
March 2025
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bluray_001This is not a joke.  I repeat:  This is NOT a joke.

At time of posting it may be April the 1st (albeit after 12pm in the UK) but as far as I can tell this is genuine.

It is possible to buy the movie Hayseed on high definition Blu-ray disc, for those that prefer a hardcopy instead of the now standard streaming formats.

The movie is on what is effectively a CD-R/DVD-R-type burnable disc, created to order.  Be warned that not all Blu-ray players can play these.  The Xbox One possibly being one device that may not.  PlayStations from 3 to the current 5 should be OK.  YMMV though.

The disc does not appear to be on sale outside of the United States.  However, those with an Amazon account for any of their international stores can use the same login on the US .com version of the website.  There may be issues with shipping to you particular location so please do be aware of that before placing any orders.

You can find the Hayseed Blu-ray release on Amazon (US) HERE.

Another poster image for the film has also been added to the Gallery.

Hayseed Release Trailer And Release Dates

hayseed_trailer_2_018Distributor DYNMC Films have released an official trailer for the movie Hayseed ahead of a limited cinematic run and a date for the film to made available via streaming.  It’s all go-go-go on the Hayseed front.

After a sold out screening on in Brooklyn, New York, here are a set of dates and locations for the limited theatrical release of Hayseed:

7th Nov, Los Angeles, CA – Laemmle Royal
8th Nov, Los Angeles, CA – Laemmle NoHo 7
13th Nov, Detroit, MI – Emagine Royal Oak
14th Nov, Ann Arbor, MI – Emagine Saline
15th Nov, Lansing, MI – Celebration Cinema
16th Nov, Grand Rapids, MI – Wealthy Theatre
21st Nov, New York, NY – Village East by Angelika

That second one is in bold for a reason.  Kathryn and her co-star Marta Piekarz (Queer As Folk) are due to attend a Q&A at the Laemmle NoHo7 event on the 8th in Los Angeles.  Looks like it is a 7pm start time for the screening.

What’s more the film is due to get what is being called a ‘digital release’ on the 21st November.  Presumably this is on streaming platforms, though which is not clear yet.

You can watch the official Hayseed release trailer on YouTube HERE.

A handful of screencaps from the trailer have been added to the Gallery.  They are very similar to the previous trailer we covered but with better picture quality.  There is also a very high resolution still and new posters.

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Hayseed Premieres At Pottstown PA Premiere

poster_012.jpgThe movie Hayseed will be featuring at the first ever Pottstown Film Fest later this week.

The event is two days long, with the opening night being dedicated to short films.  Hayseed closes out the second evening of entertainment.

For those that don’t know, and their can’t be many of you, Pottstown is a borough of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania in the US of A.  All of you Cold Case fans really should know this as it is around 30 miles (45km) outside Philadelphia :-)

The film festival is the brain child of actor and Pottstown native, Kyle Klaus.  He both acted in and is a producer on Hayseed.  The festival is part of the Manhattan Short 2023 event which, despite the name, takes place in venue all over America.

Kyle’s previous acting credits include drama the series The Blacklist and FBI.  He is starring in an upcoming movie called Ballad Of A Hustler, due to première in a Brazilian film festival next week, and a short film called Roundabout which opens an upcoming film festival in Pottstown.

Hang on a minute!!!  You mean this man has created a new film festival in his home town and the first and last films to feature are ones he is in!?  Fair play to the man.

Not surprisingly Kyle will be making an appearance at his own festival, notably in a Q&A with Hayseed writer/director Travis Burgess after the film’s screening on Friday night.

More details about the ‘1st annual’ Pottstown Film Fest on the Event Brite site HERE.

Hayseed Trailer For CCFF 2023

hayseed_trailer_1_018Following on from the previous post about the movie Hayseed being shown at the Capital City Film Festival in Michigan, the makers have said it will be a closing night event and they released a trailer for the film.

The CCFF 2023 is due to take place from early April, so only about 3 weeks away now.

The Hayseed CCFF 2023 trailer can be seen HERE.  Of course, Kathryn makes a few brief appearances.  You get a general tone of the movie from the trailer, as I guess you are supposed to do.  Looks like an interest film, with a few funny bits and some elements a bit towards the Fargo-style of things.  I look forward to seeing it one day.

A few screencaps of Kathryn from the trailer have been added to the Gallery.

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This earlier post on KM UK post HERE gives more details on Hayseed.

Hayseed Selected For Capital City Film Festival 2023

poster_008.jpgThis early part of the year is often called Awards Season.  Lots of ceremonies happen around now.  We’ve already had the Golden Globes (television & films), the Grammys (music).  Last weekend it was the movie BAFTAs in the UK.  Tomorrow (26th Feb) it will be the Screen Actors Guild Awards, which we’ve seen Kathryn attend before.  Soon it will be the 2023 Oscars, which will be considered very dull unless there is a full-on punch-up.  And that’s just the entertainment industry!  We’ve not mentioned any sports or computer games events to name just two more.

Here on KM UK it is more like Festival Season.

The latest news on the new movie Hayseed, in which Kathryn has a small role, is another film festival appearance.

The independent crime thriller/mystery/comedy has been official selected for the Capital City Film Festival 2023.  The CCFF takes place in Lansing, Michigan in the US of A across 11 days in the first half of April.  Lansing, which many may not realise is the state capital city of Michigan is around 60 miles (110km) west of the better known Detroit.

Details on screening times have not been announced yet, nor a complete set of films due to be shown.  We’ll certainly bring those to you when we can.  Tickets allowing access to the whole event are available already.

More details on the CCFF 2023 festival can be seen on their website HERE.

This earlier post on KM UK post HERE gives more details on Hayseed.


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