It must be nearly 24 hours since we had a post like that. Only 24 hours? Feels more like a whole day!
Another picture has been posted on the Official Cougars, Inc. Facebook page by the writer/director Asher Levin that includes Kathryn, so I have added it to the Gallery. What a sweet picture of the two stars together.
Thanks yet again to Asher for posting the photo.
With the official release of Cougars, Inc. finally upon us you may be keen to read some reviews. But why not write one yourself?
Here at KM UK we’ve been tracking Cougars, Inc. (or Mother’s Little Helpers as it was known until a few months ago), keeping you informed as best as possible, since we first heard about it well over a year ago. This coming Friday (1st April 2011) the movie is released via on-demand services in North America. Three weeks later (21st April) the DVD and Blu-ray editions are due out in Germany. A further 3 weeks later and the disc versions are launched in the US and Canada. Hopefully at some point after those dates you will get a chance to see Kathryn in action 😉
Perhaps the wordsmiths amongst you would like to put pen to paper, or at least fingers to keyboard, and write some thoughts and share them with us here. I will create a page of reader reviews on the site.
Please submit any reviews to me via email or the contact form.
I’m fast running out of different ways of saying this
Photos. From the Official Cougars, Inc. Facebook page. In the Gallery.
Yet another picture posted that includes Kathryn has been posted on the Official Cougars, Inc. Facebook page by the writer/director Asher Levin. This one looks like it was taken one the set of the party scene of the previous photo. After yesterday’s large image this one is disappointingly small but still very welcome It has been added to the Gallery.
We are promised an exclusive clip from the movie later this week as we head towards the 1st of April and the release of Cougars, Inc. via on-demand services in the US.
Thanks yet again to Asher for a lovely Kathryn photo.
I think that rather speaks for itself…
Another picture posted on the Official Cougars, Inc. Facebook page by the writer/director Asher Levin which has all the ladies in, including Kathryn, so I have added it to the Gallery. It’s a nice hi-res image for a change too.
Left to right we have: don’t know, Rebecca Chaney, Kathryn, Denise Richards, Rebecca Mader, Catalina Rodriguez, Maeve Quinlan, don’t know
Thanks yet again to Asher for posting the photo and Neil for taking it.
Welcome Welcome to Kathryn Morris UK, a website dedicated to the actress Kathryn Morris. Here you will find news, images, videos and information presented from the perspective of an English fan. This site has become the chief source of information for Kathryn's fans and fansites alike around the world.
If you have anything Kathryn-related that you would like to share please use the Contact Form to let us know.
Shout Outs To… Those suffering in war-torn areas
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