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Another MLH On Set Photo

onset_20100209_001I’ve found another photo taken on the set of Kathryn’s upcoming movie Mother’s Little Helpers.  It has, of course, been added to the Gallery :-)

The image strikes me as an odd mix of things.  On the left we have Denise Richards looking directly at the camera as though she has been caught by the paparazzi.   On the right we have the film’s writer/director, Asher Levin, seemingly offering up advice on the scene.

And in the middle, the oh so lovely middle, we have the tousled haired Ms Morris.  She is probably listening to Asher but it looks a lot like a posed for shot.  Take the other two out of the picture and you are left with a sultry image.  Hot stuff  😉

This post is dedicated to Khaya.  Happy Birthday.

Murder, She Wrote: A Story To Die For – Saturday ITV3

msw_story_to_die_for_014The TV movie Murder, She Wrote: A Story To Die For, a spin-off from the popular TV series is being shown again on ITV in the UK.  This time around it’s on ITV3 at 4pm this coming Saturday (12 June 2010).

Details can be found on the Radio Times website.

Screencaps from the film can be found in the Gallery.

Update: There is a repeat on Thursday (17 June 2010) at 12:50pm on ITV3.

MLH On Set Photo

onset_20100213_002Joining Kathryn & Denise Richards in the MLH On Set photo album is Kathryn & Catalina Rodriguez, as seen above. And what a lovely pair they make in this HQ image.

Kathryn’s outfit matches one in the Costume Test set marked as being for the “kid’s bday”.  I guess it some sort of pool party for the little ones.

Is That It? – Part 2

The MLH website has been updated with a few more pictures from the Coachella event, a party hosted by Vice Magazine at the appropriately named “Cougars” bar.  I’ve done some searching and found only few pictures from the event, none with Kathryn in.  I can’t see any of the other significant cast in any of the photos either, not that I know a lot of them at all well.  So no additions to the Gallery this time.  You can find some photos from the event here and here if you want.

As mentioned previous it looks like the trailer from the movie was shown on small TV screens around the bar and little else.  The image above (a heavily version from one of those links) appears to show Kyle Gallner in a scene from the MLH.  The only thing Vice Magazine has published so far is a set of photos.  All a bit of a let down really, from the perspective of a fan of Kathryn.

Apparently Asher Levin is heading to the Tribeca film festival this weekend to ‘wreck wreak some havoc’.  There is no sign of the MLH being involved in the festival at all.

Perhaps Tribeca will furnish us with some more Kathryn-based news, though we don’t know if she is going to be there.

Is That It?

coachella_001The Mother’s Little Helpers website has been updated with a small set of images taken at the “super secret after hours party”, as it was called by Asher Levin (writer/director of MLH) on the social networking phenomenon Twitter.

The collection consists of Asher looking happy, or being held a gun point, I can’t tell; another man sat on a plane; a blurry shot of two people at the party; a group of people looking at a small TV on the wall in the club; and, most interestingly to us, another shot of a TV, this time mounted above the club’s bar.

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