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Kathryn Added To The Perfect Guy On IMDb

imdb_logo_100x100It’s a minor thing really but tradition dictates that I post this update.

In the past 24 hours Kathryn’s name was added to expanding cast list of The Perfect Guy on the go-to movie info website IMDb.  Anyone can submit changes to IMDb (which are moderated) but her name appearing there feels like a milestone, as though it makes it official.

Holt McCallany is another recently announced addition to the cast.  You may not know the name but you would probably recognise the face.  Holt has been in movies like Fight Club, Gangster Squad, and Three Kings; as well as recurring roles in TV shows like CSI: Miami, Lights Out, Heroes, and Golden Boy.  In The Perfect Guy Holt is said to be playing a police detective.

The Perfect Guy‘s IMDB page is here and will be added to the menus on the right of the site.

The Perfect Guy Finds Karen has posted a small news story about Kathryn joining the cast of The Perfect Guy.  We covered this news on KM UK last week.

However, reading a bit more closely reveals that the piece actually has a little more detail than mentioned previously.  We already know that Kathryn is to play a close friend of the lead character Leah (Sanaa Lathan).  Now we have the character name of Karen for the role.

Karen is apparently a mother to several boys.  I think Kathryn can nail that  :-)

Read the news item in full on

The Perfect Guy Finds Kathryn

News!  We have news!

Just to get your inevitable question dealt with up front: yes I am a perfect guy, but I am not this perfect guy :-)

News broke over night that principal photography (that’s actual filming) began yesterday (6th August 2014) on a movie called The Perfect Guy.  It’s a thriller by director David Rosenthal (A Single Shot) and writer Tyger Williams (Menace II Society).

Sanaa Lathan (Nip/Tuck) stars as Leah who, after breaking up with her long-time boyfriend, finds herself in a new relationship with the titular perfect guy, Carter, played by Michael Ealy (Almost Human).  Of course, no one is actually perfect (Kathryn excepted!) and so things take a turn for the worse for Leah when carter turns violent and starts to stalk her.  What do you expect, it’s a thriller called The Perfect Guy after all!

Morris Chestnut (Nurse Jackie) is the ex.  But what about Kathryn?

Kathryn, Charles S. Dutton (Alien3) and Rutina Wesley (True Blood) will be co-starring as close friends of Leah.  I think we can assume that this will be a relatively small role for Kathryn, but we very much welcome the news that she is returning to work a year after the birth of her twin boys.

The film by Screen Gems, a subsidiary of Sony Pictures, is currently listed as being released next year (2015).  There is nothing more specific than that at this time.

KM UK will of course bring you more news as we get it.

You can read the news item in full on the Broadway World website here.

Catch The Coin At SAFF On Sat

san_antonio_film_festival_430x140Our reporting on all things The Coin-related has been going at such a pace this year (impressive for a short film made in 2012) that to not mention it for a few weeks feels like a long time.

screenshot_001So, we must mention again the project’s march through the festivals forthwith.

This is just a quick reminder that Fabien Martorell’s award winning 8 minute long piece starring Kathryn and Christopher Lloyd (Stacked) will be screened on Saturday (August 2nd) at the San Antonio Film Festival.

As is normal for short films at festivals The Coin will be shown as part of a set of five at the City Base Cinema, Military Drive, San Antonio, under the title Block 2 Shorts.  Inspiring.

The other films on that bill include a dramas about a couple in the throws of a marital crisis and woman that may or may not being trying to help, a pair of astronauts who’ve been sharing a lot of personal space returning home, someone trying to get rid of an unwanted family member, and grieving widow visit by an angel.  The Coin is, of course, about neglected child meeting a homeless man.  Hilarity ensues all round.

The festival start on Monday and runs through to Sunday night.  Full details and tickets are available via the official website HERE.

If you get a chance to see The Coin at the SAFF please let us know.  We’d love to hear from you, just as we did from readers Tianna and Diane when the film was shown at film festivals local to them.

The Coin In Hollywood Tomorrow


Just a quick reminder that The Coin will be screened as part of the ‘Local Shorts’ programme at the Egyptian Theatre, Hollywood, tomorrow night (17th July).

screenshot_001Local’ because the film makers are all based locally, though, like The Coin‘s writer/director/producer Fabien Martorell they may not all be born/bred in the region.

‘Shorts’ because none of the films are particularly long, but then you knew that.  The longest two on the bill of eight are listed as 20 minutes in duration.  The total running time looks to be around 90 minutes, give or take.

As mentioned previously the event starts at 7:30pm at the Hollywood Boulevard-located theatre.

More details and ticket booking facilities can be found on the American Cinematheque website.

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