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Short. Sweet. F.A.

short_sweet_film_fest_cleveland_937x861Two weeks ago I posted that another screening of the short film The Coin was pending.

Writer/director/producer Fabien Martorell had told us that his long-running 9 minute production was to be shown at the ‘Short. Sweet. Film Fest’ in Cleveland, Ohio.

The information at the time was the the event would take place over the weekend just gone, the 6-8th of February.

However, there was some evidence that the festival had been moved to a similar long weekend date in early April.  It wasn’t clear though.

With the initial dates having now passed us by I think it is safe to say that the ‘Short. Sweet. Film Fest’ was a no-show in February.  It’s one thing for a film to not make it, but a whole festival?

Hopefully things will become clearer as the alternative time arrives and the good burghers of Cleveland will get their chance to see Kathryn, Christopher Lloyd (Deadly Games) and the (not so) young (now) Jack Ryan Shepherd in action.

KM UK will of course bring you more details when we can.

We now return you to your normally scheduled…

The Perfect Guy Allowed Out At Home

At some point in the past 24 hours the American release date for the movie The Perfect Guy has slipped out.

The US is set to see the film from 11th September 2015.

The global release schedule is now:

  • Singapore – 10 September 2015
  • USA – 11 September 2015
  • Russia – 15 October 2015
  • Portugal – 29 October 2015
  • Norway – 6 November 2015
  • Poland – 6 November 2015
  • Romania – 6 November 2015
  • Sweden – 6 November 2015
  • Belgium – 18 November 2015
  • France – 18 November 2015
  • Germany – 26 November 2015
  • UK – 27 November 2015

The new items are in bold. All are subject to change.

For more details about The Perfect Guy and Kathryn’s role in it see an earlier post here.

The Coin Is Short. Sweet. Fest?

short_sweet_film_fest_cleveland_937x861Having previously (in the KM UK Xmas Message 2014) described The Coin as “the little movie that could” I had assumed we’d heard the last of it doing the festival circuit.

It’s most recent showing was at the Enfoque International Film Festival in Puerto Rico in November.

Well, you know what they say about assumptions… they can turn out to be wrong.  “Just when I thought I was out… they pull me back in.”

Late last week The Coin‘s writer/director/producer Fabien Martorell let it be known that his short film starring Kathryn and Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future) has been selected for another festival.  This time it is the ‘Short. Sweet. Film Fest‘ in Cleveland, Ohio.

I’d like to be able to pass on the news that the festival is happening on February 6th to the 8th at the Thwing (not a typo) Ballroom in University Circle.  However the latest message from the organisers states that the event is scheduled for 10-12th April at the Alex Theater.  There is no comment stating this is a change.

At the time of posting the festival’s own website is lacking up to date information so it is difficult to know what is going on.  Either way, the denizens of Cleveland can look forward to an opportunity to see The Coin in the near (or medium) future.

Either way I’ll try and keep you informed as we get closer to the time.

The Perfect Guy Rises Early In the East

Who says there aren’t (or won’t be) perfect guys all over the world?

Since I last reported on this there have been a couple more additions to the world-wide release schedule for the Sony/Screen Gems movie The Perfect Guy.

Russia looks to get its hands on the film a couple of weeks before Europe by bagging a mid-October 2015 launch.

Slightly less official sources suggest the even further east in Singapore they could top the lot more than a monthly earlier.

The combined release date list is currently:

  • Singapore – 10 September 2015
  • Russia – 15 October 2015
  • Portugal – 29 October 2015
  • Norway – 6 November 2015
  • Poland – 6 November 2015
  • Romania – 6 November 2015
  • Sweden – 6 November 2015
  • Belgium – 18 November 2015
  • France – 18 November 2015
  • Germany – 26 November 2015
  • UK – 27 November 2015

The new items are in bold.  All are subject to change.

For more details about The Perfect Guy and Kathryn’s role in it see an earlier post here.

Bone Tomahawk Is ‘Cool News’ For 2015

misc_001The year has hardly started and the predictions are coming in for big movies in 2015.

Quint (Eric Vespe) on the long-running Ain’t It Cool News website has written up a list of films he is looking forward to in the coming year.

The list is comprehensive to say the least, there are the best part of 100 films on it, but Bone Tomahawk is right up there in the first 10.  When you’ve piqued the interest just after the likes of the new Star Wars, Mad Max, Jurassic World and Bond films, you are in good company.

The new Quentin Tarantino movie The Hateful Eight, also a Western and starring Kurt Russell, may have brought it to Quint’s mind earlier than it might otherwise have but still…

Kurt’s on a run at the moment as he’ll first be seen in the new Fast & Furious 7 movie.  The car-based action franchise has got a certain Western vibe to it.  More steel carts than steel horses though.

There is still no word on a release date for Bone Tomahawk but something is bound to break soon.

Read the article in full on the Ain’t It Cool News website here.

Bone Tomahawk, written and directed by S. Craig Zahler, is a horror Western film starring Kurt (The Thing), Patrick Wilson (Let’s Kill Ward’s Wife), Matthew Fox (Lost), Lili Simmons (Banshee) and Sean Young (Blade Runner).  Kurt is the sheriff who sets out to rescue a group taken hostage by ‘cannibalistic troglodytes’.  Kathryn plays Mrs sheriff, Lorna Hunt.

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