
March 2025
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Moneyball Deleted Scene Preview

screenshot_001Xmas has come early this year :-)  So much for having a quiet few days 😕

I’ve managed to get hold of a short preview of a deleted scene from the forthcoming Moneyball DVD, due out in early January.  In the scene Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) and his wife Tara (Kathryn) share a meal in a restaurant.  Billy is talking about work and Tara is being supportive.  It’s sweet.  Looks like being Mrs Brad Pitt agrees with Kathryn 😛

At this stage I don’t know if there will be other scenes starring Kathryn on the DVD or Blu-ray.  Hopefully they will be more and they will be in HD.  We’ll have more news on that at a later date.  For now you’ll just have to manage with the small video and screencaps you can now find in the Gallery.

As posted about previously Moneyball is due for release on DVD and Blu-ray in America on the 10th of January.

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Screenplay Still

still_001Three weeks ago we were lucky enough to see the first real evidence of Kathryn starring in the 1999 dark comedy film Screenplay when a couple of clips were posted on YouTube by the director.

Today we have a little more proof.  Very lovely proof it is too.

And ‘little’ is the operative word.  I’ve managed to find a small, but perfectly formed (much like the lady herself :-) ) photo of Kathryn’s Fanny in the movie as she wags her finger at person or persons unknown.  Probably me for that last sentence 😉

Initially the shot appears to match the scene as the writer barges into the agent’s office in opening seconds of the first clip we got last month.  However, the background is a little different with the video having a painting behind Kathryn, not a large letter as we in the photo.  The hair-do, outfit and necklace are certainly a match.  Which leaves it unclear as to how this fits in.

You can now find the photo in the Gallery.

Sadly the gentleman responsible for making the photo available, make-up artist on Screenplay Ray Lau, died 2 years ago after a battle with cancer.  The credit goes to him posthumously.

Jack Goes Boating, Sept 2010 – Final Sailing?

jack_goes_boating_premiere_015Philip Seymour Hoffman’s directorial début, Jack Goes Boating, received a limited cinematic release here in the UK recently.  Reviews were mixed, but Hoffman’s co-star Amy Ryan was often singled out for praise for her performance.

To mark the occasion we bring you another set of images of Kathryn attending a special screening of the movie in Los Angeles last year.  Any excuse.

This is go around number for five us and this event (see the previous first, second, third and fourth posts) sees the addition of a further 11 photos (1 big, 10 smallish) to the Gallery.

Will we see more photos from this event in a few months?  Watch this space :-)

On a sort of related note Moneyball, starring Hoffman and not Kathryn, will be in UK cinemas next week.

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Screenplay Clips

screenplay_scene_001_019I never thought I’d see the day!

Screenplay, one of Kathryn’s earlier roles, looked like it would never surface in any form.  It had become of the one the “Holy Grails”.  Suddenly the director, Adam Winston, has posted a few clips, including two involving Kathryn, on YouTube.

The scenes give Kathryn a chance to cover the full range of emotions: from obedient secretary to very angry secretary.   Ninja girl indeed!

Screenplay, made in 1999, tells the story of a screenwriter desperate for work taking a Hollywood agent hostage.  Kathryn plays the agent’s secretary named, if the clip is anything to go by, Fanny.

The scenes and a small number screencaps from them can now be found in the Gallery. The originals can be found on YouTube here and here.  The quality is not great and there is some fruity language.  You have been warned.

Big thanks to Adam for posting them.

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Sunday’s Mother Trailer

006Titan Pictures Media has posted a trailer for the short film Sunday’s Mother on YouTube.  The film stars Chase Ellison, Brian Norris, Riley Smith and Kathryn.  Kathryn is Gillian the mother of Sunday (Chase) who suffers at the hands of a bully threatening to expose a secret about her.

Looks dramatic!

The trailer and screencaps from it can now be found in the Gallery.  The original can be found on YouTube.

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