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What Would You Say?

kathryn_champ_screen_004Inspired by last week’s posting of about an interview and chat with Kathryn, I was wondering what would you say?

As a quick reminder:  reporting for the Pass The Remote website back in 2007, LillyKat attended a special screening of Resurrecting The Champ.  After showing the film there was a Q&A session with several key people, including Kathryn, from the project.  LillyKat was able to ask Kathryn some questions about the film, the character she played and her return to the big screen.

After the after LillyKat was got a chance to talk one-on-one with Kathryn and ask her some more questions.  You can read the two-part article LillyKat wrote about the experience starting HERE.

If you were in the same two situations what would you ask Kathryn?  Is there a question you have about Resurrecting The Champ or Kathryn’s character Joyce?  Can you think of a way that you would explore those points further in a later one-on-one?  Perhaps this would give you a chance to talk more about Kathryn’s wider body of work.  Remember that this is 2007 so season 5 of Cold Case is just about to start airing, and Cougars, Inc. or Moneyball do not exist yet.

Please leave your ideas in the comments below, mentioning whether each question would fit in to the Q&A or the 1-on-1.  Let’s keep the understandable fan-boy/girl gushing to a minimum and treat it like you are a proper reporter preparing an article for a newspaper or website.

Who knows, maybe one day we’ll be able to put some of your questions to Kathryn herself.

Resurrecting The Champ Screening With Kathryn

During my time on the Look Again Cold Case fan board I met a lot of fellow fans of Kathryn.  A lot of them were kind enough to visit me here at KM UK and help get it off to a good start.  Many of the ‘old band’ still drop by on a regular basis.  Hello there, it would be great to hear from you again.

I made some good friends there too.  One I count myself very lucky to have is the person everyone knows, including me, only as LillyKat.

LillyKat was Senior Staff Writer at the now sadly defunct TV review blog Pass The Remote (PTR).  For five years LillyKat, along with the site owner TVFan, wrote wonderful reviews of their favourite shows.  Shows like Damages, Fringe, Ice Road Truckers, Psych, Saving Grace, and of course Cold Case.

For much of this year here on KM UK we’ve been looking back at events that Kathryn attended in 2007.  We’ve had new photos from fund raisers, premières, promotional events, award shows and festivals.  After an absence of a few months today we go back to 2007 with a little help from LillyKat.

Mid-August 2007, just over a week before the official première of the movie Resurrecting The Champ, a special screening was held in Los Angeles.  Amongst the attendees was a certain Kathryn Morris and the film’s director Rod Lurie.  And LillyKat.

There was a post-screening Q&A session in which the intrepid reporter asked a few questions and she even managed a quick one-on-one with Kathryn afterwards.  The event formed the basis of two articles on PTR: the first a write-up of the whole evening, the second a review of the film.

LillyKat has very kindly allowed KM UK to reproduce in full the two pieces and host her accompanying photos in our Gallery.  Frankly, she owes me a few favours so there wasn’t much arm twisting involved :-)

You can start reading LillyKat’s articles HERE.

Paper Dragons

box_art_001This past week has seen the worldwide release of the latest in the Bourne series of movies.  It has taken the box office lead from the hugely successful The Dark Knight Rises.

Jeremy Renner (28 Days Later and Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol) plays the lead character in The Bourne Legacy.  He is not, however, Jason Bourne.  Rather than cover the loss of Matt Damon by just having a different actor play Bourne they’ve created a new character, Aaron Cross, and devised a scenario whereby Cross is dealing with the legacy (I see what they did there) of events from the previous film.  It’s still very much a Bourne film in style though.

Renner is already a successful actor having worked in many big films but has yet to receive the widespread recognition that a role like leading a Bourne movie will bring him.  The kind of press attention that a summer blockbuster gets will inevitably include a re-evaluation of Jeremy’s career to date.  They will pour over his body of work to determine what kind of actor he his, whether Bourne suits him, and if he will become a new sought-after ‘A-lister’.

One film that is very unlikely to get a mention in those retrospectives is: Paper Dragons.

But what, I hear you ask, do this have to do with Kathryn?

Continue reading »

Sunday’s Mother Scheduled @ Phenom Film Fest 2012

phenomfilmfest_100x150It’s a few days late, nearly a week in fact, but the Phenom Film Fest has posted their schedule of film presentations.  The event in Bossier City, Louisiana, runs from the 6th to the 9th of September.

As reported previously the short film Sunday’s Mother was submitted for inclusion in the festival and now we know when it will be screened.

The organisers have grouped together the short films into themed blocks, some of which are due to be shown twice.  Sunday’s Mother is part of the two hour long “Drama Short Films” group which gets two airings, each on a different day and in a different venue.

  • Friday, 7th September in the East Bank Theatre at 13:45
  • Saturday, 8th September in the Marriott Courtyard at 17:50

You can find more information on the event’s website HERE.

Sunday’s Mother is a short film about a boy (Sunday) suffering at the hands of a bully.  Kathryn plays Gillian, the boy’s mother.  It was filmed last year after raising funds via the Kickstarter website.  KM UK was involved in the fund raising effort.  Earlier news coverage of the film can to be found here on KM UK.

If you are in a position to attend Phenom Film Fest 2012 and see Sunday’s Mother then please let us know, we’d love to hear about it.

Kathryn On Set Of Confections – 5th Photo – 600th Post!

on_set_20120605_002Slowly, slowly, catchy monkey.  Confections is proving to be a slow burner.  One photo at time.

The above photo (see it in full in the Gallery) shows Kathryn and other cast members actually in the process of filming a scene.  We’ve previously seen Kathryn wearing that outfit so it helps narrow down when happened.  That and the date on the at the top of the image :-)  It was the 5th of June 2012.

Image credit to Steve.

As per the extra bit on the end the headline this is the 600th post on KM UK.  The site is a few weeks short of 1200 days old so we are maintaining our average of a post every 2 days.

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