
March 2025
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Cheerleader Resurrected

doac_27As I started to put this post together the obvious subject line to use was ‘Resurrection Of A Cheerleader’.  It tied in very nicely with the Death Of A Cheerleader film title.  Turns out I thought it was a great title back in February when I first used it!  Mind like a sieve sometimes!

This news I recently found of the Lifetime channel in the US, broadcasting a remake of the 1994 movie sometimes called A Friend To Die For yesterday, should have been less of a surprise as I’d previously reported this same thing.  So often I post about the announcement of a project Kathryn is due to star in, following up some time later when it gets released or other news breaks on the subject.  I initially took my earlier article on this 2019 TV movie as a ‘in development’ item.  As I said, very forgetful.

Nope.  Turns out February was the début.  Not sure why some outlets are reporting the Labor Day weekend showing as a first.  It did form part of a cheerleader themed week of films (Denise Richards of Cougars, Inc. stars in one of them).  Some of of them were premières, so maybe that’s where the confusion lies.

Anyway, Kathryn got some mentions as a star in the 1994 film.  Sadly she didn’t make a return in this one, Kellie Martin (one of the teenagers before) did guest star as a police detective though.

If, for some reason, you want to see this remake then it is no doubt being shown often enough on Lifetime so you won’t have to wait long for it to come around again.  They’ll probably re-do it again in a few years.  Perhaps Kathryn can be persuaded to be in that one.

Sorry to have bothered you.

The original Death Of A Cheerleader was covered 8 years ago on KM UK HERE.

Resurrection Of A Cheerleader

doac_27A great (and I use the word advisedly) tradition of the media industry is remaking older tv shows/films/etc. and I’ve found out that the Lifetime Network in the US has been at it.  The new TV movie was first aired at the weekend.

To be fair to them they’ve not ‘done a Spider-man’ and made a three versions in less than 20 years.  Lifetime went back to 1994 for Death Of A Cheerleader, also known as A Friend To Die For.  Based on a true story, the drama dealt with the murder of a high-school girl by one of her classmates.  Kathryn had a small role as a Goth teenager, bullied for being different by our victim the popular girl as played by Tori Spelling.  It was one of Kathryn’s early on screen performances.

Often in these remakes they like to try and draw in fans of the original by casting someone from it in the new one.  As the actor will have aged it often means a child in the first becomes a parent, possibly of the same character.  From what I can see they haven’t done that, but they have cast Kellie Martin, the original teen killer, as a police detective in the remake.  I guess they can go with the idea of her having to catch her teenage self.  Sadly they didn’t go for Kathryn as well.  She could have been a cool art teacher with a dark streak, or an English teacher keen on Gothic horrors.  Oh well.

2019’s DOAC will have a number of updates brought about by a quarter of a century of of changes.  I’m sure mobilephones and social media play their parts, along with some adjustments to take into account the way we view certain behaviours etc.

But rather than me make pronouncements on a TV movie I haven’t seen why not read a review of the new version of Death Of A Cheerlader by Mads Lennon (now that’s a name!) over at the Hidden Remote website HERE.

As a comparison why not check out Trevor Wells’ article about the original 1994, conveniently posted very recently, on the Geeks Media site HERE.

They both mention Kathryn and her character so get props from us.

KM UK briefly covered Death Of A Cheerleader way back in 2011 HERE.

Death Of A Cheerleader

doac_27This is another post that falls into the occasionally used category of “been in the Gallery for ages but never been written about here.”

The original title of this 1994, based on true events, TV movie was A Friend Die For but at some point it was changed to Death Of A Cheerleader, primarily for foreign markets.  In the Gallery it is listed under the latter.

In brief, the story is about new girl to school, Angela, who is desperate to fit in with the clique of “popular” girls.  You know the sort: bitches.  Angela is not one of the cool kids.  Monica (Kathryn) isn’t either.  Chief bitch Stacey (Tori Spelling of 90210 fame) has it in for Monica.  This comes to a head when Angela steps in to defend Monica and ends up stabbing Stacey.

Kathryn is definitely playing against type here as a raven haired, black leather-wearing goth.  Making Kathryn so pale didn’t exactly stretch the make-up budget though :-)  Frankly, she’s just a couple of long, sharp teeth short of being “sparkly” (what ever that means).  Although Kathryn’s role is quite small it is crucial to the story, acting very much the yang to Stacey’s yin, with Angela stuck in the middle not knowing which way to turn.

Kathryn is in 7 scenes.  Is angry in 5 of them.  The subject of bullying/abuse in 5.  And actively chased in one.

33 screencaps are can be found in the Gallery.

doac_05 doac_09 doac_32

Gallery Opening

What could be better than looking at photos of the beautiful Kathryn Morris?  The answer is “almost nothing” of course, which is why I’ve put together a Gallery of Kathryn-related pictures I have collected over the years.  Screencaps, event photos, promo shots and photoshoots.  You can find a permanent link to it in the right-hand sidebar.  The collection is far from complete and I hope to add new material as I find it.

A big thanks to everyone that has provided images, all credit goes to them.

You will need to register to access the gallery.  Apologies that the process isn’t quite as user friendly as it could be. I’m still learning about all this.

To register follow the link to the Gallery, click the Register link, fill in your details and click submit. An email will be sent to the address you gave (so make sure it is valid!) containing a web link. Clicking the link in the email will bring you back to the Gallery page. This will validate your login (without any visual confirmation, unfortunately). You can then proceed to login in with the details you submitted.

Here a few thumbnail examples:

arrivals_05 Cold_Case_S05E17_lilly_096 Resurrecting_The_Champ_2007_Sundance_Portrait_Session_004