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Kathryn On Set Of Confections – 3rd Photo

on_set_20120609_001Confections Of A Discarded Woman director/writer/producer Michael Damian used Twitter to post a photo of (from right to left) himself, his co-writer/co-producer wife Janeen, “Chef Bern” and Kathryn at the weekend.

The photo is now in the Gallery.

Many thanks to Michael for allowing us to share this with everyone.

Kathryn On Set Of Confections – Another Photo

transparent_8x8.pngDue to an apparent misunderstanding I have been asked to remove this photo.

KM UK has no wish to cause problems for anyone so we have willingly complied with this request.

Apologies to all concerned for any inconvenience caused.

KM UK wishes the cast and crew all the best with the continued production of Confections Of A Discarded Woman

Kathryn On Set Of Confections… 1st Photo

on_set_20120605_001We have our first sighting of Kathryn on the set of the film Confections Of A Discarded Woman.

Kathryn is in Romania and filming started today (5 June 2012).  It looks like they are on location in a hotel on day one.

In the photo we can see Kathryn standing still whilst her photo is taken, probably for continuity purposes.  This is the look that pampered housewife Desiree Harper will have in the film.

The photo has been added to the KM UK Gallery.

Credit as appropriate.

Murder, She Wrote: A Story To Die For – Today ITV3

msw_story_to_die_for_014Your Royal Highness, I apologise for the short notice on this.  I realise that you have a very busy super-extended weekend ahead of you due to the celebrations for your Diamond Jubilee.  Hopefully you’ve managed to set your PVR to record this so you can watch it later and relax.

The TV movie Murder, She Wrote: A Story To Die For, a spin-off from the popular TV series, is being shown again on ITV here in the UK.  This time it’s on ITV3 at 16:05 today (2 June 2012).  In case you miss that broadcast there is a repeat at 11 o’clock tomorrow morning.

The film sees Kathryn playing Patricia Williams, the assistant to an old writing friend of Jessica Fletcher and aspiring writer herself.  Patricia gets embroiled in the case of the murder of an ex-KGB author at a speakers conference.

ITV also continues to show an episode or two of the TV series each week, currently they are up to the middle of season 2.

Kathryn In Confections… On IMDb

confections_of_a_discarded_womanThis should not be taken as an official official confirmation but in the past few hours the IMDb page for Confections Of A Discarded Woman has been updated to include Kathryn Morris in the lead role of Desiree Harper.

Anyone can submit updates to IMDb so it could very well be one of you that entered the information and the staff of IMDb having seen the recent news reports has gone with it.  Was it you?

You can find the Confections… IMDb page HERE.

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