
March 2025
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Silly Season Gets An Annual Update

screenshot_001Apparently silly season has its own version of the Indian Summer.  Who knew?  :-)

You and I know this is a stupid story.  Let’s hope that the people of the National Enquirer really know it as well or there really is no hope for civilisation.

For some reason the US tabloid has decided to dredge up the Kathryn/Brad/Angelina story that was first fabricated last year when the movie Moneyball was filming.  But they are not repeating that nonsense.  No, of course not.  Heaven forbid.

Surprisingly late to the party, as Moneyball has been out several weeks, the Enquirer has spotted that Kathryn’s scenes are not in the movie.  I’ll leave it to them, in their own inimitable style, to try explain that cutting Kathryn’s scenes made sense for the movie.  They are not implying anything at all.  Honest.

The article on the National Enquirer website is not available outside the US so I’ve copied the text below.

Update (13 Oct):  ZimGossip is carrying the story on a more widely available site HERE.  Also, Sophie S. Benvenuti at has written a similar piece to mine about the National Enquirer article.  You can read her take in this “news” HERE.

Continue reading »

Kathryn Filmed 4 Scenes For Moneyball?

screenshot_001Steven Zeitchik, writing for the LA Times website, has some possible extra information regarding Kathryn’s work on Moneyball.

In the article Steven is comparing the fiction with the facts and one of the first he goes for is the issue of Billy Beane having re-married.  In Moneyball Beane’s ex-wife (played by Robin Wright) and their daughter appear, his second wife Tara (Kathryn) and their children are never referred to.  Brad Pitt, as Beane, is seen to be wearing a wedding ring, which has confused some viewers.  Steven goes on to say that Kathryn filmed four scenes and that they even test screened them all.

The information I had (posted about here) from people that saw the first round of test screenings suggests that only one of the scenes was in that edit.  Perhaps Steven is talking about private screenings.

You can read the article on the LA Times website.

Kathryn’s Moneyball Scenes To Be Extras?

screenshot_001The website has posted a video interview they did with Moneyball director Bennett Miller at the Toronto International Film Festival.  Bennett is asked about the amount of footage he shot that didn’t make it into the film and whether those scenes would end up as part of the DVD release, either as “deleted scene” extras or a director’s cut restoring it to its original place.  His response is that there is around 20 minutes of footage, including “whole storylines”, and that it will likely be used as an extra feature.

Miller doesn’t describe the exact content of these scenes so we don’t know at this stage whether we’ll finally get to see Kathryn in her role as Billy Beane’s second wife Tara.  Fingers crossed.

You can see the interview on

Thanks to IcyWinter for the heads-up.

Update (26 Sept):  Moneyball has been given a 12A certificate for its UK cinema release.

The Ladies Of Moneyball

When it comes to baseball women don’t get much of a look in.  When it comes to Moneyball it is all about Brad.

Nicole Sperling of the LA Times has done her homework and recognised that women were originally planned to be far more involved in the movie.

The character of Billy Beane’s daughter (played by Kerris Dorsey) figures extensively in the trailers, so much so that you might believe she has a large role.  She doesn’t.  Robin Wright, as Beane’s first wife, certainly filmed quite a few scenes and even got to appear on the official website after most cast descriptions only included Brad, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Jonah Hill.  Only one scene of hers has made it to the big screen.

And we all know what happened to Kathryn’s role.  As Nicole puts it:

In fact, director Bennett Miller axed an entire role from the movie — that of Kathryn Morris (“Cold Case”) as Beane’s second ex-wife, Tara Beane.

You can read Nicole’s piece in full here.

Hopefully the good people at Sony Pictures will see fit to include an Extra on the DVD release of Moneyball with same title as this post to showcase the talents of the ladies of Moneyball.

Kathryn Misses The Cut – Update x2

This week a select few cinema goers in the United States have been treated to some early previews of Moneyball.

I have been in contact with a number of people lucky enough to get tickets to the special screenings.  Some of them have very kindly helped to answer the question all of us here have: is Kathryn in it?

We reported previously on comments from people that saw a pair of test screenings in March.  In the first the result seemed to be that Kathryn only had one scene, with Robin Wright (playing Billy Beane’s first wife) getting two.  The second audience research showing reduced those numbers by one each, removing Kathryn completely.

With just three weeks to go until the US release these new preview screenings will likely be of the final version.  There won’t be further revisions made.

So, what is the answer to our question?  Reports in so far are that something like the 2nd test screening version is the one that is being used for the release.  If that is the case it means that Kathryn is not in Moneyball.

That’s a great shame.  I’m sure the movie would have benefited from a bit more female involvement.

Thanks, amongst others, to Stacey, Dustin and Clarence for their help.

Update (2 Sept):  Sony Pictures have released the full credits for the film, just as they would appear at the end of the movie.  Kathryn is not listed, which puts an end to all the speculation and doubt.  Neither is Gregor Manns that Kathryn appeared to have filmed with.  Also, Moneyball has received a PG-13 rating for the US.

Update (4 Sept):  A page of the movie’s credits has been created, you can see it HERE.

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