
March 2025
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Hell Swarm

hell_swarm_31It’s a double bank holiday weekend so prepare for rain.

Going through my very long to-do list for KM UK I realised that I have never written here about Hell Swarm, despite screencaps from it being in the Gallery from day one.  It’s been a while since the last one so it is time for another of my “it’s been in the Gallery from the beginning but I’ve never written about it here” posts.

I sat down to write a lengthy review of it, and even re-watch the film if necessary, and then I realised that I’d written a review ages ago for the Look Again Cold Case fan site.  So, along with having the screencaps already, I don’t need to write anything new.  Result! :-)  It turned into a Good Friday after all :-)

You can read my particularly entertaining take on Hell Swarm HERE.

However, to prove I’ve done something new for this post I have sweetened the deal a little with a set of small video clips and a couple of miscellaneous images.

All the Hell Swarm goodness/badness can be found in the Gallery.

Oh yes, Happy Easter/Friday/Saturday.

hell_swarm_71 still_001 hell_swarm_part_6_small

Gallery Opening

What could be better than looking at photos of the beautiful Kathryn Morris?  The answer is “almost nothing” of course, which is why I’ve put together a Gallery of Kathryn-related pictures I have collected over the years.  Screencaps, event photos, promo shots and photoshoots.  You can find a permanent link to it in the right-hand sidebar.  The collection is far from complete and I hope to add new material as I find it.

A big thanks to everyone that has provided images, all credit goes to them.

You will need to register to access the gallery.  Apologies that the process isn’t quite as user friendly as it could be. I’m still learning about all this.

To register follow the link to the Gallery, click the Register link, fill in your details and click submit. An email will be sent to the address you gave (so make sure it is valid!) containing a web link. Clicking the link in the email will bring you back to the Gallery page. This will validate your login (without any visual confirmation, unfortunately). You can then proceed to login in with the details you submitted.

Here a few thumbnail examples:

arrivals_05 Cold_Case_S05E17_lilly_096 Resurrecting_The_Champ_2007_Sundance_Portrait_Session_004