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The Coin Slots In Bear-ly On Saturday


This weekend sees short film The Coin getting another screening.  This time it is Big Bear Lake International Film Festival as we reported back in early August.

Since that last post the BBLIFF (!) has released a full programme of events and screenings.  The Coin will be shown as part of the “Shorts Program 10” at the Village Theatres North venue on Saturday (21st September) at 4pm local time.  The bill includes 6 other short films.

The Coin is a short film starring Kathryn Morris and Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future). It was filmed last summer and is about a young boy meeting a homeless man at a shop. Kathryn plays the boy’s very stressed mother.

You can read more about the BBLIFF at the event’s website.  If you are in the area at weekend please let us know.

Sunday’s Coming Up Short(s)


Or should that be “upcoming shorts”?

This Sunday (8th September 2013) sees the short film The Coin screened at Los Angeles International Short Film Festival (aka the LA Shorts Fest for… short).

Fabien Martorell’s film is one of seven films in the enigmatically/practically named ‘Program 16’ screening starting on Sunday afternoon at 3:15.  It shares that bill with three dramas and a comedy from the USA, and a comedy and a drama from Germany.  Some of the many other films to be shown at the festival are grouped under titles such as “Horror Program” and “Song & Dance Program”.  Clearly the septet that includes The Coin defy such easy labelling :-)

on_set_20120703_008The Coin; starring Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future), Kathryn, Will Kemp (Mindhunters) and Jack Ryan Shepherd; premièred at the Palm Springs International ShortFest back in June.  Towards the end of this month it will appearing in the line-up of the Big Bear Lake International Film Festival.

The 9 minute long film revolves around the young son (Shepherd) of a stressed mother (Morris) and his encounter with a homeless man (Lloyd) outside a small convenience store.  It was shot over a 4 day period in July of 2012.

Check out the film’s trailer and a collection of on set photos (such as the one on the right) in the Gallery.

More details about LA Shorts Fest and all the films being shown are available at the official website.

The Sweeter Side Of Life Returns To UK TV

tssol_515The Sweeter Side Of Life returns to British television screens today and another fours times later in the coming week.

Movies/24 is showing TSSOL today (25 Aug 2013) at 5pm on it’s main channel and at 6 o’clock on its +1 channel.

Next Thursday (29 Aug 2013) sees a 9pm screening.  This time Movies/24 does not seem to fully understand the idea behind a +1 channel because it does not follow suit with a 10pm repeat.

3am on Friday morning is another scheduled showing, this time with a 4am +1 repeat.  Later on Friday Movies/24 changes the meaning of +1 to be plus 1 day and 1 hour with a 10pm screening of the film on their twin channel.

Movies/24 is available to Sky satellite and Virgin Media cable subscribers.

You can find more detail on The Sweeter Side Of Life in previous posts here on KM UK and comprehensive coverage in our Gallery.

The Coin Officially @ LA Shortsfest 2013


Following on from last week’s announcement that the short film The Coin has been selected for the LA Shorts Fest film festival today it has been announced that the short film The Coin has been selected for the LA Shorts Fest film festival.

Wednesday’s post was based on the film’s writer/director/producer Fabien Martorell letting it been known that the short, starring Kathryn and Christopher “Doc Brown” Lloyd, had been chosen.

Today (19 Aug 2013), the organisers of the LA Shortfest have released the official programme for the event.  The Coin will be part of ‘Program 16’ starting at 3:15pm on Sunday, September 8th.  Six other short films will shown in the same bill.

Read all about the LA Shorts Fest on the official website.

The Coin @ LA Shorts Fest


No, it’s not a convention only for those deficient in the trouser/pant* department.  Nor does it involve lashing anything to an ‘ort’s fest’, what ever an ort or its fest may be.  It’s, and you should probably be sitting down for this, a festival of short films in Los Angeles.

la_shortsfest_2013_430x105Once again the director/writer/producer of the short film The Coin, Fabien Martorell, has let KM UK know via the modern communication medium that is Twitter that the film has made the selection another film festival.  This time it the 17th annual Los Angeles International Short Film Festival.

The Shorts Fest takes place between the 5th and the 12th of September at the Laemmle NoHo 7 theatre in North Hollywood.  The exact date of The Coin’s screen(s) is not known at this time.  We’ll bring you more when we know it.

You can read more about the LA Shorts Fest the official website.  If you’re a local, or a visitor at the time, and are able to attend please let us know what it is like.

Thanks once more to Fabien for contacting KM UK.  Best of British to him and all involved.

On the right, and in the Gallery, is a large sized version of the festival’s poster.  It has the slogan “Once upon a time, The End.”

* delete as geography dictates

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