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Living The Life Of Riley

006Actor, singer-songwriter, and one of Kathryn’s co-stars in the short film Sunday’s Mother, Riley Smith has done an interview with the website Honest Reviews Corner.

The interview is primarily about the music side of Riley’s career with his band “The Life Of Riley” and their new album “By The Way”.  However, one of the questions regards Riley attending the Newport Beach Film Festival, host to the première of Sunday’s Mother.  Here is what he had to say when asked what the event was like:

I’ve been to the festival before.  It was fun.  I did a short film called ‘Sunday’s Mother’ for a really great producer and director.  I played Kathryn Morris’s love interest.  She was fantastic.  I think the movie turned out great.  It was fun to watch everyone else’s shorts.  There were like 8 shorts shown as a whole screening of shorts.  It was really moving.  As an artist, I loved being able to support other movie makers.

Don’t you just hate some talented and successful people 😉

It is only a brief mention but it’s the only one we’ve found so far.  The interview in full can found at the Honest Reviews Corner website HERE.  I don’t know who conducted the interview but thanks to them.

Sunday’s Mother Premières Today

004Today (1st of May 2012) the short film Sunday’s Mother is due to première at the Newport Beach Film Festival in California.

The film will be shown with 5 other films in a collection titled “Don’t Cut Your Family Short” at 4pm local time.  To quote the official blurb from the Festival Genius website (which also has details of the screening):

After moving to a new school, Sunday is confronted by a bully who claims he has a scandalous secret about his newly-divorced mother.

Kathryn stars as Gillian, that newly-divorced mother.

Sadly, according to our information it is unlikely that Kathryn will be attending the screening.

We hope to bring you more news from the event later but for now we’d like to wish the cast and crew the best of luck with the event.

Sunday’s Mother To Première At Newport Beach Film Festival

002Aaron Jackson, writer/director of the short film Sunday’s Mother, has let us know that the film will receive its première at the Newport Beach Film Festival in May.  Newport Beach is in Orange County, California, about 30miles (50km) south of Los Angeles.

The film, starring Kathryn as the mother of a boy suffering at the hands of a bully, will be shown in a set of short films under the title Don’t Cut Your Family Short starting at 4pm (PST) on the 1st of May 2012.

You can see more details of the screening on the Festival Genius website.  The Festival’s own website is HERE.

We’ll bring you more news on this as we get it.

KM UK has been directly involved in backing and promoting Sunday’s Mother since we first heard about it last year.  The Kickstarter funded project was filmed last July and has been applying for festivals since post-production ended in September.  See all the Sunday’s Mother posts on KM UK for more details.

Sunday’s Mother Trailer

006Titan Pictures Media has posted a trailer for the short film Sunday’s Mother on YouTube.  The film stars Chase Ellison, Brian Norris, Riley Smith and Kathryn.  Kathryn is Gillian the mother of Sunday (Chase) who suffers at the hands of a bully threatening to expose a secret about her.

Looks dramatic!

The trailer and screencaps from it can now be found in the Gallery.  The original can be found on YouTube.

sundays_mother_trailer_001_001 sundays_mother_trailer_001_004 sundays_mother_trailer_001_010

Sunday’s Mother – Another Photo

006Titan Pictures Media has posted another set stills, one of which has Kathryn in it, from the short film Sunday’s Mother. You can find the new image in the Gallery now.

Now out of post production we hope to have more news on the film soon.

Many thanks to the Sunday’s Mother production team for the image and for granting KM UK exclusive use of it outside of their website.

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