The increasingly inaccurate December 20th release date has finally been removed from the IMDb page of Kathryn’s long awaited movie Cougars, Inc.! And it’s been replaced with… not a lot.
However, a recent change to the release details page suggests it may be getting what used to be called a “straight to video” release. The page now lists the USA release of Cougars, Inc. as being a “DVD premiere” in 2011. That is to say no cinema distribution at all.
Of course, this could be wrong, as I’m sure we all hope it is. However, with this and the previously reported possible German Blu-ray/DVD release in April, the chances of a theatrical début appear to be slipping away with each little additional piece of news.
We are still waiting for more official confirmation of anything related to the movie’s release.
She’s in there somewhere, honest.
Here’s another in the all too long list of things in the Gallery but I’ve never written about.
This has to be one of the shortest cameos ever. Kathryn’s appearance in the 1997 Jack Nicholson / Helen Hunt odd-ball romcom As Good As It Gets lasts for less than 8 seconds. It’s taken you longer to read this far.
Credited as just “Psychiatric Patient” (along with another woman) Kathryn still manages to squeeze a lot of acting into that brief window of time despite the lack of words, emoting more than any of those around her. That is clearly a troubled young woman waiting to see the psychiatrist.
A tiny collection of screencaps and a video clip are in the Gallery.
The article title is a double entendre by the way 😉
What’s the German for “take this with a pinch of salt”?
A bit of a bolt out of the Blu (see what I did there? sorry ) this one. Amazon in Germany has Cougars, Inc. down as a DVD and Blu-ray release on 21 April 2011. The film is listed under its previous name with an additional prefix giving the longer title of Loverboys – Mother’s Little Helpers.
Blu-ray.com, a site covering HD disc releases all over the world, also has a German version of Cougars, Inc. (with Loverboys – Mother’s Little Helpers as an alternative title) marked as available from the slightly earlier date of March 24th same date.
The Blu-ray/DVD prices are the same on both sites (€14.99/€10, which is £13/£8.50 and US$20/US$13). Quite low prices for a new release. Also, Amazon attributing the movie a 12 certificate is curious, which maybe a reflection on differing attitudes in German. Or it may all be completely wrong.
Both sites roughly agreeing does suggest that the basics could well be right. This means that outside of the USA Cougars, Inc. may not be getting a theatrical release at all. But in compensation we might be receiving full HD copy for the home. Can’t wait 
Update: Blu-ray.com has updated it’s release date to 21 April 2011 to match Amazon Germany.
Back in October of last year Kathryn herself told us that the movie Moneyball was due out in September 2011. Subsequently, various sites gave us a more definitive date of the 23rd of the month. But that, it seems, was just for the US market.
The biggest film releases are often done nearly simultaneously across the world to maximise the publicity and minimise the effects of piracy. It doesn’t look like Moneyball is being considered in terms of a blockbuster summer movie for territories outside of America though. Film Distributors’ Association Ltd. (FDA), via their Launching Films website, and IMDb are now reporting that the UK theatrical release is set for the 4th of November.
FDA is a trade body representing companies that release movies for the cinema in the UK. Their members include Sony Pictures, Warner Bros. and Paramount Pictures and as such cover the vast majority of theatrical releases in the country.
Baseball is not a major sport outside of the northern United States, so the thinking may be that putting the film out in a quieter period after all the big action flicks have been and gone may give it a better chance of success.
Moneyball stars Brad Pitt as Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland A’s baseball team, with Kathryn taking the role as his second wife. Philip Seymour Hoffman and Robin Wright also co-star in the film adaptation of Michael Lewis’ book of the same name.
Just before Xmas the MPAA (The Motion Picture Association Of America) issued one of its weekly press releases containing the most recent ratings decisions for movies to be released in the US of A.
MPAA Bulletin no. 2152, dated 22 December 2010, has the rating for Kathryn’s forthcoming movie Cougars, Inc. And the result from the MPAA panel (and I think you already know what’s coming ) is…
Rated R for sexual content, nudity, language and drug use – all involving teens.
Not really a surprise given the themes and likely content of the movie. Of course the film and the rating could still be changed prior to release. You can download a copy of the bulletin here (PDF).
For those not familiar with the American film rating system this is what the “R” means: “RESTRICTED. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.” You can find out more about US film ratings on the MPAA website.
There is no fixed way of converting that rating to the UK system, as run by the British Board Of Film Classification (BBFC). It comes down to the decision of the organisation based on their own viewing of the film as submitted. However, I would imagine that the 15 rating (“suitable only for 15 years or over”) is most likely. So far there is no sign of Cougars, Inc. being submitted to the BBFC for the classification needed for a theatrical or video release.
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