
March 2025
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Kathryn & Denise On The Set Of MLH

onset_20100213_001We’ll forgive the blurriness of the photo.  How steady would your hand be in that situation?

Thank you to Denise Richards for posting this image via her Twitter feed.  And thanks to Tianna for prompting Denise to take the photo.

Image added to the Gallery.

Mother’s Little Helpers – Hot Hot Hot

costume_tests_018The most recent Twitter message from Mother’s Little Helpers writer/director Asher Levin gives us little hope for much more Kathryn related stuff until nearer the film’s release.  More’s the pity.

asherlevin: Homestretch with the youngstaz today. Vlogs will start again when we get into post. Thanks for following all. Viral invasion begins soon. – Link

If that’s the case then we’d better make the most of the latest costume test image that’s surfaced.  And there’s a lot to make of it that’s for sure  😉

It looks like they’ve taken the best bits (the sparkly dress they liked and the legs) from all the previous outfits and combined them into one.  Plus, they’ve thrown in some bare shoulders and cleavage for (very) good measure  😉

1 new image added to the Gallery.

It’s going to be a long Spring, Summer and Autumn…

Kathryn To Star In Mother’s Little Helpers?

The Hollywood Reporter logoThe Hollywood Reporter is… er.. reporting, probably from Hollywood, that Kathryn has signed up to star a new film called Mother’s Little Helpers.  Who knew?  Did you know about this?  Why didn’t you tell me? :-)

On the plus side it means the film is getting wider recognition, and by extension Kathryn. Also Maeve Quinlan is mentioned as starring and I don’t think we’ve seen her connected with the project before.  And the report gives information about the investment and producers that I’ve not previously seen.  We’ll gloss over the error about when filming started.  It was last week, not this week.

Read the full report here.  Reuters has also picked up the story, here.

Remember, you heard it there second  :-)

Mother’s Little Helpers – KM On Set This Week!

Looks like Kathryn will be filming on MLH this week after all.  My thought that CC filming this week would be a problem has thankfully been proved wrong.  Thanks again to Tianna for getting the promise of video and pictures from Asher Levin in this Twitter conversation:

asherlevin: Hearing trax with@MRCISCOADLER today.Ready for week 2 manana with kyle, km @R_Pinkston @Sarah_Hyland @Denise_Richards @CMurphy_HOF @bexmaderLink

Could that little “km” mean what we might think it means?

tee15: @asherlevin WOOT! Kathryn Morris! :)<3 – Link

Seems like Tianna thinks so  :-)

asherlevin: @tee15 We’ll be sure to do a vlog and post a few on set pics for ya tee! – Link


tee15: @asherlevin Awe, thanks Ash! Your the best 😉 – Link

What a polite young lady.

Watch this space.

Mother’s Little Helpers – Plot Synopsis

Thanks to Wendy for pointing me in the direction of a plot synopsis for Mother’s Little Helpers on Freefall Films’ website.  It makes for interesting reading, particularly for those of us interested in the character Alison.

The synopsis contains info that could be seen as spoilers so don’t read it if you’d prefer not to know anything more about the film.  Of course the page may be out of date.  The cast list certainly is, with only Ryan Pinkston still being involved.  There is no way of knowing how long the page has been there and whether any changes have been made for the film currently in production.

You can find the original article, with musical accompaniment (not sure of what it is or its connection to the film), here.  A copy is pasted after the jump.

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