.
You can read the item in it’s original form on Facebook HERE. Below is a copy alongside an basic English translation done using Google Translate. Any corrections by Français speakers are welcome.
Thank you to Fabien for bringing another item to our attention.
Catherine Habib
3 bonnes raisons de voir THE COIN de Fabien MARTORELL
1) Pour son casting hors du commun, on a pas tous les jours l’occasion de voir réunis dans un seul court métrage 2 légendes du monde hollywoodien!
2) Pour l’humanité du personnage interprété par Christopher Lloyd, on en redemande!
3) Parce qu’en seulement quelques plans et mouvements de caméra – soit à peine 8 minutes 13-, le réalisateur plonge le spectateur dans un univers dramatique qui n’appartient qu’à lui! bravo!
Catherine Habib
3 good reasons to see THE COIN by Fabien MARTORELL
1) For his unusual casting, it is not every day you get the opportunity to see two legends of Hollywood in one short!
2) For the humanity of the character played by Christopher Lloyd, we want more!
3) Because in just a few shots and camera movements – a mere 8 minutes 13 – the director plunges the viewer into a dramatic world that belongs to him! Bravo!
The review by LA Firm Inc Magazine of the short film The Coin, brought to you by KM UK last week, seemed to start something off. Not only was the film’s director/writer/producer, Fabien Martorell (and actor/producer Will Kemp), kind enough to favourite and reTweet our Tweeted announcement of the post, but he also followed up with Tweets of quotes about the film.
One those that Fabien linked to was on the Brazilian film review website Revista Moviola (Movie Magazine ?). Brazil-born but England-resident Maysa Monção, who has worked in various sections of the entertainment industry in London in recent years, wrote the piece you can find on the Revista Moviola website HERE.
Below is a copy of the original text and an English translation by Google’s Translate feature, with a few tweaks by yours truly. Apologies for the poor English. If any Português speakers would like to offer improvements please let me know and I’ll edit accordingly.
Continue reading »

As promised last week here are the details of The Coin’s screening at the Underexposed Film Festival, York Country, South Carolina.
The Coin is being shown with ten other short films in a groups called “Narrative”. Fabien Martorell’s film is also one of the festival Director’s Choice.
The film festival starts this coming Thursday (14 November) and runs through to Saturday (16 November). Saving the best to (almost) last the “Narrative” set is to be screened on the Saturday between 7pm and 9pm, with The Coin the 3rd in a final set of six after the intermission. The venue for this, the second year of the festival, is the Community Performance Center on East Main Street, in the state capital Rock Hill. It is only $6 a ticket. The awards ceremony follows the “Block F” screening.
The Underexposed Film Festival should really considering sticking the word “International” in there somewhere because the event includes films from all over the globe. As well as the USA there are films from Serbia, Turkey, Australia, India, the UK, Canada, Germany, Iceland, Spain, Iran, France, Romania, and Austria.
There is quite a list of stars from big screen and television in the films too. Elijah Wood (Lord Of The Rings) and Alia Shawkat (Maeby Fünke in Arrested Development) star together in Setup, Punch. Christopher Lloyd (Spin City) features, along with fellow repeatee Elijah Wood, in a second film being shown called The Narrative of Victor Karloch. Amongst the others I recognise is TV drama Perception guest star Scott Wolf in Imagine (he played Rachael Leigh Cook’s character’s ex-husband).
Good luck to all those taking part in the festival.
If you are in Rock Hill on Saturday and make the screening please let us know your thoughts.
More details about the Underexposed Film Festival can be found on their website HERE.
On Thursday Fabien Martorell, the director of the film The Coin, reminded us via Twitter that the short will be featuring in the Underexposed Film Festival in a couple of weeks. KM UK covered the initial announcement previously. Exact details of the screening will be posted here nearer the time.
I understand that The Coin will be shown at even more festivals in the coming months, both in the US and abroad. KM UK will be reporting on those as soon as the news breaks.
In the meantime this is a good opportunity to bring to you a review by Darcell Carraway of LA Firm Inc Magazine of the 8 minute feature starring Kathryn, Christopher Lloyd (Piranha 3DD) and young Jack Ryan Shepherd.
“Kathryn Morris was electrifying…”
Los Angeles Firm Inc Magazine is an online and print publication that “cover[s]… all facets of [the] commercial entertainment industry” including fashion and movies. Darcell is the CEO of Los Angeles Firm Inc, Editor In Chief of the magazine, and Creative Director of sister company Victoria Marie Fashion. Darcell has very kindly allowed KM UK to host a high quality copy of the double page spread from the UK version of the magazine (see top right) for you all to see. You can find it in the Gallery. The article is primarily a profile of Fabien but ends with this glowing review of The Coin:
Not every critic has the same view and not every person doing films is cut out for it. When I first sat down to watch The Coin, I was very anxious to see it. I was very impressed by the quality of the presentation. However, more importantly the acting was amazing. I felt center stage at the theatre the whole way through. Our recommendations are based solely on our appreciation for effortless brilliance and art. The crazed mother played by Kathryn Morris was electrifying for lack of better words while Christopher Llyod [sic] was stellar in his role as the guardian angel. We rank this short film with some of the elite blockbusters from the 80’s and 90’s like 48 hrs. or even Misery. I find a very alluring and passion filled director in Fabien Martorell. Classic in plain english [sic].
Darcell Carraway
Many thanks to Darcell for his generosity. You can find out more about LA Firm Inc Magazine via their Facebook page HERE.

I thought our short film director (as in he directs short films, not the other thing) du jour had jumped the official gun again in announcing this today (or yesterday due to the time difference to LA). Turns out he didn’t, I just expected this to be officially announced in a few days.
The powerful and award winning short film The Coin will be getting another outing. This time it is at the Underexposed Film Festival in York County. A quick check on Wikipedia reveals nine York Counties, six of them in the USA, so we’ll need to narrow it down further. This is YC in SC, or the eastern state of South Carolina.
This is the second year of the film festival, organised by the Arts Council of York County, and runs from the 14-16th of November (Thursday-Saturday). The venue is the Community Performance Center on East Main St. in the county’s captial of Rock Hill.
The Coin is part of the festival’s “Directors Choice” section. The 8 minute long short being specifically one of 13 films in the set labelled “Narrative”. No word yet on the exact screening schedule. We’ll update you when we can.
More details about the Underexposed Film Festival can be found on their website HERE.
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