
March 2025
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1st Poster For Bone Tomahawk

poster_001_1014x1500And so it continues…

Overnight (UK time) the first poster for the film Bone Tomahawk was released by the production company Caliber Media.  You may have noticed it already.  I slipped in a small copy above (full size in the Gallery).  Try squinting :-)

We know that Kathryn’s role in Bone Tomahawk as the wife of the Sheriff played by Kurt Russell will be quite small.  So it is not a big surprise that Kathryn does not feature in the stars pictured or named in large letters in the poster.  However, you never know how things can change once a film goes into post-production.  Kathryn’s filmed scenes could easily have been lost in the editing process.

The very good news is that if  you look closely at the lower section of the poster you can see this:

poster_001_1014x1500There she is, second to be listed after the actors highlighted in the main image.

As mentioned previous Bone Tomahawk is due to be showcased in some form, probably only to those in the trade, at the Cannes Film Festival starting next week.  Hopefully they’ll be more news then.

An actual release date has not been announced yet and I understand that the film is in the final stages of audio post-production.

The Coin @ deadCENTER Film Fest In June

deadcenter_film_festival_2015_logo_665x665Just when you thought it was all over…

Yesterday Fabien Martorell (thank you again), writer/director/producter of the short film The Coin, let it be known that the film is due to be screened at the deadCENTER film festival (don’t blame me that’s the way they write it).

deadCENTER takes place in mid-June in Oklahoma City, Ohio, and will be in its 15th year in 2015.

Normally, next I’d be typing how I’ll have to follow-up at a later date with details on exactly when the screening is due to take place.  Not this time!  The schedule was published late last week so we already know.

Grouped with 7 other short films in a 2 hour event with the title ‘The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly Somewhere Inbetween Shorts’, The Coin will be screened twice during the festival.  The first is on Saturday the 13th, starting at 2:30pm.  This is then repeated at 11:30am the next day.  Both take place at the FerrellOil Theater at Harkins, home to all the short film events at the dCFF this year.

If you’re down Ohio way in June, why not check it out.

There is of course an official website with more detail and you can find it HERE.

Bone Tomahawk: It Begins

misc_002Well… it actually began quite a few years ago now, as covered previously in far too much detail here.  Things are, however, progressing with the pre-release process starting very soon.

Once past all the ups-and-downs of pre-production the movie Bone Tomahawk was filmed in September and October last year.  Since then it has been in post-production: the process of editing, re-recording audio, adding special effects etc.

We’re interested in all this on KM UK because Kathryn has a small role in the horror western film as the wife of the main character Sheriff Franklin Hunt, as played by Kurt Russell (Fast & Furious 7).

In a couple of weeks (13th-24th May) the famous ‘Cannes Film Festival’ starts in the southern France.  The glitzy star-studded premières and the critics’ reactions to the latest releases get all the headlines but a big part of the 10-day long event is the business deals done.  Films are sold on the international markets by distributors in ‘Le Marché du Film’.

One of the distributors of Bone Tomahawk is French company ‘Celluloid Dreams’.  They will be attending Cannes and will be promoting 9 projects, some ready to go like local fare Dheepan and others still in early development such as The Swallows of KabulBone Tomahawk is in between those states as it is still in post-production but it is set to be showcased in some form or other.

It is unlikely that much will be made public about Bone Tomahawk‘s appearance at Cannes but more details, such as possible release dates, and who knows, maybe even a trailer could make a showing.

Either way it is a sign that the process is moving along.

The Perfect Guy Previewed @ CinemaCon

Having just survived the annual influx of the broadcast industry for the NAB show, Las Vegas has now seen off the other end of the chain with the CinemaCon event ending yesterday (23rd April).

Now in its fifth year, CinemaCon is a convention for the National Association Of Theatre Owners, the companies that run the cinema chains we see in our towns.  I always thought that NATO had more important issues to deal with :-)

As part of the event the movie studios/distributors show previews of upcoming film releases, allowing the theatres to decide what they will purchase for putting on the big screen.

On Tuesday Sony Pictures gave a presentation covering some of their wares for 2015 and beyond.  The new James Bond film Spectre was bound to steall the limelight, albeit with a non-action sequence preview clip.  There were plenty of other movies mentioned too, such as Seth Rogen comedy Xmas; Jodie Foster-directed, George Clooney-staring thriller Money Monster; and Ricki And The Flash, which has Meryl Streep playing a reasonably successful rock star who gives up life on the road to be with her grown-up daughter.  Sounds odd but it’s Meryl so you know she’ll be good regardless.

One of the smaller films previewed, and the reason for this post, was The Perfect Guy, which stars Sanaa Lathan (The Cleveland Show) and Michael Ealy (Almost Human).  Kathryn has a small role in the film as a friend of Sanaa’s Leah character.  Leah finds herself under attack from Ealy’s Carter after breaking off a brief relationship with him.  Ex goes psycho, basically.

Anyway, here’s what HitFix’s Gregory Ellwood had to say about what he saw of The Perfect Guy:

If this movie was just about Sanaa Lathan’s character falling for Michael Early’s character that might make for an interesting dramatic romance. The fact Early’s character turns into a psychopath drew laughs from the audience.

Ooooookaaaay…. time to re-work it as a comedy?

You can read Gregory’s full run-down of the Sony previews on the HitFix website HERE.

The Perfect Guy is set for a world wide cinema release later this year with the US starting in September.

The Coin @ Philly Indie Film Fest Tomorrow

philadelphia_independent_film_festival_poster_1330x2048It’s another of KM UK’s classic ‘quick reminders’ which tend to drag on, thereby ending up anything other than quick :-)

Perhaps this time will be different.  It’s not looking good so far though :-)

As previously posted about the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival started last Friday and continues until Saturday (25th), though at this stage it is not clear what is happening beyond Thursday.

Tomorrow sees the Fabien Martorell short film The Coin receiving its public outing.  The event will be at the University Of The Art’s Levitt Theater on Broad Street, starting at 6:20pm.  Also on the bill in the 70 minute screening is Fabien’s latest short Unbelief.

More information can be found on the official website.

I think you got off lightly there :-)

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