
March 2025
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Sometime For The Centime, Franc-ly

poster_001Back in the latter part of January we brought you news of the short film The Coin‘s first foray abroad.

The petit movie had been chosen as an official selection at the “Fenêtre Sur Courts” Festival International du Film de Court Métrage d’Avignon.  That’s the Avignon International Short Film Festival.  Avignon in France.

fenetre_sur_courts_poster_001The festival organisers have recently released an initial (subject to change) schedule of proceedings so we can make an early attempt to narrow down which of the three days The Coin will be screened on.

The festival runs from April 4th to the 6th, with events running from 9am on the Friday to 7:30pm on the Sunday.  Our little-movie-that-could starring Christopher Lloyd (Piranha 3DD), Kathryn and young Jack Ryan Shepherd, gets it airing in the prime-time slot on the Saturday afternoon.

As part of ‘Competition 4’ starting at 2pm The Coin will be screened with six other short films.  They are mostly French films, with one Spanish entry.  Because our friend the writer/director/producer Fabien Martorell is French his film is listed as being ‘French/USA’  :-)

Fingers crossed for another award.

You can read more details on the festival at the Fenêtre Sur Courts website (it’s in French of course).

Apologies to all (especially the French amongst you) for any attempted puns  :-)

The C.O.I.N. At The C.I.F.F. – Update

poster_001This one won’t shouldn’t show up my limited foreign language skills, unlike the last one :-)

In a late night (for those of us this side of ‘the pond’) Tweet the writer/director/producer of the intriguing short film The Coin let it be known that his film will be screened at the Cleveland International Film Festival (CIFF) in March.  That’s Cleveland, Ohio in the USA.

cleveland_international_film_festival_logo_260x93Speaking of ‘ponds’ (it will become painfully clear in a moment) this, the 38th running of the CIFF, will open with a gala screening (i.e. expensive cinema ticket + after party) of British film Not Another Happy Ending.  The romcom stars leggy, red-headed ex-Doctor Who assistant Karen Gillan.  Still not with me on the ‘pond’ thing?  Karen played Amy Pond in Doctor Who.

The Coin, which stars Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future) and Kathryn, is scheduled to be shown three times over the course of the 12-day long festival, all in the early days.  Starting on the second day (2:15pm, Thursday, 20th March) as part of the ‘Shorts Program 4’, a 90 minute screening with 5 other films.  That is then repeated on the Friday a little later in the day (5:10pm).

On the Saturday (22nd March) The Coin is shown again, this time alongside 6 other films as part of the ‘Hollywood Shorts Program’ at the Hanna Theatre at 2:30pm.

Check the CIFF website for all the ‘when, where, why and how?’ details.  If you are able to attend the event let us know how it goes.

Congrats to all involved in The Coin on being selected again and thanks to Fabien for letting us know.

Update:  A second showing of the ‘Hollywood Shorts Program’ has been added on the Sunday (23rd) morning at 9:20am.

The Coin Exchanged For Euro

poster_001It has taken a few weeks but we finally get to break in the new year with some new news.

The short film The Coin will be breaking free of its US-based appearances at a new film festival in April.

fenetre_sur_courts_poster_001The Fabien Martorell written/directed/produced-film is, according to a recent Tweet by the man himself, one of the official selections for the “Fenêtre Sur Courts” Festival International du Film de Court Métrage d’Avignon.  Excuse my poor translation but that is something like: “Window on Short” Avignon International Short Film Festival.  Hopefully one of our French readers will be able to do a better job of that and help with any additional translation as required.

As we’ve seen before it looks like Fabien has jumped the gun (or should that be “Guns” based on his current project?) as no specific details about the films showing at the festival or the schedule have been released yet.  As the festival, which will be in only its third year in 2014, happens over three days in early April it will likely be a few weeks from now before we know more.

Often such film festivals have a variety of categories so it would be no surprise to see The Coin screened in the International Film category.  The irony being that ‘friend of KM UK’ Fabien is French.

Congratulations to all involved on the project receiving even more recognition.

PS.  At the time of writing a US quarter (25 cents, US$0.25) is currently worth around 19 euro cents (€0.19).

Magical New Poster For The Coin

Yesterday, the director of the short film The Coin, which stars Kathryn along with Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future) and Jack Ryan Shepherd, published a new version of the movie’s poster.

As you can see below it has a even more ethereal quality than the previous one.  It strikes me as having something of a festive air to it so releasing it now makes sense.  What do you think?
poster_001Fabien has very kindly given KM UK special access to the super-sized version, not posted elsewhere.  You can see it in the Gallery.

Many thanks to Fabien.

The Coin – Newly Minted Trailer

poster_001Yesterday, Fabien Martorell, the director of the The Coin, released a new version of the trailer for the short film that stars Kathryn as a stressed mother and Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future) as a homeless man.

You can see it HERE on Vimeo or a small version (as trailer 002) in the KM UK Gallery HERE.

Don’t be fooled by the “11 months ago” date on the Vimeo video, it is not the same as the one I posted about… not surprisingly, 11 months ago.  The new edit has directly replaced the old one on the video sharing site so the link and other details are the same as before.  You can tell it is different by the updated graphics (the new more colourful font for the stars names), the Big Bear Lake Film Festival award reference, and the recent quotes by the like of Darcell Carraway in LA Firm Magazine (as previously reported on KM UK here).

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