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Jack Goes Boating With Kat

jack_goes_boating_premiere_008Kathryn attended the première of Philip Seymour Hoffman’s new film Jack Goes Boating yesterday (13th September 2010).  The project represents Hoffman’s directorial debut.

Nine 10 smallish images have been added to the Gallery.  These will, of course, be upgraded to full-sized versions as and when they become available.  Also, a short interview with Kathryn at the event has been included in which she talks about working with PSH and Brad Pitt on Moneyball.  This gives us confirmation, straight from the horses mouth so to speak, that Kathryn is in the movie.

Doesn’t Kathryn look lovely in her “LBD” and cute shoes?

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(Mrs) Beane Dumped For The Game?

It’s another tabloid story told in a very tabloid way.  Some how they’ve taken a part of a movie and made it about an actor’s personal life because he is with another very famous actress.  As sad/pathetic/silly it is you do have to sort of admire it the skill required to twist it around like that.

It does gives some credence to the earlier Star magazine story but let’s not take it too seriously.  How can you when they use the phrase “newcomer” to describe Kathryn?

I’ll let tell it in their own style in this extract: has obtained a copy of the film’s script, and we can tell you that his character, Oakland A’s real-life General Manager Billy Beane, leaves a hot and sexy Hawaiian vacation with his wife, Tara (reportedly to be played by newcomer Kathryn Morris), to organize his team after losing one of their best players, Jason Giambi.

Does this mean Kathryn gets to shoot on location in Hawaii with Brad?

Item quoted in full after the break and can be found HERE on the website.

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Resurrecting The Champ – Full HD Screencaps – Update

rtc_173Looking back it is surprising to find that I’ve never really posted about Resurrecting The Champ on KM UK before.  The Gallery has included screencaps, full HD screencaps from the trailer and stills from the word go, but nothing beyond that.

Well, we will correct that oversight right now with a description of the movie below, and brand new exclusive Full HD (1080p) screencaps, 295 316 in total, of Kathryn’s appearance in it and newly updated stills (including one huge HQ image) to be found in the Gallery.

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Baseball Brad Reaches 2nd Base With Kathryn?

star_001File this one under “movie gossip”: rumoured possible racy scene between our girl and Brad 😮

It’s an item from a recent edition of Star magazine in the USA.  I don’t know but I’m guessing Star is a tabloid-style gossip rag, so hardly the most reliable of sources.  The “story” was posted as a small insert alongside a larger piece about Brad’s missus, Angelina Jolie, spending time with a mysterious female.  It is a lot of unsubtle nudge-nudge wink-wink stuff.  I’m not putting a huge amount of faith in the content but you never know.  It is what it is.  Read the text from the piece is after the jump.

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Moneyball Confirmation

No question mark on the subject line this time.

It looks like we have a sighting of Kathryn not only near the production of Moneyball, as suggested previously, but actually involved in filming.  Great news!

This morning Twitter user Big Rimmed Glasses posted the following message:

had a great time at #moneyball set today!! brad, jonah, PSH, katheryn, angelina, and chris!!! AHH SO MANY AWESOMNESS! – Link

I replied hoping to confirm that that was indeed a typo (I think we’ll forgive it) and that they were referring to our Kathryn.  BRG kindly responded with:

@KM_UK yea she was on set yesterday. she had a small scene filmed yesterday from what i could see. – Link

Big thanks to BRG for the information.

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