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Sunday’s Mother Goes Wild

sundays_mother_113The password has been removed from the online version of the short film Sunday’s Mother so it can now be viewed freely, and you can still do so via the special page on KM UK here.

It has also been posted on the new Defiant Picturehouse (formerly Titan Pictures Media) website.

We’d again like to thank all those connected to Sunday’s Mother for allowing KM UK to be so involved with the project from such an early stage.  It was an interesting experience and a privilege.

A set of HD screencaps from the film are now in the Gallery.

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Exclusive! Sunday’s Mother


002You have waited long enough.  It is time for the big KM UK Exclusive.

Ahead of its public release later this month (more on that when it happens), KM UK can bring you the full version of Sunday’s Mother.  Only a select few have so far been able to watch the whole of the 14 minute long short film starring Kathryn, Chase Ellison, Brian Norris and Riley Smith.

In recognition of the support this site and its viewers gave to the project from the fund raising onwards, the writer and director Aaron Jackson has very kindly granted KM UK special permission to show you his work.  A very big thank you to Aaron and the production team of Sunday’s Mother for allowing us this access.

To view the film, which is hosted on the Vimeo video sharing site, you will require the password.  The password is rogerwaits17

The film can be found on a special KM UK site page HERE.  Follow that link and enter the password at the prompt.  The film contains some strong language and “adult themes”.

Filmed in the summer of 2011 Sunday’s Mother tells the story of Sunday (Chase) and his mother (Kathryn), a recent divorcee, who have just moved to a new home.  A bully (Brian) threatens to expose a secret about Sunday’s mother.

Aaron is currently working on a new project: the film adaptation of the Jessica Brody book The Fidelity Files.  Filming is due to start next year.  More details can be found on the film’s official website.  We wish Aaron all the best for the future.

Update (11 July 2013):  The password is no longer required.

Sunday’s Mother’s Day Mother’s Day Sunday

002For some of the world today (12th May 2013) is Mother’s Day.  Many places have taken the American ‘Hallmark holiday’ and applied it to existing celebrations of mothers and motherhood at other times of the year.  In the UK for example we have Mothering Sunday (usually called Mother’s Day) back in March.  Why do you make your mothers wait an extra two months?  Meanies  :-)

In a great bit of timing production company Titan Pictures Media (TPM) has given us the perfect excuse to mention for the first time in a while the short film Kathryn made in 2011: Sunday’s Mother.  TPM produced the short about a boy (Chase Ellison as Sunday) and his mother (Kathryn as Gillian) moving to a new area.  Sunday is bullied by someone claiming to have a secret about his mother.

The company has relaunched their website, which now prominently includes the show reel for the film’s director Aaron Jackson.  In the 5 minute long collection of clips there are some bits from Sunday’s Mother not previously seen in the trailer or the short excerpt that KM UK exclusively brought to you last year.  The new site also includes said trailer and promo photos we’ve seen previously (here, here, here and here).

We hope to bring you more news on Sunday’s Mother in the not too distant future.

Happy Mother’s Day.

Sunday’s Mother Left High & Dry At Brownfish

brownfish_film_festival_2012_120x136Despite the disruption to the US East coast caused by Hurricane Sandy recently this past weekend’s Brownfish Short Film Festival in New York City went ahead largely as planned.  The event ended with an awards gala (sounds grand but in reality probably just a small gathering in a bar somewhere) where the winners in seven film categories were announced.

Sadly, the short film Sunday’s Mother, starring Kathryn as the titular parent, was beaten to the Best Drama award by Tammaso Paino’s Chrome.  Obviously we demand a recount!  However, according to the Brownfish website Tammaso is from the UK so we can’t be too hard on him :-)

Congratulations to all the winners.

Sunday’s Mother @ Brownfish Short Film Festival Reminder – Update

brownfish_film_festival_2012_120x136The recent situation with Hurricane Sandy causing a massive amount of destruction along East Coast of the United States has been watched very closely from around the world.  Our thoughts are with everyone caught-up in it.

This coming Sunday (4th November 2012) was due to see the short film Sunday’s Mother starring Kathryn screened at the Brownfish Short Film Festival NYC 2012.  With the significant disruption in New York it is not clear at this time if the event will happen at all.  At present the organisers are considering their options, looking into alternative venues etc.  It would certainly be understandable if the festival was postponed or called off completely.  KM UK is keeping an eye on developments.

If you are considering attending the festival check the event’s Facebook page for the latest news.  Please don’t try and travel to the New York unless it is safe to do so.

Along with 5 other films Sunday’s Mother will be up for the Best Drama award at this New York based festival.  There there will be 22 films in total shown across the three day event.  For more details see the website.

If the festival does go ahead and you are able to attend the screening of Sunday’s Mother please do let us know what you think of Kathryn’s performance and the film in general.  It would be great to hear some feedback from attendees.

Update (3rd November):  With power restored in the relevant part of New York the festival is going ahead as originally planned.  This means that Sunday’s Mother will be screened on Sunday (4th November) at the Cinema Village22 East 12th Street, NYC, at 4:30pm local time.

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